
??嗨,大师好!我的名字是Remay, 我来自湖南,吉林大学电机一体化专业。我以超卓的作用经由进程西席资历证及全国普通话等第查验。我在英语培训黉舍作业5年,此中2年实战教学经历,孩子和青年少都有触及。我长于协助学员提升发音、听力和白话。我信赖快乐喜爱是好的教员,是以我很是尊敬每一个学员的本身特征与进修办法,我会以契合的办法煽动勉励和激起大师,协助每一个学员摄生长时刻的进修快乐喜爱。英语进修没有捷径,但我期望你享受英语进修的旅程。业余时分我喜爱研请教学技能,参观,有时我喜爱读一本书,看一部片子。百立是一个很是好的平台,有一批对英语赋有豪情的教员,我很走运有机缘和大师一块儿协作打开。我的座右铭是“活到老学到老,爱英语,爱教训,爱糊口.”谢谢!Hi, everyone, my name is Remay.I'm from Hunan province. I was majored in mechatranics in Jilin University.I had a good examination results by the Teacher,the National Marndarin Examination.Altogether I have 5 years experience working in English training school, and 2years teaching experience working with both kids and teenagers. I'm good at helping students in improve their pronounciation,listening and speaking skills. I believe interest is the best teacher, so I'm very willing to respect everyone's unique personality and learning style. I will work to encourage and motivate you in a best way, so that you can develop a lasting interest. There's no short cut to English learning,but I hope you enjoy your English learning journey.In my spare time, I like studying teaching skills and traveling, sometimes I enjoy reading a book or waching a movie.Baili is a great platform. Teachers are all passionate about English, so I'm very honored to have the chance to grow together with everyone. My motto is' Never too old to learn, love English, love education,love life.'Thank you! 国籍:我国 作业经历:东莞长安百立英语西席 预定试听 免费通话
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