

A: What is your favorite holiday?
B: Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the decorations and the festive atmosphere.
A: What do you usually do on Christmas?
B: On Christmas Day, my family and I exchange gifts and have a special dinner together.
A: That sounds wonderful. Do you have any special traditions?
B: Yes, we always decorate a Christmas tree and sing carols. It brings us closer as a family.

A: What is your country's most important holiday?
B: The most important holiday in my country is New Year's Day.
A: How do you celebrate it?
B: We usually have a big feast with our relatives and watch the fireworks at midnight.
A: That sounds amazing. Do you have any traditions for New Year's Day?
B: Yes, we have a tradition of giving red envelopes with money to younger family members for good luck.

A: Is there a festival that you celebrate with your friends?
B: Halloween is a festival that I celebrate with my friends. We dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating.
A: That sounds like a lot of fun. Do you have any favorite Halloween costumes?
B: I love dressing up as a witch. It's always fun to wear a pointy hat and carry a broomstick.

A: Do you celebrate any religious holidays?
B: Yes, I celebrate Eid al-Fitr. It marks the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims.
A: How do you celebrate Eid al-Fitr?
B: We start the day with prayers at the mosque and then visit family and friends. We exchange gifts and enjoy delicious food.

A: Is there a festival that you would like to experience in another country?
B: I would love to experience the Lantern Festival in China. It looks beautiful with all the lanterns lighting up the sky.
A: That sounds incredible. What do people do during the Lantern Festival?
B: People usually light lanterns, watch lion and dragon dances, and eat sweet rice dumplings called Tangyuan.

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