
??2021考研英语双语材料:再也不辨认性别 谷歌图象辨认AI将再也不辨认人物性别,避免制造或增加不公允的成见!今日给大师的考研英语双语材料是关于性别成见的,耐久以来一贯有人指出,谷歌和其他科技公司的体系在精确断定变性人方面存在疑问。更多阅读备考信息,请持续关注新东方在线考研哟! 2021考研英语双语材料:再也不辨认性别 谷歌 has announced that its image recognitionAI will no longer identify people in images as a manor a woman. The change was revealed in an email todevelopers who use the companys Cloud Vision APIthat makes it easy for apps and services to identifyobjects in images. 谷歌发布宣告,其图象辨认人工智能将再也不辨认图象中人物的性别。在发给使用谷歌云视觉API的拓荒者的一封邮件中,谷歌流露了这一改变,谷歌的API使使用脚步和就事可以更易地辨认图象中的物体。 In the email, 谷歌 said it wasnt possible to detecta persons true gender based simply on the clothes they were wearing. But 谷歌 also said thatthey were dropping gender labels for another reason: they could create or reinforce biases.From the email: 谷歌在邮件中暗示,只经由进程一小我的穿戴是无法决断其真实性此外。但谷歌也暗示,他们摘掉性别标签还有另外一个缘由:那就是性别标签可以会制造或增加成见。邮件中写道: Given that a persons gender cannot be inferred by appearance, we have decided to removethese labels in order to align with the Artificial Intelligence Principles at 谷歌, specificallyPrinciple #2: Avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias. 鉴于经由进程表面其实不能揣度出一小我的性别,咱们抉择去掉这些标签,以与谷歌的人工智能原则连接共同,出格是第二项原则:避免制造或增加不公允的成见。 As for what 谷歌s second AI principle states, it says: 谷歌的第二项人工智能原则指出: AI algorithms and datasets can reflect, reinforce, or reduce unfair biases. We recognize thatdistinguishing fair from unfair biases is not always simple, and differs across cultures andsocieties. We will seek to avoid unjust impacts on people, particularly those related tosensitive characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, income, sexualorientation, ability, and political or religious belief. 人工智能算法和数据集可以反应、@增%8wtgN%长或削%5u28N%减@不公允的成见。咱们意想到,差异公允和不公允的成见其实不老是简略的,而且在不合的文明和社会中也会有所不合。咱们会极力避免对我们发生不公允的影响,出格是那些与活络特性有关的影响,如种族、民族、性别、国籍、收入、性取向、才能和政治或宗教崇奉。 Instead of labeling someone a man or woman in an image, that individual will now just beclassified as a "person" by 谷歌s Cloud Vision API image recognition tools. The move shouldbe a welcome step in the right direction for those who have long pointed out that 谷歌 andother tech companies systems have an issue correctly categorizing people who identify astrans. Per Business Insiders testing, it appears that the labeling changes have already takenplace, so developers who use the API should see the changes i小妹ediately. 如今,在谷歌的云视觉API图象辨认东西中,我们在图象中不会被贴上性别标签,而是被归类为“人”。耐久以来一贯有人指出,谷歌和其他科技公司的体系在精确断定变性人方面存在疑问。对他们而言,谷歌的这一行为可以说是朝精确的标的意图迈出的可喜的一步。依照Business Insider的查验,谷歌的标签彷佛已发生了改造,是以使用API的拓荒职工应当也能马上看到这类改变。 琦哥英语长难句14天操练营(0元领课) 破解考研阅读3大必考题型(0元领课)
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