
??He is divorced, with a young son. 他离婚了,带着一个幼子。 Young people today are so apathetic about politics. 今日的年青人对政治太不热心了。 Young people of all ages go there to meet. 大巨细小的年青人去那里碰头。 Young birds are very vulnerable to predators. 幼鸟很简略遭到捕食者的进犯。 He was a very earnest young man. 他是一个非常热忱的年青人。 She stayed at home while the children were young. 孩子们小的时分她呆在家里。 We are all too young, a lot of things don't yet know. 咱们都太年青了,许多作业还不晓得。 The fact that he is so young makes his achievements even more impressive. 他如此年青,这使他的作用愈加令人形象深化。 It's a tragedy that she died so young. 她这么年青就死了,真是个凄惨剧。 Animals are at their most vulnerable when searching for food for their young. 动物在为幼崽寻寻食物时最脆弱。 02youth 青年时期(尤指成年早年) 青年男人,小伙子 年青,芳华,发奋向上 In his youth he was a soldier. 他年青时是个武士。 Youth will fade away, but my memories of you will not. 芳华会消逝,但我对你的回想不会。 Youth is simply an attitude of mind. 年青只是一种心态。 He represents the opinions of the youth of today. 他代表了当今青年的观念。 The youth of today don't know how lucky they are. 如今的年青人不晓得自个有多走运。 The youth gave me his hand when I was lifting my baggage. 当我提行李时,那个年青人帮了我。 Several youths and girls were standing at the street corner. 几个男孩和女孩站在街角。 The police warned the youths before allowing them to go. 差人警告了这些年青人然后让他们走了。 03用法差异 young和youth youth是名词,偏重从生长进程视点看,与 而young一般做描述词,假定做名词,一般指的是子孙,或年岁更轻的人; young做名词,可以看做集体名词,没有复数方法哦:two or three young. youth和youths 咱们看到youth可以指“青年时期”和“芳华”,是不可以数名词: 但youth指“青年,年青人”时,既可以泛指年青人这个集体,也可以指一个特定的年青人。 泛指年青人这个集体,没有复数方法,但可以当作复数; 特定的年青人,当可数名词,可以有复数方法: The youth of today has/havegreater opportunities than ever before. 今日的年青人比以往任何时分都有更多的机缘。 The youth was fortunate in having understanding parents. 这个年青人很走运有两位能了解他的父母。 A woman was attacked and robbed by two youths. 一名妇女遭到两名青年的突击和掠取。 Jobless youths are a major cause of concern. 赋闲青年是令人担忧的首要缘由。 04其它词汇 另外,其它人生各期间的词汇也一同温习一下吧: baby 婴儿,动物幼崽 (家庭或集体中)最年幼的成员,单纯的人 a baby elephant小象,象宝宝 infant 婴儿,幼儿 四岁到七岁之间的学童 供婴幼儿用的;,前期的,草创期的 child/children 孩子,儿童(n) childhood 年少年代,年少 kid 小孩 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 teens 青少年,十几岁的孩子(13至19岁之间) teenager (13至19岁之间的)青少年,青少年男女 adolescent 青少年 青少年的,芳华期的,未老到的 adolescence 芳华期,芳华 adult 成年人,成年动物 成年的,老到的 the middle-aged 中年的,中年人 the old (people) the aged 老人,晚年人 图像来自网络,版权为原作者一切!
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