Day 37,每日记18个单词,英语考试轻松过关

??1. consolidate:v. 安靖,增强,把...合为一体 eg.The two private taxi cmpanies have been consolidated into one. 这两家打车软件公司已归并了。 2. algebra:n.代数 eg.Letters such as x and y used to represent unknown quantities in algebra. 在代数中,x和y等字母用来暗示不知道量。 3. consistency:n.坚持,连系,坚忍性,浓度,密度,共同性,联贯性 eg.His consistency is remarkable ,scoring points in every single game! 他的标明出格不乱,每场竞赛都得分! 4. consideration: n.斟酌,思虑,关怀,谅解,顾及 eg.He has too much consideration about choosing a brand. 他在选哪个牌子这件事上斟酌的太多。 5. conserve:n.蜜饯,果酱 v. 保藏,保存,节约 eg.Let’s conserve wildlife in the sea. 让咱们一块儿保护这个地域的野生动物。 6. reversible: n.双面式衣裳,双面布料 adj. 双面穿的,双面可用的,可逆的 eg.My reversible jacket has different colors on each side. 我那件可以双面穿的茄克颜色各不不异。 7. consecutive: adj. 持续的,联贯的 eg.She has been the top student in her class for three consecutive years. 她持续三年景为班级第一。 8. flatten:v. 把...弄平 eg.We can use the rolling pin to flatten the dough. 咱们可以用擀面杖把面团弄平。 9. scramble : v. 争夺,攀缘 eg.The poor children scrambled for the food. 贫穷的孩子们抢先恐后地争抢食物。 10. conquest:n.战胜,战胜,战利品,恋爱的俘虏 eg.The cat made a conquest of its enemy in the pillow fight. 在枕头大战中,猫咪战胜了它的敌手。 11. vegetarian :n.茹素的人 adj. 素食的 eg.He is a strict vegetarian and never eats any meat. 他是一个严格的素食主义者,从不吃任何肉类。 12. recollect:vi. 镜像 vt.回想,回想,想起 eg.He’s looking through some old photos and recollecting the days gone by. 他正看着这些老相片,回想起以前的日子。 13. conqueror:n.战胜者,成功者 eg.He is the great conqueror of several empires. 他是好几个帝国的战胜者。 14.mute:adj.缄默沉静的,哑的 n.弱音器 vt. 削弱...的声响 eg.The man answered the phone after muting the TV. 汉子削弱电视音量后,接听了电话。 15.confusion :n. 置疑,混杂,失调,困顿 eg.He is in state of confusion. 他正处于一个失调的情况。 16.confrontation:n.敌对,敌对,面临,面临面 eg.They left confrontation was the only way to solve their disagreement. 他们感触敌对是处置不一样的独一法子。 17.pessimistic: adj.悲观主义的 eg.The pessimistic man always expects the worse. 这个悲观的人老是把甚么都想得很糟。 18. conform: adj. 共同的 vt.使共同,使依照 vi. 共同,依照,战胜,适合 eg.Even the donkeys conform to traffic regulation! 就连驴子都遵循交通规则!
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