作文猜押 2020中考英语作文名师押题(附范文)必定要看看!

??押题1:地摊经济 2020年可以经济不景气,连带着许多人员赋闲,薪酬却不见增加,我们为了日子拼命的奔波,物价却一向在上升,为了股动经济打开,所以直接出明文可以开释地摊经济(stall economy)。请根下面所示,写一篇100词支配的短文,谈谈“地摊经济”的利与弊。 一、地摊经济有哪些优点呢? 1.更大的推进了活络作业。 2.降低创业(entrepreneurship)本钱(至少不会付高房租) 3.添加老群众日子快捷,让老群众日子愈加五颜六色。 4.空闲时刻可以用来添加收入。 5.花费者在衣食有了多种选择,有了更多的竞赛,因为地摊本钱相对实体店要低许多,可以会变相地降低花费者地日子本钱。 二、早年撤消地摊经济首要缘由是:为了创建清洁城市,地摊经济被严峻打压。看似城市规整了,可是却影响到一有些人的日子。地摊活泼起来了,会不会呈现大批商家占道运营,影响到路人通行,还需要一段时刻来验证。 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 The stall economy can get a job quickly. Reduce the cost of entrepreneurship, increase the convenience of people's life, and make people's life more colorful. Spare time can be used to increase income. Consumers have a variety of choices in food and clothing, with more competition, because the cost of land stall is much lower than that of physical stores. In the past, the main reason for canceling the stall economy was that in order to create a healthy city, the stall economy was severely suppressed. It seems that the city is clean, but it affects some people's lives. When the stall becomes active, whether there will be a large number of businesses taking up the road and affecting the passage of passers-by. It will take a while to prove. 押题2:新冠病毒 一场出其不料的疫情,打乱了咱们正本恬静的日子。这是一场全世界、全人类的战争。守在家里的咱们,早已刻不容缓地想出门走一走。但在这场战争的攻坚期间,咱们能做的就是不时刻刻留心防护,削减外出,戴好口罩,勤洗手等等。 假定你是李华,请给远在澳大利亚的老友Jenny 写一封80-100词的电子邮件,告诉她国内新式冠状病毒肺炎的现状以及你是如何防护的?一起也请表达我国公民必胜的崇奉。 1. What is the current situation of new coronavirus pneumonia in China? 2. How do you protect yourself? 3. Do you have the confidence to win? 提示词语:wear a mask, go out less, wash hands frequently ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 Dear Jenny, A sudden outbreak of the disease has disrupted our peaceful life. This is a battle for the whole world, for all mankind. Now, thousands of people have been infected by this disease, including some doctors and nurses. Chinese government has took measures to fight against the disease. In Wuhan, two new hospitals were built to treat more patients. In order to protect myself, I seldom go out. If I have to go out, I will wear a mask. And I must wash hands frequently. I believe that we will win at last, because we work together and we try our best. Yours, Li Hua 押题3:手机 21世纪,许多创造改动了咱们的日子,智能手机( smart phone)的呈现以及对咱们日子发生了无量的影响,作为一名中学生,谈谈你对智能手机运用的观点。请你根据下面提示,写一篇短文。内容包括: 1. 智能手机运用的现状 2. 智能手机对日子的的影响;(包活利益和缺陷) 3. 呼吁我们合理运用智能手机 需求: 1. 不得照抄原文:不得在作文中呈现学校的真实称号和学生的真实名字 2. 语句联接,词数80—100 。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 As we all know, smart phones are becoming more and more popular and they are playing an important role in our daily life. There is no doubt that we have benefited a lot from smart phones.We can read news,watch films,take photos,chat with friends,keep in touch with our relatives,or play games to get relaxed. But every coin has two sides.Smart phones also have bad effects on people.They are very common for young people to lower down their heads to check on smart phones.They don't have facetoface communication with others,which is not good.What's worse,more and more students are so addicted to playing games using their smart phones that their grades have gone down. As for me, I think we should make good use of smart phones, which is just a tool, not the main part of our life. 押题4:微信 微信在咱们的日子中越来越广泛,不管是年青人仍是晚年人都喜爱运用微信,请你谈论一下微信给咱们日子带来了啥样的改动,它有啥样的优缺陷? 要害: 1、微信已变成咱们日子中的一有些。不管是年青人仍是晚年人都在运用微信。 2、微信有啥优点呢?例如:快速发送信息;可以马上和兄弟共享音乐、相片、视频等;可以直接发送语消息息;可以当成地图运用;可以快速付款等等。 3、可是不管年青人仍是晚年人,运用微信太久,对双眼有害;微信占有了我们许多地时刻,我们很少进行户外运动或许和家人一同运动玩耍,对身体无益。 4、正确运用微信,让它使咱们的日子更夸姣。 5、字数:100字支配。 参阅词汇:voice message(语消息息) take up(占有) 需求:包括要害,恰当参加自个的观念。 Wechat in our life ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 Wechat in our life Wechat gradually comes into our life and Whether the young or the old, we use WeChat. Wechat is a mobile phone software of chatting , which can through the Internet send voice messages, video, images and text,We can make new friends from the wechat. We can communicate with our friends, which can help us get short messages, pictures and so on .We can use it as a map and help us pay the bill. Every coin has two sides, Wechat has brought us both convenience and troubles. We may often lose ourselves in the wechat, and controlled by wechat in some degree, So we seldom have time to exercise with our family. It is bad for our eyes if we use it for a long time. There are countless people walk or drive with head down, then leaded to a disaster. We should use it correctly in order to make our life better. 