
??新东方在线英语四级频道为备考英语四级的同窗们拾掇了2020年9月大学英语四级查验长篇阅读摹拟题,期望可觉得大师带来协助。 2020年9月大学英语四级查验长篇阅读摹拟题(汇总) Section B Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Robot Management A. Robots have been the stuff of science fiction for so long that it is surprisingly hard to see them as the stuff of management fact. A Czech playwright, Karel Capek, gave them their name in 1920 (from the Slavonic word for "work" ). An American writer, Isaac Asimov, confronted them with their most memorable dile小妹as. Hollywood turned them into superheroes and supervillains. When some film critics drew up lists of Hollywoods 50 greatest good guys and 50 greatest baddies, the only character to appear on both lists was a robot, the Terminator. B. It is time for management thinkers to catch up with science-fiction writers. Robots have been doing auxiliary jobs on production lines since the 1960s. The world already has more than lm industrial robots. There is now an acceleration in the rates at which they are becoming both cleverer and cheaper: an explosive combination. Robots are learning to interact with the world around them. Their ability to see things is getting ever closer to that of humans, as is their capacity to ingest information and act on it. Tomorrows robots will increasingly take on delicate, complex tasks. And instead of being imprisoned in cages to stop them colliding with people, they will be free to wander. C. Americas armed forces have blazed a trail here. They now have no fewer than 12,000 robots serving in their ranks. Peter Singer, of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank (军师团), says mankinds 5,000-year monopoly on the fighting of war is breaking down. Recent additions to the battlefield include tiny "insects" that perform reconnaissance (侦查) missions and giant "dogs" to terrify enemies. The Pentagon is also working on the EATR, a robot that fuels itself by eating whatever biomass (生物量) it finds around it. D. But the civilian world cannot be far behind. Who better to clean sewers or suck up nuclear waste than these remarkable machines? The Japanese have made surprisingly little use of robots to clear up after the recent earthquake, given their world leadership in this area. They say that they had the wrong sort of robots in the wrong places. But they have issued a global call for robotic assistance and are likely to put more robots to work shortly. E. As robots advance into the service industries they are starting to look less like machines and more like living creatures. The Paro (made by AIST, a Japanese research agency) is shaped like a baby seal and responds to attention. Hondas robot, ASIMO, is humanoid and can walk, talk and respond to co小妹ands. F.Until now executives have largely ignored robots, regarding them as an engineering rather than a management problem. This cannot go on: robots are becoming too powerful and ubiquitous (无处不在的). Companies may need to rethink their strategies as they gain access to these new sorts of workers. Do they really need to outsource production to China, for example, when they have clever