
??Nana:Here we are, We're on the top of the mountain. 咱们到了。咱们如今到山顶了。 John:Look at the statue. The deer is looking back, and next to it is a handsome young man with a bow in his hand and a pretty girl by his side. 看那座雕像。鹿在回头,鹿的尊下是一名年青俊美的小伙子,他手里拿着弩弓,紧挨着他的是一名秀丽的密斯。 Nana:It seems as if they are telling a story to tourists. 他们恍如在给游人叙说着故事。 John:Right. Tell me the story. I can't wait. 对呀,给我讲讲这个故事,我等不及了。 Nana: Okay. Once upon a time, there lived a young man in a valley of Wuzhishan. He was such a good hunter that he became known to all. One day at dawn, he set out to go deer hunting in the mountains, crossing over hills and valleys, but he didn't get anything. 好的。好久之前,在五指山山谷里,住着一名青年,是远近闻名的好猎手。有一天,他拂晓启航到山林里去猎鹿,奔走风尘,却一无所获。 John:Oh, what a poor guy! Did he find any deer later? 哎,不幸的人!其后他创造鹿了吗? Nana:Yes, he did. Before he lost hope, suddenly he saw a cute deer bouncing not far away from him. 是的,就在他绝望的时辰,遽然,他瞥见一只工致的梅花鹿,离他不远,活蹦乱跳。 John:I guess he was overjoyed. Then what did he do? 我想他愉快极了。然后呢? Nana:When he was ready to shoot at it, the deer looked at him and ran away quickly. 就在他预备射杀时,小花鹿瞧了他一眼,拔腿就跑。 John:What did he do next? 其后呢? Nana:He was chasing after the deer all the way, climbing over hills after hills, going across deep streams and thick forests of coconut palms until he reached Yulin Port in Yazhou. 年青的猎人不断地追着小花鹿,超出山岭,跨过深涧,穿过旺盛的椰林,一贯追到崖州的榆林港。 John:What happened to the deer? 小花鹿怎样样了? Nana:Just as he tried to shoot at it, all of a sudden, the deer turned into a beautiful girl, and smiled at him. He was so amazed to see it that he could not bear to kill her. 就在年青的猎人企图射杀它时,俄然,小花鹿变成了一名秀丽的密斯,朝他浅笑着。看到这悉数,年青的猎人惊奇不已,他不狠心射杀她。 John:Then they fell in love with each other. Am Ⅰ right? 然后他们就相彼此爱了,对吧? Nana:Yes. They got married. Ever since then they have had a happy life, and the husband never went hunting again. 是的,他们成婚了。从那往后他们过着夸姣的糊口,丈夫也再也不去打猎了。 John: Then what did they live on? 那末他们靠甚么糊口呢? Nana: They lived on farming. They cleared and worked the land in the coconut palm forest on the coast of the South China Sea. Later this place got the name the Deer Looking Back. 他们靠种田糊口,在南海之滨的椰林里开荒种田。这个场所其后就被称作“鹿回头”。 John:What a touching story! Everything here charms me a lot. I can't tear myself away from here. 故事太悦耳了!这儿的悉数都令我沉浸,让人留连忘返。 要点语句轻松学 11.It seems as if they are telling a story to tourists. 他们恍如在给游人叙说着故事。 系动词 seem 后跟 as if/as though 在某些环境下可暗示真实环境,在某些环境下也可表达虚拟的、非真实的口气,用法视具体语境而定。请看下面的例句: (1)It seems as if it's going to rain. 看容貌天要下雨了。 (2)It seems as if she is very rich. 看容貌她很赋有。 (3)It seems as though they could get married. 他们似乎要成婚似的。 12.Once upon a time, there lived a young man in a valley of Wuzhishan. 好久之前,在五指山山谷里,住着一名青年。 词组 once upon a time 用于传说或神话故事的开首,意为“畴前;好久之前”。如: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. 畴前,有一名秀丽的公主。 句型 “there lived + 名词或名词词组” 是 “there be+名词或名词词组” 的变体,这句话也可以说 “There was a young man.” 请看下面的例句: (1)Long, long ago, there lived a pretty princess in the castle. 好久,好久之前,这座城堡里住着一名秀丽的公主。 (2)Ten years ago, there lived a wise man in the village. 十年前,这个村里住着一名智者。 13.He was such a good hunter that he became known to all. 他是远近闻名的好猎手。 句型 such...that... 暗示“如斯……致使于……”的意思,后跟名词,that 后跟班句,暗示作用。请看下面的例句: (1)He is such good guy that everybody in the village likes him. 他是一名大好人,所以村里的人都喜爱他。 (2)Hainan is such a beautiful place that tourists would like to come. 海南是一个如斯秀丽的场所,所以旅客都情愿来。 词组 be/become known(to sb) 意为“知名;被人所知”。请看下面的语句: (1)He is known to all the teachers in the school. 