押题5:校规 同学们,中考往后,你们即将离别亲爱的母校。回忆三年的母校日子,学校里的许多规则 有助于你的安康生长。你能谈一谈你们学校的校规吗?你对这些校规有何观点?你对母校有 哪些合理化主张?请你以My school rules为题写一篇短文。 需求:1. 言语表达精确,语意通畅、联接; 2. 书写规整、标准; 3. 根据所给内容,请做恰当发扬; 4. 词数80支配。文章的标题和最初已给出,不计入总词数。 My school rules We have many rules in our school. ________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 My school rules We have many rules in our school. I think most of them are good for us, but some are not so good. Here are some good rules. We can’t be late for school. We must listen carefully to teachers in class. Mobile phones are not allowed to bring into the school. These rules are good for our study and I like them. I think there are also a few unnecessary rules. For example, students are not allowed to wear long hair. I think girls should be allowed to wear long hair. I hope these rules can be changed. 押题6:环保 “维护环境,人人有责”,你想变成绿色使者吗?请行为起来吧!其实,环保就在咱们身边,例如,回绝一次性纸杯,顺手关掉电灯,运用布做的购物袋,尽量骑自行车出行……请以“How to Be a Greener Person”为题,写一篇80字支配有关环保的短文,并恰当宣告你的观点。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 How to be a Greener Person It’s our duty to protect the environment around us. The three Rs—reduce, reuse and recycle—are important. I think we’d better not buy bottles or boxes which people can only use once. We should turn off the lights when we are not using them. We can give old clothes to others to reuse them. When we go shopping, we’d better take a cloth bag rather than use plastic bags. We shouldn’t throw things away if they can be reused, repaired or recycled. It’s important for us to protect animals and plants. We are supposed to prevent the factory from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and so on. If everyone is doing that, our world will become more and more beautiful. 押题7:愿望 人类因愿望而巨大,愿望因斗争而精彩。你的愿望是啥?方案怎样完成?即将去哪里作业?何时初步?为啥会有这个愿望?请以My Dream Job为标题,写一篇短文。 需求:1.笔迹规整,条理理解,无语法差错。 2.词数80支配。 My Dream Job ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 My dream job Everyone has his own dream. Some want to be scientists,some want to be artists, hut I want to be a doctor when I grow up. I think it9s meaningful to be a doctor because I can help the sick people and save people's lives. I will study hard to enter a good medical university, then I can study Chinese medicine and improve my skills. After that I will work in the places where they need me most. Maybe I’ll go to the west part of China. I don’t really care. In fact, I just want to try my best to help them. From now on, I will work hard to make my dream come true. 押题8:安康 近期一项查询闪现许多中学生的安康情况令人担忧,首要是不安康的日子方法致使的。请以“ healthy life”为题,撰写一篇100词以上的短文。 需求: 1.谈谈自个的日子方法或习气是不是安康。 2.共享一下你认为的安康日子方法。 3.建议中学大约安康日子。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 Healthy Life Health is important to everyone. If we want to live a happy and healthy life, we need to keep a healthy lifestyle. I think my lifestyle is not good because I often eat some junk food and I seldom do exercise. What does a healthy lifestyle look like? Frist of all, we need enough sleep. Every day we should sleep for at least eight hours. Sleeping very late is bad for health, so we had better go to bed before ten o 'clock at night. Secondly, it is also important to eat enough vegetables and fruits every day. There is a saying: an apple a day keeps a doctor away, so it's good to have some fruits every day. Also, we need to drink enough water. To sum up, we should keep a healthy life style. I wish everybody can have a healthy body. 押题9:减负 为了推进中小学生安康生长,迩来教育部印发了《中小学生减负办法》(减负三十条)。假定你是李华,请你站在中学生的情绪从下面几个方面向你的英国笔友Mike简略介绍其间的内容,并谈谈你自个的观点。 1.作业方面:初中家庭作业不跨越90分钟; 2.电子产品方面:阻止学生将手机带入课堂; 3.习气方面:上课专心听讲,课后主动温习; 4.你的观点…… 留心:1.词数80~100;2.可恰当添加细节,以使行文联接;3.信中不能呈现与自己有关的信息;4.