
??Last night I went to a concert of Chinese folk music with my Chinese friends.A piece of music named Erquan Yingyue(Moon Reflected on Second Spring)deeply moved me.It was one of the most(1)    pieces of music I've ever heard.

It sounded so sad that I almost cried along with it(2)    I listened.Later I got to know the music was(3)    by a folk musician Abing.Today it has become one of China's national(4)    .

However,the road to his success was not easy.His mother died when he was young.His father taught him to play many(5)    instruments.By age 17,he was known for his talent in music.Unluckily,his father died.

What was worse(6)    a serious illness and became blind.He had no choice but to perform on the streets to make money.His excellent skills made him popular(7)   his lifetime.

He played and wrote many pieces of music.When we listen to his music,we can sense the beauty and(8)    in it.It makes us(9)    about the wounds and pain we have experienced.For this reason,many people praise him as the musician who has greatly influenced erhu music.So it's(10)    a pity that not many pieces of his music were recorded.

五. 景象反应(每小题5分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中A ~ G七个选项中选出五个能补全对话的最佳选项(有两项剩下)。

17.(5分)Kathy:Hi,Molly.Where's your brother Larry?(1)

Molly:Hi,Kathy.I'm sorry.Larry can't join us after all.(2)

Kathy:I see.I really don't think sixteen﹣year﹣olds should be allowed to work at night.(3)

Molly:Oh,I disagree with you.Teenage boys never get tired.


Molly:That's true.He needs time to do homework.

Kathy:You know another thing that worries me?(5)

Molly:Yeah,I know.I think he shouldn't work on weekends.

Kathy:That's right.He needs to spend time with friends.

六. 翻译题(每小题2分,共10分)根据汉语提示,补全语句。每小题四个空,每空限填一词。


       ,     we will be     for class.


You                 to visit him on weekdays.


       kids learn to be independent,         it is for their future.


           you have     in the past three years!


Do you know when            me     his factory?

七. 书面表达(10分)

23.(10分)As an old saying goes, "A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart." 假定你叫李华,在你的初中学习生计中,请给你的老友李雷写一封谢谢信。






Dear Li Lei,

How time flies!We are going to graduate from junior high school._______________

Wish you all the best!


Li Hua


1.答复:由题干和选项可知,此题查询冠词 is European ,法车是一个欧洲国家,所以用不定冠词a即可 visited country ,我赏识了这个国家,所以用定冠词the。


2.答复:both两者都,后边的谓语动词用复数方法;either两者中任何一个;neither两个都不 red or green ,再从I blue判别是两个都不选。


3.答复:Over the few ,在曩昔的几个月里,用have/has+曩昔分词 要用have。


4.答复:mustn't阻止;may not可以不;shouldn't不大约,这个玻璃杯"不可以能"是汤姆的。






7.答复:provide 作动词,意为" 供给。provide sb.with sth 或provide sth 。


8.答复:联系句意,﹣﹣我可以__你的杂志多久。可是它不可以以__给其别人 one ,联系句意。have具有。而borrow和lend是时刻短性动词。第一空用keep.而第二空中,与动词之间的联络,联系语境,borrow标明"借",与题意不符,联系被逼语态,所以用be lent.




10.答复:Three times a ;Almost day几乎每天;Sometimes有时,根据答语的"他们老是很早上床睡觉"可知选择"从不"。


11.答复:(1)B 动词分析,B聘请,D教 of Chinese to a local in ,故答案是B。

(2)B 副词分析,B友爱的,D留心肠 chatted大约是友爱的攀谈。

(3)A 名词分析,B菜谱,D食物 waiter me we talking loud效能员告诉我咱们说话声响太大了。故答案是A。

(4)C 描述词分析,B严峻的,D风趣的 China natural a host to a lively 大约是在我国,故答案是C。

(5)D 动词分析,B仍然,D坚持,主人营建一种生动的气氛是很天然和重要的,在俄罗斯和西方国家,故答案是D。

(6)B 描述词分析,B新鲜的,D严峻的,主人营建一种生动的气氛是很天然和重要的,在俄罗斯和西方国家,这个大约是让作者很新鲜。

(7)C 副词分析,B何时,D哪儿,大约是问为啥这么做。

(8)B 短语分析;造访,B查看,C持续,根据语境,我们在脱离前总要花一分钟支配的时刻细心思考一下自个心中的作业和方案。

(9)D 代词分析,B一些,D任何的,根据won't否定句,故答案是D。

(10)D 名词分析。A兄弟,C人,根据上文可知发现不一样文明之间的差异对错常风趣的。

12.答复:(1)A.细节了解题。根据"By bus ,"By No.20,26,"By Line 1 ,说到了三种方法。

(2)D.推理判别题。根据"The is accessible to with ,这个公园对残疾人完全翻开。

(3)B.细节了解题。根据"All﹣day of Valley: 。以及"Tickets free the over and 3."七十岁以上和三岁以下的人可免费出场,一对夫妻带着一个不到三岁的孩子收购全日票需要360元。

