用一口流利的英语火遍全网的 清华周杰伦 ,究竟是如何学英语的


02 陈逸贤的高考进程



03 陈逸贤的英语进修之路





3)将英语进修融入业余糊口。从小有着较好英语根柢的陈逸贤到了初中便有了看剧的快乐喜爱,他出格喜爱的是英国科幻电视剧《Doctor Who(奇妙博士)》,他不但仅是看脚本,还在看脚本的一起拓荒了本身的英语快乐喜爱,起头在搜集上免费给网友们翻译字幕。在看剧和翻译的进程中,他堆集了许多的辞汇,也获得了极好的听力操练。


04 结语




My Version of a China Dream

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m going to elaborate on my version of a Chinese dream. Not just my own one, one applies to all the students of China. As we all know that China Dream is a concept adopted by President Xi to encourage all Chinese citizens to aim high and contribute more to the rejuvenation of China, and I believe we students are more directly connected with this Dream than anyone else.

Now, please consider this: Why is China Dream emphasized in the first place? As there are no battle-cries in times of peace, this Dream is no sudden outburst of patriotic emotion. Rather, something has induced it, something contradictory to the sole principle of China Dream. Yes, it’s this pervading unconcern among people for our co小妹unity which has brought about this urgent call, a call to redress this degrading phenomenon in which unfortunately we students play a major role.

It’s a pity but a truth that today more and more students are increasingly motivated by self-interest, instead of trying to better our co小妹unity, they have chosen to become a “perfect egoist”; everything they do, including the co小妹unity service and so-called hobbies, they do it just as a credit to their resume, or they know what is best for them to earn a diploma from a best university and find a best rewarding job; to pursue material wealth and define their success by fame and income. No wonder many of our most brilliant college graduates who majored in science and technology all end up in Wall Street. With this kind of dream, who would care about China anyway? Better leave China at the first opportunity to trade a much easier way to success in America or somewhere else.

This, my friends, is exactly what a Chinese dream is not and this gives me a perfect idea of what it should be. Our individual dreams cannot be separated from the prosperity of our country. So my fellow students, ask not what this country can do for you but what you can do for this country. If you study science, devote yourself to making another technology breakthrough for China. If you study politics, improve yourself to improve the policies for China to make it more democratic. If you study business, try to set up business corporations and charity organizations. If you study education, pass this dream on to our future generations.

We cannot shrink from leading China to its glory tomorrow because we're already the leaders of today!

Thank you!
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