最初和结束已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Mike, In order to improve students’ health, our country carried out 30 rules to reduce (削减) students' pressure (压力). Let me tell you something about them. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have such rules? Hope for your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【参阅范文】 Dear Mike, In order to improve students’ heath, our country carried out 30 rules to reduce students’ pressure. Let me tell you something about them. Generally, it falls into four parts. And I will introduce to you three of them which are close to us students. Firstly, homework for middle school students should take no more than 90 minutes so that we will have more time to relax. Secondly, mobile phones shouldn’t be allowed to appear in class because we are easily absent-minded from the lesson. Thirdly, students are expected to listen carefully and go over lessons in time so that they can master the right method of learning. In my opinion, these rules are helpful to us students. If we follow them, we can improve our study as well as health. Do you have such rules? Hope for your reply. Yours, Li Hua 押题10:旅行 假期许多同学都外出旅行,旅行不但让咱们开阔视野,也让咱们放松心境。《学英语》报社正在打开“高兴旅行”的征文活动。请你写一篇作文80字支配的文章投稿,谈谈你难忘的一次旅行阅历,包括:你啥时刻去哪儿旅行了,在那儿做了啥,旅行的感触如何。 提示词:visit, delicious, photos, scenery, exciting, enjoy, ... 提示疑问: 1. When and where did you go? 2. What did you do there? 3. What do you think of your trip? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 I went on a trip to Shanghai with my parents last summer holiday. We visited Yuyuan. It is a Chinese traditional building. And we enjoyed various kinds of delicious food from all over China. We had a long walk on the bund of Shanghai. There are many old tall buildings along Huangpu River. Some of them have a history of hundreds of years. We went to the landmark – the Oriental Pearl TV town. You went to the top of it to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Shanghai. We took many photos there. What an exciting trip we had in Shanghai! 押题11:交通 跟着路面上车辆越来越多,交通平安变成了我们日益关怀的疑问。在事端中丧生的人数每年都在增加。咱们大约怎样前进我们的平安知道呢?请向你的同学写一篇建议书。 内容包括: 1. 细心恪守交通规则,时刻紧记平安第一。 2. 有许多交通规则,但最根柢的是红灯不能过马路; 3. 请你提出两条有关恪守交通规则方面的主张。 需求:1、表达理解,语句通畅,意思联接,书写标准; 2、文中不得呈现真实名字和校名; 3、词数80支配(不含首尾句所给出的词数)。 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 Dear classmates, Nowadays, more and more people drive cars. However, more and more people are killed in car accidents. Traffic safety is everybody’s business. Remember safety is the first all the time. There are many traffic rules in our country, but the most basic is that we mustn’t cross the road when the light is red. We must obey the traffic rules seriously. For example, we must walk on sidewalk. When we cross crosswalk, stop and look both ways, then go across fast. Don’t play on the road, we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc. If everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody’s business, we can be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks. Thank you for your patience! 押题12:诚信 习近平总书记在全国教育大会上提出了“立德树人”的人才培育根柢使命。英语课上,同学们就“诚信”这一论题打开了谈论。请你以李华的名义,根据以下提示和需求写一篇短文,谈谈日子中你是如何做到诚笃守信的以及这样做的意义。 提示:(1) What is your idea about being honest? ( 2) What do you do in your daily life to be honest? ( 3) Why do you do so? 需求:(1)短文须包括一切提示内容,可恰当发扬。 (2)短文中不要呈现真实的地名、校名和人名。 (3)词数80个支配(最初已给出,不计入总词数)。 参阅词汇:promise, virtue(美德) It's one of our traditional virtues to be honest. ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 It's one of our traditional virtues to be honest. Honesty is a great virtue which is traditionally encouraged by Chinese people. It's really important for us to be honest in our life. As for me, I consider honesty to be one of the most important rules that should be followed. I never tell a lie to others, no matter what happens. If I do something wrong in life, I usually choose to tell the truth even if it brings me some trouble. Once I make a promise, I will try my best to keep it. Being honest helps us win more respect from people around. All in all, honesty makes the world more trust worthy and a better place to live in. 押题13:人工智能 请以 Artificial Intelligence 为题,写一篇短文,内容如下: 1. 人工智能被称为世界三大顶级技能之一; 2. 