黉舍里一切的教员都晓得他。 (2)I'm sure Hainan will become well known to the world one day. 我深信终有一天海南会闻名世界的。 14.One day at dawn, he set out to go deer hunting in the mountains, crossing over hills and valleys. 有一天,他拂晓启航到山林里去猎鹿,奔走风尘。 词组 at dawn 意为“在拂晓;在拂晓”;set out 意为”(怀着方针)启航;启航;起头作业”。 请看下面的例句: (1)He set out to work at dawn. 天还没亮他就去作业了。 (2)Every day at dawn she sets up to prepare for the exam. 为了预备这次查验,每天天没亮她就起头进修了。 (3)The Chiese team set out to break the world record. 我国队同心专心极力要打破世界记载。 如今分词短语 crossing over hills and valleys 用奉陪同情况。 15.Suddenly he saw a cute deer bouncing not far away from him. 遽然,他瞥见一只工致的梅花鹿,离他不远,活蹦乱跳。 动词分配 see sb doing (sth) 意为“瞥见或人正在做(某事)。请看下面的对话 (1)A: What did you see, Jack? Jack,你看到甚么了? B: I saw a young man entering the building. 我瞥见一个年青人进了那座大楼。 (2)A: What did you see, Jane? Jane,你看到甚么了? B: I saw a guy coming out of the building. 我瞥见一小我从那座大楼里出来了。 16.What happened to the deer? 鹿怎样样了? 句型 sth happen to sb/sth 意为某事“遭受、降临”到或人或某物上。如: I hope nothing happened to him. 我期望他没失事。 What has happened to your car? 你的车出甚么差错了? 17.He tried to shoot at it. 他企图射杀它。 动词 try 有许多用法,句中 try to do sth 意为“企图;主意极力做某事”。如: He tried to solve the problem, but he failed. 他企图处置这个困难,可是没乐成。 I tried to persuade her to marry me. 我主意说服她嫁给我。 18.He was so amazed to see it that he could not bear to kill her. 看到这悉数,年青的猎人惊奇不已,他不狠心射杀她。 句型 so...that... 在此暗示“如斯……致使于……”的意思,so 润饰描述词或副词,that 辅导作用状语。请看下面的例句: (1)The children were so excited that they couldn't fall asleep. 孩子们都开心肠无法入眠。 (2)This sentence is so difficult that no one in the class can understand it. 这个语句太难了,班里没有一小我能了解它。 (3)The teacher spoke so fast that we couldn't catch him. 教员讲得太快,咱们都跟不上。 请注重 be amazed(at/by sb/sth)、be amazed how/what、be amazed to(see、find、learn...) 等的用法。请看下面的例句: (1)I was amazed at her knowledge of Chinese literature. 她的我国文学常识之丰盛使我大为颤动。 (2)We were amazed by his success. 他的乐成使咱们喜不自禁。 (3)I was amazed how little she had changed. 我惊奇的是她竟然没有甚么改造。 (4)I was amazed to learn that he had become a CEO. 我惊奇的是他竟然当了首席实施官。 句中词组 can not bear to do sth 意为“不狠心做某事”,可作为全体分配来镜像。如: I can't bear to eat it. 我可不狠心吃它。 She couldn't bear to see her son marry such a lady. 她不克不及狠心看到她的儿子娶了多么一名女子。 19.They fell in love with each other. 他们相彼此爱了。 动词词组 fall in love with 意为“一见钟情;坠入爱河”。如: He fell in love with her at first sight. 他对她一见钟情。 He fell in love with skating. 他爱上了溜冰。 20.Ever since then they have had a happy life. 从此往后他们过着夸姣的糊口。 ever since then 意为“自此往后;从那往后”,用于如今结束时,可以当作词组镜像。如: Nothing bad has happened to the family ever since then. 从那往后,这家人再也没有遭碰到意外的事端。 21.Everything here charms me a lot. 这儿的悉数都令我沉浸。 sth/sb charm sb 意为“某事或或人迷住、招引或人”。如: The coconut palms charm the tourists. 椰子树让旅客们沉浸。 The tourists are charmed by the coconut palms. 旅客们被椰子树迷住了。 词组 a lot 用作副词,与动词连用,在句中润饰动词 charm,意为“很是;许多地”。如: They helped me a lot when I was in trouble. 我坚苦时他们帮了我许多忙。 22.I can't tear myself away from here. 让人留连忘返。 词组 tear oneself away(from sth) 意为“恋恋不舍地分隔;忍痛离去”。如: Children usually can't tear themselves away from computer games. 孩子们但凡难以脱节电脑游戏。 She tore herself away from the beach. 她恋恋不舍地分隔了海滩。 tear 的以前式是 tore,以前分词为 torn。 辞汇加油站 胜景奇迹places of interest 世界文明遗产worldcultural heritage 风俗园 folkgarden 旅行景点scenic spot 游旅行地touristattraction 休化名胜holidayresort 消暑名胜su小妹er resort 天然保护区nature reserve 森林保护区forestry reserve 初始森林primeval forest 野生动物园wildlifepark/safaripark 野生动物保护区wildlife reserve 天然异景natural wonder
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