《隐秘的角落》 一同学英语吗

??迩来《荫蔽的角落》爆火,不能不认可切当是部好剧,可是它真的给我的糊口带来了很大困惑,因为我老婆说,她再也无法恬静地上临光头的我了,乍一看脊背发凉。 今日就和大师共享一篇关于《荫蔽的角落》的英文报导,文章选自彭湃消息的英语网站 Sixth Tone (第六声),说话流利,用词到位,我从中选择出第一段和大师共享,全文可见文章底部。 原文 Debuting to Rave Reviews, Chinese Drama ‘The Bad Kids’ Cuts Deep ①It’s a pristine day, and substitute math teacher Zhang Dongsheng is out for a hike with his elderly in-laws. ②As they stop for a rest at a craggy overlook, Zhang whips out a large camera and motions for the couple to pose as they’re seated together on a boulder against the backdrop of a cloudless sky. ③The soft-spoken younger man moves closer to adjust their posture and suddenly — as if momentarily possessed — shoves them from their perch, sending them tumbling to their deaths. 一 先看一下文章标题: Debuting to Rave Reviews, Chinese Drama ‘The Bad Kids’ Cuts Deep 标题的信息量极大,首先debut一词(读音 [debju]),暗示“首映”(appear in public for the first time),即这部剧方才上映。 咱们举个比方: Disney movie 'Mulan' will debut in August. 迪士尼片子《花木兰》将于8月首映。 文中debut后边的介词to暗示某种水平; rave reviews 体现出这部剧的热度,它可以当作一个固定分配,暗示“赞誉、大加赞许”(strong praise),文中 Debuting to Rave Reviews 便可以了解成:刚上映就得到了好评如潮。 咱们再来看骨干: Chinese Drama ‘The Bad Kids’ Cuts Deep ‘The Bad Kids’是这部剧的名字:《坏小孩》 cut deep 的字面意思是“深挖”,这儿比方这部剧的内容发掘得很深,即“立意深化”。 所以标题可以翻译成: 中剧《坏小孩》立意深化,首映便好评如潮。 关于“好评如潮”、“口碑炸裂”的其它表达,可阅读公家号文章《外媒是若何报导“哪吒之魔童降世”的?》。 二 ①It’s a pristine day, and substitute math teacher Zhang Dongsheng is out for a hike with his elderly in-laws. 这是一个极新的一天,数学代课教员张东生陪他年迈的岳父岳母出门郊游。 ①句奉告了时分、人物和事端: 时分:a pristine day 极新的一天;人物:substitute math teacher Zhang Dongsheng 数学代课教员张东升,his elderly in-laws 他年迈的岳父岳母。事端:is out for a hike 出门郊游。pristine在这儿指 fresh and clean “极新的”,比如: The Mac sold on Xianyu is in pristine condition. 在咸鱼上出售的这台苹果电脑是全新的。 文中 a pristine day 可以了解成“极新的一天”,也可以替换为 a fresh day. substitute math teacher的意思是“数学代课教员”,substitute作名词时,如果指物,则暗示“替换品”,如: There's no substitute for practical experience. 没有任何东西能替代实习经历。 如果指人,则是“替补(队员)、代课教员”的意思。 三 ②As they stop for a rest at a craggy overlook, Zhang whips out a large camera and motions for the couple to pose as they’re seated together on a boulder against the backdrop of a cloudless sky. 他们在一处陡峭、视野坦荡的场所停下来复苏,张取出了一个大相机,暗示坐在巨石上的老两口摆个姿式,给他们拍摄,布景则是一片晴朗的天空。 句首as...这部分点了然那时一行人的情况:As they stop for a rest at a craggy overlook 当他们在一处陡峭、视野坦荡的场所停下来复苏时 craggy指“陡峭的”,为后文“坠崖”埋下了伏笔。 overlook在这儿是罕有的名词用法,指“视野坦荡的场所、居高临下的场所”,比如,咱们可以说“欲穷千里目”的鹳雀楼是一个overlook,来张图感触一下: 看过剧的同窗也能想到这张剧照: 再看骨干部分:Zhang whips out a large camera and motions for the couple to pose 这部分是对张东升的动作描绘,首先他取出了一个大相机(whips out a large camera),然后他暗示岳父岳母(motions for the couple)摆姿式(to pose)。 whip 在这儿暗示 move, or make sth move, quickly and suddenly,字面意思是“遽然移动、遽然使某物移动”,连系文中语境,whips out a large camera可以了解成“遽然使相机向外移动”,即“遽然取出相机”。 motion在这儿是动词,其英文诠释为:to make a movement, usually with your hand or head to show sb what you want them to do,即“暗示”,比如: He motioned for us to follow him. 他暗示咱们跟他走。 文中motions for the couple to pose便可以了解成:向老两口暗示让他们摆pose. 接下来又经由进程一个as规划,抵偿了老两口那时的情况:as they’re seated together on a boulder 他们一块儿坐在一个大石头上 be seated on至关于sit on,暗示“坐在”;boulder指“巨石”,领会便可。 语句最终又抵偿了相片布景:against the backdrop of a cloudless sky. against the backdrop of...是一个常见的固定分配,暗示“以...为布景”,造个语句: Democrats gain the upper hand in the 2020 presidential election against the backdrop of Black Lives Matter protests. 在“黑人的命也是命”游行的布景下,民主党在2020年总统大选中获得优势。 文中against the backdrop of a cloudless sky便可以翻译成“以晴朗的天空为布景”。 四 ③The soft-spoken younger man moves closer to adjust their posture and suddenly — as if momentarily possessed — shoves them from their perch, sending them tumbling to their deaths. 遣词和顺的年青人走了以前,帮他们调解姿式,然后遽然——似乎被暂时控制住了似的——把他们从石头上推了下去,摔死了。 这句话经由进程一系列的动作描绘,奉告了犯法进程,先是年青人moves closer(走近了),然后shoves them from their perch(把他们从石头上推了下去),其作用就是sending them tumbling to their deaths(把他们摔死了)。 “年青人”前有个描述词 soft-spoken(遣词和顺的)润饰,使表面的阳光和心里的阴晦构成光鲜的反差。 shove是“推、搡”的意思,比如: He shoved her down the stairs. 他把她推下楼来。 shove和push同义,但动作比push加倍粗鲁。 perch转义是“歇息地”,这儿指他们坐的场所,也就是前面的boulder,文中shoves them from their perch就是“把他们从石头上推了下去”。 sending them tumbling to their deaths是语句的状语规划,send sb/sth+adj./done/doing暗示“使或人处于某种情况”,比如: Protests and government's inaction have sent the number of infected cases in the United States soaring. 对立游行和当局不作为使美国感染人数激增。 The rampaging pandemic has sent global stockmarkets tumbling. 疫情残虐,使全世界股市狂跌。 所以文中sending them tumbling to their deaths便可以了解成:使他们摔了下去(sending them tumbling),直至消亡(to their deaths)。 语句中心还有一个刺进成份,抵偿了张东升那时的情况:as if momentarily possessed possess在这儿是个熟词僻义,它在一些宗教风俗中指“被(鬼神)附身”,比如: He was extremely worried after dreaming about being possessed. 他梦到被鬼神附身今后,很是担忧。 被鬼神附身,真实就是被它们控制住了,所以possess也引伸出influence/control的意思,比如: Absolute terror possessed her. 字面意思是“极点惧怕控制住了她”,即?迮碌搅思恪薄? 文中as if momentarily possessed=as if he was momentarily possessed,意思是:就像他被暂时控制住相同。
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