
??罗琳在写《哈利·波特》时就使用了不少谐音梗,比方斯内普的“Half-Blood Prince”,乔治耳朵受伤后讲的笑话“saintlike”和“holely”。 小斯今日就来为大师共享一些《哈利波特》的英语谐音梗。 一、Why is Mad-Eye Moody such a bad professor? Because he can’t control his pupils. 为甚么说疯眼汉是一个糟的教授? 因为他管不住他的pupils。(注:pupils有“学生”和“眼球”两种诠释) 二、Why doesn’t Voldemort have glasses? Nobody nose. 为甚么伏地魔不戴眼镜? 没人晓得(nose与knows同音)。 三、How much does it cost to watch Harry Potter play his favorite sport? A quid each. 看哈利·波特打球必要花许多钱? 一次一英镑(A quid each音同Quidditch/魁地奇)。 四、“Harry, your godfather is dead.” “Are you serious?!?” “Yep. Dead Sirius.” 哈利,你教父归西了。 你必定? 是的。小天狼星死了。(Dead Sirius音同Dead serious,意为“很是必定”) 五、“Harry, your godfather is dead.” “Are you serious?!?” “No, I’m Snape.” 哈利,你教父死了。 你必定?(你是小天狼星?) 不,我是斯内普。 六、Hows does Voldemort enter a room? He slithers in. 伏地魔怎样进房间? 他滑行着进(slithers in音同Slytherin)。 七、Why is herbology Slytherin students favourite class? Because it’s in the green house. 为甚么斯莱特林的学生最喜爱草药课? 由所以在温室上课(green house直译“绿色的屋子”) 8、Why does Ron love his pet rat? It’s the pet-he-grew up with. 为甚么罗恩那末喜爱他的宠物老鼠? 因为他们是一块儿长大的。(pet-he-grew,音同Pettigrew) 九、Why doesn’t snape teach herbology? Because his lily died. 斯内普为甚么不教草药课? 因为他的莉莉(百合花)死了。 十、Why did Barty Crouch Jr. quit drinking? Because it was making him Moody. 为甚么小巴蒂克劳奇戒酒了? 因为喝酒会让他脾性变坏(变成穆迪)。 十一、How do Death Eaters freshen their breath? With Dementos. 食死徒使用甚么法子清新口吻? 用曼妥思(Dementos=the Mentos,音同Dementors/摄魂怪) 1二、 I found the first four Harry Potter books to be quite light-hearted. The fifth one was dead Sirius. 我创造前4部《哈利波特》小说比较轻松,但第5部真的很严肃(小天狼星死了)。 1三、 Why did they vote for Harry Potter to be president? Because they didn’t want to elect Ron. 为甚么他们选哈利·波特? 因为他们不想选错/罗恩(Ron音同wrong)。 1四、Knock-Knock Who’s there? You know You-Know-Who? Exactly, AVADA KEDAVRA! 敲门声。 是谁? 你晓得的。 你晓得是谁?(奇妙人?) 没错,阿瓦达啃大瓜。 1五、 How did Harry Potter get down the hill? Rolling. 哈利·波特怎样下山? 滚下去(Rolling音同Rowling)。 1六、多毛VS卤蛋 harry音同hairy(多毛的)。
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