(4)D.细节了解题。根据" of ,T﹣shirts toys.You love ice and fruit ,t恤和玩具。可知、T恤、冰淇淋和新鲜果汁,故选D。

(5)B.推理判别题。根据标题"An amazing theme park:Happy valley"一个令人惊叹的主题公园:欢喜谷,这篇文章向咱们介绍了欢喜谷的有关信息,故选B。

13.答复:(1)A 细节了解题。根据Thomas , "It worth trouble." 。"可知,是因为他不想在这件小事上浪费时刻。

(2)B 细节推理题。根据There farmer the and a few he some (樱桃).农民在那里卖了马蹄铁。再联系前文可知,所以就买来樱桃。故选B。

(3)D 细节了解题。根据The sun was well up in the sky太阳居高临下,为下文口渴埋下伏笔。故选D。

(4)B 细节了解题。根据At time father a cherry the and picked up and it.After a ,his dropped cherry once ,his lost time picking up putting in mouth.这时,托马斯很快就把它捡起来吃了,他的父亲又掉了一个樱桃。可知。故选B。

(5)C 细节推理题。通读全文可知,儿子不捡。用卖蹄子的钱买了一些樱桃,让儿子一个一个地捡起来吃,教育儿子要想做成大事。A挥洒自若。C细节是成功的要害。故选C。


(1)E.根据后句"Corn,sweet potato、红薯。"可知说的是粗粮,应说咱们为啥要吃粗粮。

(2)B.根据前句"Why shouldn't we bend our heads for a long time?咱们为啥不垂头好久呢,联系选项。故选B。

(3)D.根据前句"Why shouldn't we rub (揉) our eyes?咱们为啥不揉揉双眼呢,联系选项,不要揉搓它们。

(4)A.根据后句"After exercising,your skin is sweating (流汗) and your heart is beating fast.A cold ﹣ water bath will stimulate (影响) them too much.运动后,你的心跳加速。"可知说的是不要洗冷水澡,应说为啥运动后洗个冷水澡不好。

(5)C.根据前句"A cold ﹣ water bath will stimulate (影响) them too much.冷水浴会使他们过度振奋。"可知会让你患病,应说它可以会让你患病。

15.答复:(1)By wearing face masks .细节了解题。根据People have found a way to protect themselves by wearing face masks .可知我们现已找到了戴口罩来维护自个的办法


(3)At least 100 years.细节了解题,口罩所用的材料很难降解。故答案为:At least 100 years.

(4)We should leave them in a safe place and find a wise way to recycle them.细节了解题。根据In general,so we must take action to stop it right now.We should leave them in a safe place and find a wise way to recycle them.可知总的来说,所以咱们有必要当即采纳行为加以阻止,找到一种正确的收回办法

(5)The writer tells us the harm of wasted masks to the sea is serious,so we must take action to stop it right now and we should leave them in a safe place and find a wise way to recycle them。根据 In general,so we must take action to stop it right now.

We should leave them in a safe place and find a wise way to recycle them.可知总的来说,所以咱们有必要当即采纳行为加以阻止,找到一种正确的收回办法,咱们有必要当即采纳行为加以阻止,找到一种正确的收回办法,so we must take action to stop it right now and we should leave them in a safe place and find a wise way to recycle them.

16.答复:(1)moving.查询描述词。分析语句规划可知此处填一个描述词。根据"It so that I cried with ,听起来如此哀痛致使于作者几乎要哭了,用备选词move的描述词moving作短语润饰music。


(3)written.查询动词。根据句意:后来我晓得这首歌是由民间音乐家阿炳写的,和从句主语music是被逼联络,所以要用一般曩昔时的被逼语态(was/were done)。

(4)treasures.查询名词。分析语句可知此处缺名词作宾语,它变成了我国的国宝之一,固定句型:one of +名词复数标明"......之一",故填treasures。



(7)during.查询介词。根据句意:他超卓的技巧使他终身都很受等待,during his lifetime标明"在他终身中"。

(8)sadness.查询名词。此处由and联接两个并排的成分,故缺一个名词,咱们可以感遭到音乐的凄美,beauty and sadness标明"凄美"。

(9)think.查询动词。根据make sb.do sth.(使或人做某事)可知此处缺动词原形。可知选用think"想",故填think。








18.答复:hurry up快点,or否则 for迟到,+or+陈述句。

故答案是Hurry up,or

19.答复:had better not do sth.最佳不要做某事;go 去

故答案是had better not go


故答案是The earlier;the better

21.答复:make great progress获得无量前进;根据句意可知用感叹句,what润饰名词,progress是不可以数名词!根据in past years可知用如今结束时。

故答案是What great progress;made

22.答复:he他;show sb.around sp.带领或人赏识某地,语序用陈述句语序。

故答案是he will show;around

23.答复:Dear Li ,

How flies are to from high ,when I joined the new class,I felt greatly lonely.You offered me plenty of help.You encouraged me to make more friends and told me great ways to learn English.【高分句型二】With your help many activities.My study has improved rapidly.(为何谢谢)

Thanks again for your help.I hope you are healthy and happy every day.(表达谢谢)

Wish you the !
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