
??Be careful when you cross the street. 过马路时留心点。 Look sideways while you are walking. 走路时要留心周围。 Watch for the traffic lights. 要看红绿灯。 Make sure you walk when the light is green. 保证是绿灯时才走。 Raise your hand when you cross the street. 过马路时要牵起你的手。 Don t play with your cell phone on thestreet. 不要在路上玩手机。 Don t run. Walk slowly. 不要跑,慢走。 Don t rush 不要赶。 Go straight to school. 直接去学校。 Don t ever follow strangers. 不要跟陌生人走。 Go along the broad street. 要走大道。 Don t go down the narrow back street. 不要走狭隘的巷子。 Listen to your teacher. 听教师的话。 Ask your teacher if you want to go to the bathroom. 要上厕所时要跟教师说一下。 Be nice to your friends. 对兄弟要友爱。 Turn off your cell phone at school. 在学校时要关掉手机。 Eat plenty for lunch. 午饭要多吃点。 Don t stop at the game machine. Just pass by it. 不要在游戏机前停留,走曩昔就好了。 What should you do when there is a bully? 当遇到恶霸时你该怎么办? If you meet a bully, tell me at once. 碰到的恶霸的话要当即告诉我。
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