人教版初中英语九年级上Unit 9检查验卷,期末考前必做

  Unit9 I like music that I can dance to.


  16.The driver drank so much wine that he ______ a tree and hurt himself yesterday.

  A.fell intoB.knocked into

  C.looked at D.shouted at

  17.This kind of pot is ______ keeping tea hot.

  A.used in B.used for

  C.used as D.used by

  18.I took the wrong train ______.I didn't even know it until half an hour later.

  A.by mistakes B.by mistake

  C.with mistake D.with mistakes

  19.I noticed them ______ the tall building just now.

  A.went into B.go into

  C.was going into D.came out of

  20.—Have all the students known that we will have an English exam this Saturday?

  —Yes.Every student ______ about it.

  A.tells B.told

  C.was told D.has told

  21.Don't worry.He is ______ to take care of little Betty.

  A.carefully enough B.enough careful

  C.careful enough D.enough carefully

  22.—Surfing first started on the island of Hawaii, didn't it?

  —Yes, but now it ______ by people all over the world.

  A.is enjoyed B.is enjoying

  C.has enjoyed D.will enjoy

  23.—______, you can work out the problem easily.

  —Thank you.

  A.On the way B.In this way

  C.By way D.In a way

  24.______ the survey result, most students don't like wearing school uniforms.

  A.According to B.Instead of

  C.Because of D.Heard of

  25.I made some tea a moment ago.Let's ______ it together.

  A.sound B.smell

  C.remain D.taste


  Man has invented four kinds of satellites.The first kind of satellite studies the__26__of the earth. They are used to make maps.They also help people to see where they may __27__oil or gold.

  The second kind of satellite is used to guide ships and planes. A ship or a plane can__28__ a message to the satellite, and the satellite can find out__29__the ship or the plane is.

  The third kind studies the weather.These satellites __30__ cloud and strong winds moving across the earth.They warn countries to make preparations when very __31__weather is coming.

  __32__ kind is used for communication. Telephone calls__33__countries can be sent to these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at one time. A call is sent to the satellite, then the __34__ sends it to the station in the country that is being phoned. These satellites also carry pictures; they can receive and send about eight __35__ at a time, which we can watch on TV.

  26.A.physics B.chemistry

  C.biology D.geography

  27.A.carry B.find

  C.keep D.choose

  28.A.write B.take

  C.send D.boring

  29.A.where B.what

  C.which D.that

  30.A.have B.watch

  C.notice D.see

  31.A.sunny B.cool

  C.bad D.fine

  32.A.The last B.Other

  C.One D.Another

  33.A.among B.along

  C.between D.of

  34.A.TV B.telegraph

  C.telephone D.satellite

  35.A.plays B.programs

  C.films D.languages



  American researchers have successfully developed a way to clean waste water without chemicals. The technique uses green plants. The tests were carried out at a waste water treatment centre. The scientists put plants in narrow containers inside a glass building. One end of each container was a little bigger than the other end. Waste water was directed down the container through the plants' thick roots which absorbed the wastes in the water and used them for food. At the same time the plants produced natural gas.The gas could be collected and sold as fuel.

  Four places in Florida are using green plants to clean their waste water.

  36.The best title for this passage is______.

  A.The Success of American Scientists

  B.A New Way to Treat Waste Water

  C.Waste Water and Green Plants

  D.Advanced Technology in America

  37.The technique to clean waste water is based on the fact that ______.

  A.green plants can be put in narrow containers

  B.most green plants have thick roots

  C.water can be directed down through the plants' thick roots

  D.the wastes in water can be food for plants

  38.The technique is called a new way because ______.

  A.it is cheaper than any other one

  B.it can be carried out in a glass building

  C.it makes waste water clean but uses no chemicals

  D.it needs only narrow containers and green plants

  39.The new technique ______.

  A.has been widely used in America

  B.is still being tested since its first use

  C.proves to be more valuable than expected

  D.has now come into use in some places of America

  40.What is the main idea of this passage?

  A.Green plants are successfully used to clean waste water.

  B.Scientists are able to clean waste water.

  C.Green plants have been used to clean waste water in Florida.

  D.New ways of making waste water clean are better than ways of using chemicals.


  A kind of little cars may be seen in the streets in the future. People will like this kind of small cars better than the big ones. The car is as small as a bike but it can carry two people in it. Everybody can drive it easily, just like riding a bike. Even children and old people can drive them to schools or parks.

  If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space for the cars in cities, and there will also be more space for people to walk in the streets.

  The little cars of the future will cost less money to buy and to drive. These little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour, so driving will be safer. The cars of the future will be fine for people to go around the city, but they will not be useful for a long trip.

