
??第一节 单词拼写 1, L___ is a meal that you have in the middle of the day. 2, In many countries, New Year's Day falls on the first day of J_____. 3, They’ve been good friends s____ they were little kids. 4, China has a history of more than five t_____ years. 5, He always arrives e_____ than others, as he has the key to the classroom. 6, A____ the traffic was heavy, we got to the railway station on time. 7, Whether she wins or she l_____, this is her last game. 8, My parents are very s_____ with me. I'm not allowed to hang out with my friends even on weekends. 9, Many young people look up to these basketball h_____, such as Yao Ming and Michael Jordan, and want to become like them. 10, Many road accidents can be a______, if we all follow the traffic rules. 简析: 1,lunch(名词) 午饭是你在午时吃的一顿饭。 2,January(名词) 在许多国度,元旦是在一月的第一天。 3,since(连词) 他们从小就是好朋友。(自从) 4,thousand(数词) 我国有五千多年的汗青。 5,earlier(副词比较级) 他老是比别人来得早,因为他有课堂的钥匙。 6,Although(连词,首字母要大写) 尽管交通拥堵,咱们仍是准时抵达了火车站。 7,loses(win的反义词,动词第三人称奇数) 不管她赢仍是输,这是她最终一场竞赛。 8,strict(描述词) 我依靠对我很严格。即便在周末我也不容许和朋友出去玩。 9,heroes(名词复数) 许多年青人景仰篮球英豪,如姚明和迈克尔乔丹,并期望变成像他们相同。 10,avoided(动词,被逼语态) 如果咱们都遵循交通规则,许多交通紊乱是可以避免的。
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