新概念英语三册Lesson 27课文讲义,单词具体解析,高分的保证

??1.philosopher n.哲学家 philosophy n.哲学 2.wisdom n.才智;正确的判别 wit and wisdom(作家或演说家的)才情 wise adj.聪明的;正确的 as wise as an owl非常聪明 wizard n.有特别才干的人;奇才;天才;巫师 witch n.巫婆 3.spiritual adj.精力上的 spirit n.精力;魂灵;勇气 spirited adj.精力饱满的;英勇的 low-spirited 沮丧的 high-spirited 振奋的 spirits 烈酒 sprite n.小精灵 break one’s spirit 挫……锐气 catch one’s spirit致使快乐喜爱 4.grudge v&n. 仇恨;牵强做某事 歹意;吃醋;仇恨(against) He grudges every penny he has spend.他每花一便士都非常小气。 I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods.我不愿意花这么多钱买次品。 I bear him no grudge.我对他没有歹意。 He has a grudge against me.他对我有歹意。 grudging adj.不甘心的;牵强的 5.surgeon n.外科医生 dentist 牙医 psychologist 心思医生 veterinarian 兽医(vet) pediatrician 儿科医生 internist 内科医生 6.dignity n.庄严 beneath one’s dignity (常作反语)有失身份 Some husbands still think it beneath their dignity to do shopping. stand on one’s dignity (因自爱)坚持庄严;(因自命特别)搭架子 She doesn’t stand on her dignity and treat the rest of us as servants. dignitary n.显要人物;权贵 dignify v.使显得有庄严;给……露脸 a ceremony dignified by the presence of the ambassador dignify a small collection of books with the name of library 藏书不多,美其名曰图书馆 7.deliberately adv.成心肠=on purpose deliberate adj.成心的 v.细心思考或谈论 We had no time to deliberate on the problem.咱们没有时刻细心思考这个疑问 I deliberated with him on his future plans of study. 我和他参议关于将来的学习方案。 deliberation n.细心的思考或协商;审议 After long deliberation, they decided not to buy 8.consequence n.成果;成果;重要性 in consequence of 因为 take the consequences of 承担……责任 consequent adj.有某事致使的;随之发生的 the rise in prices consequent upon the failure of the crops因为农作物的歉收而致使的物价上涨 consequently adv.所以 consequential adj.随之发生的;有深远重要性的;自傲的 9.afflict v.是烦恼;浪费 She is afflicted with arthritis.她患有关节炎。】 Severe drought has afflicted the countryside.严峻的干旱使村庄深受其害 affliction n. 词根 flict标明冲击 conflict 冲突 inflict 使遭受 10.contempt n.鄙视 contemptible adj.可鄙的 contemptuous adj.小看的 in contempt of不管…… In contempt of his father’s objection he went abroad hold / have sb in contempt = look down upon sb 11.envious adj.满怀吃醋的 enviable adj.令人仰慕的 envy v&n.仰慕;吃醋 in the light of依照;根据;思考到 = according to = taking into account = considering in terms of = in respect of = with respect to 关于;就……而言
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