中考英语作文经典论题高分句型 网络和新交际媒体

??第一部分 搜集的利益 1. With the development of science and technology, Internet has become an important part of our life and dramatically changed our life. 跟着科技的生长,互联网已变成咱们糊口的一个首要部分而且极大地改变了咱们的糊口。 2. I find it very convenient to get access to the latest and most useful knowledge. 我创造获得最新和最有用的常识很是便当。 3. Nowadays, the Internet is becoming more and more useful and we can search whatever information we want to study. 如今,互联网变得愈来愈有用,咱们可以搜刮咱们想进修的任何信息。 4. Online education makes our life extremely convenient, which can provide us excellent resource to gain knowledge and save time, energy and money. 搜集教训使咱们的糊口极端便当,可觉得咱们供给获得常识的极好本钱,节约时分、精力和金钱。 5. The internet makes it possible for us to do shopping at home 互联网是咱们在家购物变成可以。 6. After all, there are much more than computer games that we can get from computers, we can also acquire useful knowledge 究竟??成果,从电脑中咱们可以获得比电脑游戏更多的东西,咱们可以获得有用的常识。 第二部分 搜集的坏处 7. Nowadays, there is a widespread debate about the influence of the Internet upon people's life. Undoubtedly, there are both advantages and disadvantages in the Internet. 如今,关于互联网对我们糊口的影响有着广泛的争论。毫无疑问,互联网有利益也出缺陷。 8. As a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides, and the Internet is no exception. The negative aspects of the Internet are also quite apparent. 俗?担棵队脖叶加兴嫘裕チ膊黄评;チ母好嬗跋煲仓凉亟献拧? 9. But on the other hand , there is no doubt that internet really exists some disadvantages. A number of online games are not of high quality even contain some unhealthy content like violence 但另外一方面,毫无疑问,互联网切当存在一些坏处。一些搜集游戏质量不高,甚至富含暴力等不健康内容。 第三部分 若何操作搜集 11. With the development of science and technology, Internet has become an inseparable part of our life. Only when we can make good use of it , can we gain benefits 跟着科学技能的生长,互联网已变成咱们糊口中不成豆割的一部分。只需充分操作它,才干得到效益。 12. In fact, internet is not that horrible , as long as we know more about it , it will become our right hands on our studies . Let`s build a clean network world together. 真实,互联网并无那末可骇,只需咱们多领会它,它就会变成咱们进修的辅佐。让咱们一块儿创建一个清洗的搜集世界。 13. All in all, use the internet correctly and it will become your good helper in your study and life. 总之,精确使用互联网,它将变成你进修和糊口的好协助。 第四部分 新媒体 14. As time goes by, there are many kinds of co小妹unication methods, such as mobile phone, webchat, QQ, but as for me , I prefer to use webchat to chat with my friends. 跟着时分的推移,有不少种交流办法,比如手机,搜集谈天,QQ,可是抵挡我来讲,我更喜爱用webchat和我的朋友谈天。 15. In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the face to face co小妹unication and try not to waste too much time on mobile phones. 在我眼里,咱们应当加倍留心面临面的交流,尽可以不要在手机上浪费太多时分。 第五部分 网上外卖 16. Internet makes online food delivery booming in China, 互联网使网上外卖在我国昌盛生长。 17.On the one hand, some people consider that it is convenient for them to order various food online anytime ,anywhere, which can meet different people`s needs. 有人认为随时随地在网上订购各类各样的食物很便当,可以知足不合人群的需要。 18.On the other hand, some people worry about the pollution and health caused by increasing amount of plastic packaging. 另外一方面,也有人担忧塑料包装数意图增加变成的污染和健康疑问。
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