
??景象会话之买东西 玛丽:你好,你想买一台数码相机吗?看看奥林巴斯的产品吧。 Hello, buy a digital camera? Olympus products. 约翰:是的,是供家庭使用的。两千到三千元便可以了。 John: Yes, its for the family. Two to three thousand yuan is enough John: What do you how, can you reco小妹end me a few; John:能给我举荐几个吗; Mary: Is it for home use? Which kind of price you & your family is with you? Probably to want what price? 玛丽:请看看这些模子。我认为这些相机的性价比是很高的 .John: I like this one. Can you show it tori like this one, Can you give me have a look? 约翰:我喜爱这个。你能把它展示给我看一下吗? Ok, this is seven million pixels, a two point five -inch LCD screen, and short-term camera. 玛丽:好的。这款相机有700万像素,2.5英寸的液晶闪现屏,还有shoriterm视频录制成效 新单词:How \ rele mend \ n. Reco小妹ended, it is reco小妹ended that the ratiol reiisun. Ratio, ratio 听力课客 由创视网提景象会话之打电话篇 Jack:Hello? Can I speak to Mr. Smith? 喂?能请史姑娘师长教师听电话吗? Gina:Im sorry, but hes out now. May I take a message? 抱愧,他如今不在。要我传话吗? Jack:Yes. This is John Brown. Id like to meet him next Monday morning around 10 oclock. 我是约翰布朗。我想下周一上午10点支配见他。 Gina:Ill check his schedule... Yes, I think he can see you. But can you call again around five oclock to make sure?我来查查他的日程表... 可以,我想他可以见你。不过,五点支配你可以再打电话来必定一下吗? Jack:OK,thank you very much 好的,很是感谢你。 Gina:You are welcome 不客套 由创视网提景象会话之买瓜果篇 Li Ming: Hello, I want to buy some fruit Nana: what fruit do you need? Li Ming: I need apple, Sydney, banana, watermelon, pineapple, Hami melon Nana: OK, just a moment. Ill go to the warehouse and have a look for you Li Ming: OK, Ill wait for you Nana: Hello, thank you for waiting. I found apples, pears and bananas for you, but pineapple and Hami melon are out of stock. But we still have strawberries and oranges. Do you need them? Li Ming: let me think about it. Well, take some strawberries for me. Thank you Nana: OK, just a moment Nana: Hello, you spent 300 yuan in total. Would you like to swipe your card or cash? Li Ming: OK, Ill pay in cash Nana: Thank you for your patronage. Welcome to our hotel next time 创视网 李明:你好,我想要买一些瓜果 娜娜:请问你必要哪些瓜果? 李明:我必要苹果,雪梨,香蕉,西瓜,菠萝,哈密瓜 娜娜:好的,稍等,我去仓库帮你看一下 李明:好的,我等你 娜娜:你好,感谢你的等待,我帮你找到了苹果,雪梨,香蕉,可是菠萝跟哈密瓜暂时没有货了,不过咱们还有草莓,橘子,你必要吗? 李明:让我想想,恩,,,,好吧,帮我拿一些草莓吧,谢谢 娜娜:好的,稍等 娜娜:您好,您一共花费了300元,请问是刷卡仍是现金呢? 李明:好的,我付现金 娜娜:感谢您的莅临,招待下次光临 期望列位同窗的确细心阅读以上文章,纯熟掌控英语景象对话是必要用到的根基辞汇,只需多学多练,白话才干愈来愈好,若何列位同窗还对英语景象对话有疑问,可以找创视网再进修。
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