职称英语辅导 职称英语考试必备5类常考阅览了解题型

??Ⅰ.掌控所读材料的大旨和粗心 (找主题句) 1. The main idea of this passage is __ 2. This passage tells us __ 3. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? 4. The passage mainly discusses __ 5. The authors purpose in writing this passage is __ 6. What is the passage mainly about? 7. What is the best title of the passage?  Ⅱ.领会论说大旨的究竟和细节 (归纳解题法) 1. Some people do sth. because. __ 2. Why does the author mention? 3. Which of the following does the author want to illustrate in discussing ? 4. Which of the following is not a result of __ ? 5. All of the following may be …… except __ 6. Which of the followings is not mentioned? 7. Which of the following statements is not true? 8. The author states all of the items listed except ? Ⅲ.依照上下文决断某些辞汇和短语的意义(依照上下文十构词法+辞汇常识) 1. The word …… in line……, refers to __ 2. The expression …… is closest in meaning to __ 3. In line …… the word …… most probably means __ 4. By …… the author means __ 5. ……, as used in the passage, can best be defined as __ IV.既了解个别语句的意义,也了解上下文之间的意义纠葛(有联络联络语句之间的逻辑纠葛如:因果、举例、行为主意、比较、条件、让步) 1.which of the following may cause/lead to … according to the passage? 2. Sb. is asked to do sth. because __ 3. The best solution for ……… seems to be __ 4 … is specifically mentioned in paragraph……, as an example of __ 5. According to the passage, people differ in their opinions about __ 6. Which of the followings best characterizes the main feature of?  V.依照所读材料举办必定的决断和推论 (揣度文章的寄义和引伸意思) 1 .It is implied in the passage that __ 2. The passage implies/suggests that __ 3. It can be inferred from the passage that __ 4. Which of the following can be concluded from the passage? 5. Based on the passage, we can assume that __ 6. The paragraph following the passage would most probably discuss __ 7. What would the paragraph preceding this passage probably discuss?
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