人工智能自1956年以来,现已获得很大前进,如今被广泛使用于各种领域; 3. 我对人工智能很感快乐喜爱,我的愿望是在大学里学习研讨人工智能,如今则有必要先学好数学和核算机; 4. 有些人认为人工智能是风险的,将来可以会抵挡人类; 5. 我认为…… 留心思项: 1. 短文有必要包括一切提示内容,需求语句通畅,意思联接; 2. 第5点须用2-3句打开合理愿望,作恰当发扬; 3. 词数在90个支配,短文标题与最初已给出,不计入总词数。 4. 参阅词汇:人工智能Artificial Intelligence (缩写AI); 领域 field 顶级技能Advanced technology; 抵挡 resist Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is called one of the three advanced technologies in the world. Since 1965, AI has made great progress. Now it is widely used in different kinds of fields. I am quite interested in AI. My dream is to study AI in the college. At present, I have to learn Maths and Computer well first. Some people think AI is very dangerous and may resist humans in the future. But I think AI is very useful in our lives. AI is cleverer and faster than humans’ brains. It can help us with many problems. 押题14:传统文明 尊老、敬老、爱老、助老是中华民族的传统美德。如今,人员老龄化表象加剧,关怀老人迫在眼前。请根 据以下提示写一篇关于Caring for the Old的短文,词数80—100字。 需求:(1)有必要包括一切提示信息,最初已给出,不计入总词数; (2)意思理解,表达通畅,行文联接,书写标准; (3)请勿在文中运用真实的名字、校名。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 Caring for the Old Nowadays, it’s common in our daily life that people don’t pay enough attention to the old. As a result, most old people live alone and feel lonely. What’s worse,they are weak and easy to fall sick.So we should do something to take care of them. On the one hand, I think young people should respect the old. They must spend more time looking after old people. Children need to go back home often and chat with their parents.Besides, they should help old people do some housework. On the other hand, it’s necessary for the government to improve old people’s lives. More old people’s homes and the elderly activity centers should be built so that the old can have fun and live a happy life.What’s more,the government ought to provide good medical care for them. In short, all of us should care for the old and treat them patiently. 押题15:网购 如今越来越多的人在网上购物,网购(Internet Shopping)已变成盛行趋势,而网购的利害也变成我们谈论的抢手,请以“Internet Shopping”为题,参阅下面的信息,并联系自个的观念写一篇英语短文,可恰当发扬。 Advantages Disadvantages 1. 便利(convenient),可以在家买东西,不受时刻捆绑。2. 有很大的产品信息3. 可以买到当地没有的产品。4. 价格廉价。 1. 买货简略,退货难。2. 什物(material object)和图像有间隔。3. 网络付出不平安。 留心:1. 短文应包括所给内容要害,可恰当发扬,使文章联接; 2. 词数100支配,短文最初已给出,不计总词数; 3. 文中不得提及考生地址的学校及自个的名字; Internet Shopping Now Internet Shopping is more and more popular in the world. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 Internet Shopping Now Internet Shopping is more and more popular in the world.It’s a new way of shopping. It has lots of advantages. The most important is convenient. You can shop whenever you like because the online shop are open 24 hours a day. It is often to buy goods and it is also easy to find the things that you can’t buy in the shop. And they are cheaper. Besides, we can learn lots of information about goods. But “Every coin has two sides. ” So is Internet shopping. You can’t see the material objects or check their quality. Usually the pictures are more beautiful than the goods. So when we get the goods and don’t like them, they sometimes are not easy to give back. What’s more, it’s not safe to pay through the internet. So we should be careful when we shop on the internet. 押题16:同享头盔 在短间隔交通上,电动自行车有着便利便利的优势。可是每年因为平安疑问,致使电动自行车屡遭谴责。经分析,在触及电动车去世事端中,有90%的去世由脑外伤致使,其间很大缘由是因为电动自行车骑乘人员未戴平安头盔或未正确佩戴平安头盔。“同享头盔”运用,可以大大前进电动车运用者的平安用车,标准行车的知道。请根据下面提示,谈谈“同享头盔”的功用利益。 1.微信无人自助扫码,头盔自助借还,无需下载APP 2.运用记载留痕,追溯订单 3.超时提示,削减占用公共本钱 4.报错提示,柜门异常停用报错 5.更多智能打点功用,等候发掘 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参阅范文】 In the short distance traffic, E-bike has the advantage of convenience and rapidity. For our safety, we need to wear helmets. Using shared helmets can greatly improve the safety of users. Users can scan code by wechat and borrow helmets by themselves without downloading app. Use records and trace orders. If it's over time, it will remind. to This reduces the use of public resources. If there is a mistake, the door will be stopped. Now there are more intelligent management functions waiting to be discovered. 觉得这篇文章不错的话,请在文末右下角【点赞】撑持,并点亮【在看】,转发【共享】哟,教育路上,咱们与您并肩同行。
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