  This kind of cars can save a lot of gas (汽油).They will go 450 kilometers, and then they have to stop for more gas.

  They are nice cars, aren't they?

  根据短文内容, 判别下列语句的正误, 正确的用 “T” 标明, 差错的用 “F” 标明。

  41.The little car is as small as a bike.

  42.The little cars will make more space for other cars and people.

  43.These little cars will be useful for a long trip.

  44.This kind of little cars can save much gas.

  45.Only children and old people can drive the little cars.


  Being tired of my noisy life in the city,I wanted to breathe some fresh air and experience a new kind of life. So I joined the “Earth Care Project”.When I set out,I took nothing with me but some bad emotion (心境).However,when the trip was over,my backpack was full of things,including joy,sadness,beautiful views and some knowledge about life.

  In this exchange project,I was glad that I could get along well with the strange participants (参加者)from other countries.We tried to take care of each other.The group leaders,Paul and Reg,were both nice.They were very knowledgeable about plants,animals and the environment.However,they were completely different from each other—one was very quiet and the other was very outgoing.They were a really interesting pair.

  The most successful thing about this trip was that we planted 1103 plants during the last two weeks.That was really encouraging.I felt very happy that I had done something useful for the earth with my own hands.

  On this trip,I learned to watch and think more about the world around me,rather than just caring about myself.

  We should be kind to life.We should not only treat human beings well,but also animals,plants and nature.

  After this trip,I feel that I have become more active and outgoing.I won't miss another trip like this in the future.


  46.Why did the writer join the “Earth Care Project” at first?

  47.Where did the participants of the project come from?

  48.Did Paul and Reg have the same character?

  49.According to the writer,what was the most successful thing about the trip?

  50.What kind of project do you think the “Earth Care Project” is?



  51.There are many a______ buildings in Beijing.

  52.There are too many spelling m______ in your composition.

  53.The compass was i______ by Chinese.

  54.A______ to the forecast, it'll be snowy tomorrow.

  55.Six people, i______ a baby, were injured in the accident.


  56.The sun gives us warmth by ______(heat) the earth.

  57.He ______(throw) the ball to me, and I caught it.

  58.Mom decided ______(divide) the watermelon into ten pieces.

  59.It's not true that God ______(create) the world.

  60.The population of the city has ______(rise) to five million.


  (In the history museum.)

  A:Wow, there are so many things on display.

  B:Yeah.They were all used hundreds of years ago.

  A:Look at the hat.Was it worn by the kings in ancient times?


  A:Then, where was it used?


  A:In plays?How interesting!63.?

  B:It was made of yellow silk (丝绸).

  A:Oh, what's that?

  B:It's a cup.64..

  A:But I think it's better to use glasses for drinking.

  B:I agree.65. over there?

  A:OK!Let's go.


  假定你是某中学的一论理学生, 将在世界中学生科技大赛中展示你的小创造。请你根据下面的提示写一篇不少于80词的展示讲话稿, 向评委们介绍你的创造——会飞的自行车 (plike) (文章的最初和结束现已给出, 不计入总词数)。



  2.特征:不再受堵车捆绑, 无污染, 有利于安康。

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Good morning!I'm glad to be here to show you my invention.

  That's all.Thank you.


  Ⅰ. 1-5 ACBBA

  Ⅱ.6- 10 ABCAB

  Ⅲ. 11.American12.in 1888

  13.make our life easier

  14.low15.smaller and lighter

  Ⅳ. 16-25 BBBBC CABAD

  Ⅴ. 26-35 DBCAB CACDB

  Ⅵ. 36-45 BDCDA TTFTF

  46 He/She was tired of the noisy life in the city.He/She wanted to breathe some fresh air and experience a new kind of life.

  47 They came from different countries.

  48 No,they didn't.

  49 They planted 1103 plants during the two weeks.

  50 It's a project that's made up of many volunteers from different countries.They work together to look after plants,animals and nature.

  Ⅶ. 51 ancient 52 mistakes

  53 invented 54 According

  55 including 56 heating

  57 threw 58 to divide

  59 created 60 risen

  Ⅷ. 61.Of course not

  62.It was used in plays

  63.What was it made of

  64.It was used for drinking

  65.Shall we go to see other things



  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Good morning!I'm glad to be here to show you my invention.

  It looks like both a bike and a plane, so I call it a “plike”, and it is the same size as an ordinary bike.It has two different kinds of machines.You can use it as an ordinary bike.If there is too much traffic, you can use it as a plane.What's more, it makes no pollution, so it does no harm to the environment.Above all, bicycle riding is an exciting sport that is quite good for our health.With a plike, you don't have to worry about traffic jams any more.

  That's all.Thank you.


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