
??12 #英语学习# The next day some of the school children were playing in a farmer’s field in their lunch hour, 第二天午饭的时分,一些学生在农民的田里玩耍, so, they were a little late for afternoon school. 因而,下午他们上课的时分吃到了一会儿。 Anne ran into the classroom at the same time as the boys, just after the teacher. 安妮跟着男孩子们一同跟在教师后边进了教室。 ‘You’re later, Anne,’ said Mr. Phillips. “安妮,你迟到了。”菲利普先生说。 ‘You won’t sit with Diana today. I see that you enjoy being with the boys very much, “今日你不能和黛安娜坐在一同了,我发现你很喜爱和男孩子一同, so, go and sit next to Gilbert this afternoon.’ 今日下午你去和吉尔伯特坐一同吧。” Anne’s face went white. ‘He can’t mean it!’ she thought. 安妮的脸变白了。?换崾堑娜返陌桑 彼搿? ‘Did you hear me, Anne?’ asked Mr. Phillips. “安妮,你听见我说话了吗?”菲利普教师问。 ‘Yes, sir,’ said Anne and moved slowly go Gilbert’s desk. “是的,先生,”安妮答复并缓慢地挪到了吉尔伯特的书桌旁。 There she sat down and put her head on the desk, with her arms over it. 她坐下来把她的头埋在手臂里趴在书桌上。 ‘This is the end,’ she was thinking. “这下完了,”安妮想。 ‘I wasn’t the only person who was late. And he’s sent me to sit down boy! “我不是仅有迟到的学生,可他让我坐在一个男孩周围! And that boy is Gilbert Blythe!’ 而这个男孩仍是吉尔伯特!” The rest of the day went very slowly for Anne. 对安妮来说那天过得很慢。 When it was time to leave, she went to her desk, next to Dinna’s, and took all her books, pens, and pencils with her. 等到放学的时分,她回到黛安娜周围,从自个的课桌里取出了讲义、钢笔和铅笔。 ‘What are you doing, Anne?’ asked Diane. “安妮,你在干啥?”黛安娜问。 ‘I’m not coming back to school,’ replied Anne firmly. “我不再会回学校里来了,”安妮坚决地答复。 ‘Oh! But Anne…we’re reading a new book next week… “噢!但安妮……下周咱们就要读新书了…… and we’re playing in a new game on Monday, 星期一咱们还要玩一个新的游戏, and…It’s be very exciting! And you’ll miss it, Anne!’ 还有……在学校里会很会很风趣!安妮,你会错失这些的!” But Anne was not interested. ‘I’m sorry, Diana’ was her only answer. 可是安妮对她所说的不感快乐喜爱,只是答复道:“黛安娜,很抱愧。” 未完待续~
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下一篇:学英语有必要死记硬背《新概念》 俞敏洪 我可没这样说过!