
??4 More trouble for Anne 4 安妮还有更多的贫穷 ‘I think I’ll ask new vicar Allan, and his wife to tea on Wednesday.’ Said Marilla one day. 一天,玛丽拉说,“礼拜三,我打算请新的牧师阿伦师长教师和他的太太来品茗。” ‘Oh, yes, please do!’ cried Anne excitedly. “那太好了!请他们来吧!”安妮开心肠叫道。 ‘Mrs. Allan is young and beautiful, and has a very sweet smile! “阿伦太太年青秀丽,笑起来也很甜! Can I make a cake for tea? Say yes, Marilla!’ 我能为他们最块茶点蛋糕吗?承诺吧,玛丽拉!” Marilla agreed, and for the next few days Anne planed what she would put in her cake. 玛丽拉撑持了,在今后的几天里,安妮策略着蛋糕里要放甚么。 ‘I do hope it’s going to be a good one,’ she told Diana. “我真期望蛋糕会好吃,”她对黛安娜说。 ‘Sometimes I forget to put in the right things.’ “有时我会健忘了应当放些甚么。” ‘You made a very good one last week,’ said her friend. “上个礼拜你做的蛋糕极好吃,”黛安娜答复道。 ‘I’m sure it’ll be all right.’ “我感触这次也不会有甚么疑问。” On Wednesday, the tea party stared very well. 礼拜三到了,下战书茶集会起头得很顺利。 ‘These are very good cakes, Miss Cuthbert,’ “蛋糕看上去很不错,卡斯伯特蜜斯,” Mrs. Allan said to Marilla. ‘You have been busy.’ 阿伦太太对玛丽拉说。“把您忙坏了吧。” ‘Anne make this one, specially for you, Mrs. Allan’ replied Marilla. “这蛋糕是安妮特别为您做的,阿伦太太。”玛丽拉答复道。 ‘Oh, well, I must try some,’ laughed the vicar’s wife. “噢,是吗?我必定要试试,”牧师太太笑道。 But after the first mouthful there was a very strange look on her face. 可是当她尝了一口今后,脸上呈现了一种独特的气色。 未完待续~
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