
??3 At Avonlea school 3在埃文利学校 When school started in September, Anna and Diana walked there and back together every day. 9月,学校开学了,安妮和黛安娜每天一同步行上学。 ‘What a beautiful day,’ Anna said happily one morning, as the two little girls walked across the fields. 一天清晨,当两个小姑娘穿过郊野的时分安妮感叹地说“多夸姣的一天啊!” ‘I’m very lucky to have you as my best friend, Diana. You are my best friend, aren’t you?’ “黛安娜,我有你这样的兄弟真走运,你是我最佳的兄弟,不是吗?” ‘Of course, Anne,’ replied Dinna, talking Anna’s hand. “当然,安妮,”黛安娜捉住安妮的手答复。 ‘And just think, today you’ll meet Gilbert Blythe. “想想看,今日你就要见到吉尔伯特·布莱斯利。 He’s three years older-than us, and very good-looking. 他比咱们大三岁,长得非常帅。 He’s just come back from holiday, and starts school today.’ 今日他刚刚度完假回学校上学。” ‘Oh, boys!’ said Anne. ‘I’m not interested in them.’ “男孩!”安妮说。“我对他们不感快乐喜爱。” But she did look at Gilbert when they arrived at school. 可是,当她们抵达学校的时分,安妮仍是审察了吉尔伯特一下。 He was a tall boy, with curly brown hair and a friendly smile. 他是个长着曲折的棕色头发的高个子的男孩,脸上挂着友善的浅笑。 ‘He is good-looking,’ Anne whispered to Diana, ?さ檬撬В卑材菪∩憎彀材人怠? ‘but why dose he smiles at me? He doesn’t know me!’ “但他为啥冲我笑?他根柢不知道我!” Avonlea school was quiet that day. 埃文利学校那套非常均匀。 The teacher, Mr. Phillips, was helping some of the older children at the back of the schoolroom. 学校的教师,菲利普先生在教室后边辅导一些大孩子。 Anne was looking out of the window at the reds and yellows of the trees, and the silvery blue of the river. 安妮看着窗外红黄相间的树和波光粼粼蓝色的河。 She was far away in the world of her imagination. 她现已被她的愿望带到了悠远的当地。 But Gilbert wanted her to look at him. 可是吉尔伯特期望她能看看他。 未完待续~
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