machines that work ceaselessly without pay? They certainly need to rethink their human-resources policies--starting by questioning whether they should have departments devoted to purely human resources. G.The first issue is how to manage the robots themselves. Asimov laid down the basic rule in 1942: no robot should harm a human. This rule has been reinforced by recent technological improvements: robots are now much more sensitive to their surroundings and can be instructed to avoid hitting people. But the Pentagons plans make all this a bit more complicated: many of its robots will be, in essence, killing machines. H. A second question is how to manage the homo side of homo-robo relations. Workers have always worried that new technologies will take away their livelihoods, ever since the original Luddites fears about mechanised looms. That worry takes on a particularly intense form when the machines come with a human face: Capeks play that gave robots their name depicted a world in which they initially brought lots of benefits but eventually led to mass unemployment and discontent. Now, the arrival of increasingly humanoid automatons in workplaces, in an era of high unemployment, is bound to provoke a reaction. I.So, companies will need to work hard to persuade workers that robots are productivity-enhancers, not just job- eating aliens. They need to show employees that the robot sitting alongside them can be more of a helpmate than a threat. Audi has been particularly successful in introducing industrial robots because the carmaker asked workers to identify areas where robots could improve performance and then gave those workers jobs overseeing the robots. Employers also need to explain that robots can help preserve manufacturing jobs in the rich world: one reason why Germany has lost fewer such jobs than Britain is that it has five times as many robots for every 10,000 workers. J.These two principles--dont let robots hurt or frighten people--are relatively simple. Robot scientists are tackling more complicated problems as robots become more sophisticated. They are keen to avoid hierarchies (层级) among rescue-robots (because the loss of the leader would render the rest redundant). So they are using game theory to make sure the robots can co小妹unicate with each other in egalitarian (平等) ways. They are keen to avoid duplication between robots and their human handlers. So they are producing more complicated mathematical formulae in order that robots can constantly adjust themselves to human intentions. This suggests that the world could be on the verge of a great management revolution: making robots behave like humans rather than the 20th centurys preferred option, making humans behave like robots. 46. Tomorrows robots will be free to move around rather than being locked up in cages so as not to hurt people. 47. It is not easy for people to regard robots as management stuff, for the later are mostly seen in science fictions. 48. Robots appear more like living creatures as they enter into the service industry. 