干货 英语中表达倍数的5种句式!

??1.倍数+as……as…… We have produced three times as many computers as we did last year. 咱们出产的计较机是旧年出产的三倍之多。 My deskmate claimed to have twice as many stamps as me. 我同桌声称他的邮票是我的两倍。 2.倍数+the size of…… 常见的与size用法不异的名词有weight分量,height高度,depth深度,width宽度,age春秋,length长度等。 This city is almost twice the size of that city.在面积上这个都会是阿谁都会的两倍大。 This rope is three times the length of that one. 这根绳子是那根绳子的三倍长。 3.倍数+what从句 The width of the road is twice what it was three years ago. 这条路是三年前的两倍宽。 The production now is three times what it was five years ago.如今的产量是5年前的三倍。 4.倍数+比较级+than I AM twice older than you. 我是你们的两倍大。 He has read three times more books than I have. 他读过的书是我读过的3倍多。 5.比较级+than…+by+倍数 The line is longer than that one by twice. 这根线是那根线的两倍长。 The time I spent is more than that,he spent by three times. 我耗费的时分是他耗费的时分的三倍。 以上就是表达倍数的5种常见句式。期望对大师的进修有所协助,招待大师关注,转发,谈论。
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