J.K.罗琳新书《The Ickabog》—第十8章—原汁原味学英语

??End of an Advisor 军师团的闭幕 No sooner had the guardsmen got to their feet to return home, than Lord Flapoon came bursting into the room, looking worried. 那些兵士一同头回家,菲莱普恩就冲进了房间,满脸忧虑。 ‘What now?’ groaned Spittleworth, who very much wanted his bath and bed. “又怎样了?”沃斯郁闷道,他太想要热水澡和软软的床了。 ‘The – Chief – Advisor!’ panted Flapoon. “阿谁,军师团首席!”菲莱普恩气喘嘘嘘的说。 And sure enough, Herringbone, the Chief Advisor, now appeared, wearing his dressing gown and an expression of outrage. “想必你也想到,贺瑞镑,军师团首席,就在如今呈现了,穿戴长袍一脸愤慨。” ‘I demand an explanation, my lord!’ he cried. ‘What stories are these that reach my ears? The Ickabog, real? Major Beamish, dead? And I’ve just passed three of the king’s soldiers being dragged away under sentence of death! I have, of course, instructed that they be taken to the dungeons to await trial instead!’ “给我个诠释,爵士!”他怒喊道。“我听到了甚么?艾卡伯格,真的吗?比姆式首级,死了?适才我还始末国王的三个卫士被拽走判处了极刑!当然,我已让人把他们带去地牢等待具体询问!” ‘I can explain everything, Chief Advisor,’ said Spittleworth with a bow, and for the third time that evening, he related the tale of the Ickabog attacking the king, and killing Beamish, and then the mysterious disappearance of Nobby Buttons who, Spittleworth feared, had also fallen prey to the monster. “我能诠释悉数”沃斯鞠着躬说,今日晚上的第三次,他描绘了艾卡伯格进犯国王,杀了比姆式的故事,而且还有奇妙丢失的诺比巴顿,他也被沃斯认为成了怪物的盘中餐。 Herringbone, who’d always deplored the influence of Spittleworth and Flapoon on the king, waited for Spittleworth to finish his farrago of lies with the air of a wily old fox who waits at a rabbit hole for his dinner. “贺瑞镑,早年他一贯后悔沃斯和菲莱普恩对国王的影响,等待沃斯结束他凑合的假话。,就像一个锦囊妙计的老狐狸在兔子窝等待着晚饭相同。” ‘A fascinating tale,’ he said, when Spittleworth had finished. ‘But I hereby relieve you of any further responsibility in the matter, Lord Spittleworth. The advisors will take charge now. There are laws and protocols in Cornucopia to deal with emergencies such as these. “很魅惑的故事,”当沃斯说完贺瑞镑说。“但我如今免除在此事中您进一步的责任,沃斯爵士,军师团如今接办这事了。究竟??成果在考妞考皮亚还有规则律例来应对比方斯类的突发事务。” ‘Firstly, the men in the dungeons will be given a proper trial, so that we can hear their version of events. Secondly, the lists of the king’s soldiers must be searched, to find the family of this Nobby Buttons, and inform them of his death. Thirdly, Major Beamish’s body must be closely examined by the king’s physicians, so that we may learn more about the monster that killed him.’ “首先,地牢的人必要公正的具体询问,是以咱们必要听听他们怎样说的。第二,国王部队中的兵士必需查询造访,来找出诺比巴顿的家人并告诉他们诺比的消亡。第三,比姆式首级的尸身必需由皇家大夫细心检查,多么咱们就可以晓得更多关于杀死他的怪物。” Spittleworth opened his mouth very wide, but nothing came out. He saw his whole glorious scheme collapsing on top of him, and himself trapped beneath it, imprisoned by his own cleverness. 沃斯嘴张的很大,但甚么也没说出来。他恍如看到悉数完善的规划在本身眼前坍塌。本身就困在此中,被本身的聪明所束厄短促。 Then Major Roach, who was standing behind the Chief Advisor, slowly put down his rifle and took a sword from the wall. A look like a flash of light on dark water passed between Roach and Spittleworth, who said: 接着,站在贺瑞镑死后的罗池首级,满满收起来复枪,从墙上拿出一把剑,就像一道在黑漆黑的亮光经由进程罗池和沃斯,罗池说: ‘I think, Herringbone, that you are ripe for retirement.’ “我想,贺瑞镑,你该退休了。” Steel flashed, and the tip of Roach’s sword appeared out of the Chief Advisor’s belly. The soldiers gasped, but the Chief Advisor didn’t utter a word. He simply knelt, then toppled over, dead. 然后亮光闪过,罗池的剑尖从首席贺瑞镑的肚子里出来。兵士们都屏息中止了,但首席贺瑞镑没来得?党鲆桓鲎帧K皇鞘枪蛳拢缓蟮咂停懒恕? Spittleworth looked around at the soldiers who’d agreed to believe in the Ickabog. He liked seeing the fear on every face. He could feel his own power. 沃斯环顾撑持信赖艾卡伯格的兵士们。他看到了他们的脸上的惧怕。他能感触本身的权力。 ‘Did everybody hear the Chief Advisor appointing me to his job before he retired?’ he asked softly. “你们每小我都听到了吧,军师团首席退休前委任我替代他的作业?”他澹然问道。 The soldiers all nodded. They’d just stood by and watched murder, and felt too deeply involved to protest. All they cared about now was escaping this room alive, and protecting their families. 兵士们全数点头招认,他们就站在那目睹了凶杀案,而且感触本身牵涉太深了致使于不克不及提出贰言。一切人如今所关怀的是若何从这个屋子在世分隔,并保护他们的家人。 ‘Very well, then,’ said Spittleworth. ‘The king believes the Ickabog is real, and I stand with the king. I am the new Chief Advisor, and I will be devising a plan to protect the kingdom. All who are loyal to the king will find their lives run very much as before. Any who stand against the king will suffer the penalty of cowards and traitors: imprisonment – or death. “极好,”沃斯说“国王信赖艾卡伯格是真的,我和国王同一战线。我如今是新的军师团首席,我将拟定个保护咱们国度的方案。一切对国王忠诚的人会创造糊口会愈来愈好。但凡是有人站出来否决国王将会遭受脆弱和叛国的罪罚:关押或极刑。” ‘Now, I need one of you gentlemen to assist Major Roach in burying the body of our dear Chief Advisor – and be sure and put him where he won’t be found. The rest of you are free to return to your families and inform them of the danger threatening our beloved Cornucopia.’ “如今,我必要一小我来协助罗池首级来埋葬咱冒缱爱的首席——要保证把他埋到不会被创造的场所。其别人可以回家了要奉告你们的家人有损伤挟制着咱们所爱的国度考妞考皮亚。”
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