2021英语阅览备考材料 2020政府作业陈述双语节选(2)

??上一年,我国打开面临许多困难应战。世界经济增加低迷,世界经贸冲突加剧,国内经济下行压力加大。以习近平同志为中心的党中心联合带领全国各族公民攻坚克难,完满足年首要方针使命,为全部建成小康社会打下抉择性基础。 In pursuing development last year, China faced many difficulties and challenges. World economic growth was weak, international economic and trade frictions intensified, and downward pressure on the domestic economy grew. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core rallied the Chinese people and led them in surmounting difficulties and accomplishing the year's main targets and tasks, thus laying the crucial foundation needed to reach the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. ——经济运转全体平稳。国内出产总值抵达99.1万亿元,增加6.1%。乡镇新增作业1352万人,查询赋闲率在5.3%以下。居民花费价格上涨2.9%。世界出入根柢平衡。 The economy remained stable overall. Gross domestic product (GDP) reached 99.1 trillion yuan, representing a 6.1 percent increase over the previous year. Around 13.52 million new urban jobs were added, and the surveyed unemployment rate was below 5.3 percent. Consumer prices rose by 2.9 percent. A basic equilibrium was maintained in the balance of payments. ——经济规划和区域规划持续优化。社会花费品零售总额跨越40万亿元,花费持续发扬首要拉动作用。领先制造业、现代效能业较快增加。粮食产量坚持在1.3万亿斤以上。常住人员乡镇化率初度跨越60%,严峻区域战略深化施行。 The economic structure continued to improve, and the development priorities of regions are better aligned. Total retail sales of consumer goods exceeded 40 trillion yuan, and consumption continued to serve as the main engine driving growth. Advanced manufacturing and modern services registered rapid growth. Grain output was kept above 650 million metric tons. For the first time, permanent urban residents exceeded 60 percent of the population; progress was made in implementing major development strategies for regions. ——打开新动能不断增强。科技立异获得一批严峻作用。新式工业持续健壮,传统工业加速晋级。群众创业万众立异深化打开,公司数量日均净增1万户以上。 New growth drivers became stronger. A number of major innovative achievements were made in science and technology. Emerging industries continued to grow; upgrading in traditional industries accelerated. Business startups and innovation continued to surge nationwide, with an average net increase of over 10,000 businesses per day.
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