习语常识 暴风雨前的恬静,用英语怎么说,你晓得吗

??嗨,大师好!今日和大师一块儿进修三个有用的习语!话不多说,让咱们起头吧! to take one's breath away to take one's breath away的意思是“someone is emphasising the fact that it's really beautiful or amazing or breathtaking”,即“令或人欣赏,使或人大吃一惊”。 例句: The beauty of the Taj Mahal took my breath away. 泰姬陵美得让我欣赏。 the calm before the storm the calm before the storm的意思是“a period of unusual peace,silence and tranquillity that seems to come before more difficult or chaotic times”,即“暴风雨前的恬静”。这个习语但凡指严峻狡计、剧烈辩论或劫难发生早年的恬静。 例句以下: The hall was very quiet, but it was the calm before the storm. 大厅里一片恬静,但这是暴风雨前的恬静。 to spread one's wings to spread one's wings的意思是“to become more independent and confident and to try new things”,即“自力自立”。鸟分隔巢,它们初度遨游并打开同党,也就是指鸟长大了,自力了。所以这个习语是“自力自立”的意思。 举个比方: When he starts to spread my wings, he is a little exciting and a little lost. 当他要起头自力糊口的时辰,他在小小的愉快的一起,也有点小小的掉。 以上就是今日所学内容,你学会了吗?
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