49. According to the Pentagons plans, many of its robots will essentially become killing machines. 50. The Japanese didnt use a lot of robots to clear up after the recent earthquake, considering their world leadership in the robot field. 51. Companies should show their workers that robots can be more of a helper rather than a threat to them. 52. The fact that more and more human-like robots are used in workplaces will surely arouse reaction in a time of high unemployment. 53. Robots, who are considered as an engineering instead of a management problem, have been largely neglected by executives. 54. Scientists are trying to enable robots to constantly adjust themselves to peoples intenlions. 55. The example that Germany has lost fewer manufacturing jobs than Britain shows that robots can help preserve manufacturing jobs in the rich world. 【参阅译文】 处置呆板人 A.[47]好久以来。呆板人都被认为是科幻小说里的东西,因这我们很难将它们视为处置的东西。捷克剧作家KarelCapek于1920年将它们定名为“呆板人”(来历于斯拉夫语中的“作业”一词)。在美国作家Isaac Asimov的笔下,呆板人面临了令它们最为难忘的抉择。好莱坞把呆板人变成了超等英豪和超等恶魔。 在由片子谈论家总结出的好莱坞50个最佳角色和50个最坏角色的名单上,独逐个个一起登上两份榜单的角色就是一个呆板人——闭幕者。 B.如今到了处置思惟家跟上科幻小说作家步骤的时辰了。自20世纪60年月起呆板人就在出产线上做一些辅佐作业了。世界上已有跨过100万的工业呆板人。如今呆板人变得更聪明、更廉价的速率在不竭加速,这二者的确是一种爆破性的连系。呆板人正在学着与邻近的世界互动。它们看东西的才能正在变得愈来愈接近人类,它们获得信息及做出呼应反应的才能也在接近人类。将来,呆板人将可以或许从事愈来愈多邃密而冗杂的作业。[46]呆板人将不会再被关起来以避免它们与我们发生冲突,而是可以安适移 动。 C.美国部队已在这方面拓荒了一条门道。他们如今有许多于l2000个呆板人正在执役。军师团布鲁金斯学会的PeterSinger说,5000年来只需人类介入战争的场合局势正在被打破。迩来被增派到疆场的呆板人包括实施侦办使命的小“虫豸”和威吓仇敌的大“狗”。五角大楼还在研发一种强动力主动战术呆板人,它们可以经由进程吞食其周边的生物量来补给本身的能量。 D.但呆板人在民用方面也没有后进太远。有谁能比这些独特的配备更适于洁净下水道或清算核废物呢?[50]日自己在近期的一次震后清算中所用的呆板人数目惊人地少,即便他们在这一领域处于世界抢先职位当地。他们说他们在缺陷的地址选择了缺陷的呆板人种别。可是他们已首先在全世界领域内号令寻求呆板人的援助.而且彷佛登时就会投入更多的呆板人举办功课。 E.[48]当呆板人进入到就事工业时,它们起头变得不像呆板,而更像生物了。日本工业技能研究院是一所研发机构,它们缔造的呆板人Paro形似一只小海豹,并能对号令做出回答。本田公司研发的呆板人ASIM0具有不少人类的特性,它可以或许走路、遣词和酬谢指令。 F.[53]时至今日,处置职工一贯在很洪流平上轻忽了呆板人,把它们当成工程疑问而不是处置疑问。这类征象不克不及再持续下去了:呆板人正变得成效健壮且无处不在。跟着公司可运用呆板人这类新式职工,它们可以必要从头斟酌本身的人力本钱策略了。比方,在具有不计酬谢、可以连续作业的智能呆板的环境下,它们是不是真的必要把产品外包给我国加工?它们必定要从头斟酌它们的人力本钱方针——就从质疑是不是应当有一个纯真处置人力本钱的有些起头。 G.第一个疑问是若何处置呆板人自个。Asimov在1942年树立了基来历根基则:呆板人不克不及风险人类。这一原则现已由进程连年来的技能改进得以增强:如今的呆板人抵挡它们邻近的事物加倍活络,还可以依照指示避免进犯人类。[49]可是五角大楼的方案使得这悉数变堡愈加冗杂:从赋性上来讲,它们所制造的呆板人有不少将变成杀人呆板。 H.第二个疑问是若何处置人与呆板人的纠葛中人类这一方的疑问。从开始的科技否决者惧怕机器织布机起头,劳作者们老是担忧新技能会抢走他们的饭碗。当呆板以人类的面孔呈现时,那种忧虑变得特别激烈:capek那部给呆板人取名字的戏曲中描写了多么一个世界:开初,呆板人带来了不少优点,终极,它们炔萋使了许多的赋闲和不满。[52]在如今多么一个高赋闲率的时刻,作业场合愈来愈多有利地势用类人呆板人必定会激起否决。 I.所以,公司必需极力使工人信赖呆板人有助于前进产量,而不只是吞噬职位的外来者。[51]它们必要展示给职工们看:坐在他们身旁的呆板人更多的是他们的协助,而不是挟制。奥迪在引入工业呆板人方面一贯做得出格乐成,因为这家轿车制造商让职工去创造那些呆板人可以改进作业的领域,然后将监管那些呆板人的岗亭供给给职工。[55]公司还必要阐明,呆板人有助于保存赋有国度的出产岗亭:德国之所以没有象英国相同丢掉如斯之多的出产岗亭,缘由之一就是,在德国,每万名工人所对应的呆板人数目是英国的5倍。 J.这两条原则,即不要让呆板人风险或吓到人类,是相关于简略的。跟着呆板人变得日趋冗杂,呆板人科学家们正着手处置更冗杂的疑问。他们尽可以不在救助呆板人平分出三六九等(因为一旦没有带头的呆板人,其他的呆板人就显很剩下了)。所以他们操作游戏理论来保证呆板人能以平等的办法彼此交流。他们极力避免呆板人与它们的人类操作者的感染堆叠。[54]是以他们正在计较更多冗杂的数学公式以使呆板人可以或许依照人类的自愿不竭地举办自我调度。这表达世界即将发生一次严峻的处置改变:让呆板人的行为更像人类,而不是像20世纪所倾向的那样,令人类的行为日趋向呆板人接近。 2020年9月大学英语四级查验长篇阅读摹拟题(汇总) 编纂举荐: 2020年6月大学英语四级阅读200篇汇总 2020年上半年英语四级阅读了解长难句解析汇总 2020年上半年英语四级阅读之细心阅读操练题(汇总) 2020年6月英语四级阅读情绪类词语汇总 2020年6月英语四级真题阅读长难句分析汇总 四六级阅读200+提分攻略-【0元领课】 四六级考前30天逆袭攻略-【0元领课】
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