


1. What are your plans for the holiday?你打算怎么过这个假期?
2. I'm going to visit my family in my hometown.我打算回老家看看我的家人。
3. Are you going on a trip during the holiday?你在假期期间要去旅行吗?
4. Yes, I'm going to the beach with my friends.是的,我要和朋友们一起去海滩玩。
5. I'm planning to have a picnic in the park.我计划在公园里野餐。
6. Have you bought any souvenirs for your friends?你给朋友们买了什么纪念品吗?
7. I bought some keychains and postcards.我买了一些钥匙扣和明信片。
8. What's your favorite holiday tradition?你最喜欢的节假日传统是什么?
9. I love decorating the Christmas tree with my family.我喜欢和家人一起装饰圣诞树。
10. How do you usually celebrate New Year's Eve?你通常如何庆祝除夕?
11. We usually watch the New Year's Eve countdown on TV.我们通常在电视上看除夕倒计时。
12. Are you going to make any resolutions for the new year?你打算为新年定下什么目标吗?
13. Yes, I want to exercise more and eat healthier.是的,我想多锻炼身体,吃得更健康。
14. Do you have any special plans for Valentine's Day?情人节你有什么特别的计划吗?
15. I'm going to surprise my partner with a romantic dinner.我打算给我的伴侣一个浪漫的晚餐惊喜。
16. How do you celebrate your national holiday?你们怎么庆祝国家假期?
17. We usually have a big parade and fireworks.我们通常会举行盛大的游行和烟花表演。
18. What do people usually do during the Spring Festival?春节期间人们通常做什么?
19. We have family gatherings, eat dumplings and watch the Spring Festival Gala.我们有家庭聚会,吃饺子,看春晚。
20. What is your favorite holiday food?你最喜欢的节日食物是什么?
21. I love eating mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.我喜欢在中秋节吃月饼。
22. Do you like to dress up in costumes for Halloween?你喜欢万圣节时穿戴化妆吗?
23. Yes, I enjoy dressing up as a spooky character.是的,我喜欢打扮成吓人的角色。
24. What do you usually do during the summer vacation?暑假你通常做什么?
25. I like to go swimming and have barbecues with friends.我喜欢和朋友一起去游泳,烧烤。
26. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?你通常怎么庆祝生日?
27. I usually have a small party with my close friends.我通常和亲近的朋友开个小派对。
28. Are you going to watch the fireworks on Independence Day?独立日你打算去看烟花吗?
29. Yes, I want to find a good spot to watch the fireworks.是的,我想找个好位置看烟花。
30. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!希望你有一个愉快的假期!

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