英语阅览 Get blood from stone是用中文仍是用英语“读”

??英语阅读:Get blood from stone是用中文仍是用英语“读”? 在英语阅读中碰到“不理解”的英语时,你的“第一个反应”是甚么? 望文生义“用”中文“了解”吗?多么的习气真实跟不学英语没甚么区别。正本只用中文“学”英语就已会浪费或耽搁你进修英语的时分精力了,再胡乱望文生义更是百害而无一利。 对大都人而言,英语首先不是“学来用”的,就是你想用也没有阿谁机缘和条件。所以,咱们所能做的就是在非英语说话情况下经由进程操练用英语学英语多给本身一些“英语说话情况”的条件。 所以,“读到”英语Good luck getting a group of toddlers to sit still—it's like getting blood from a stone中的get blood from a stone时,要养成的习气和要培育的英语才能,就是:查英英字典:这与其说是只为学英语,不如说是为了培育好习气。 1) 查Cambridge:get blood from a stone To do something that is very hard to accomplish, especially when dealing with other people in some way. Okay.不用“依托”中文,此中的英语very hard to accomplish总该可以协助咱们了解英语 getting blood from a stone吧?这也恰是咱们进修英语getting blood from a stone必需记取的英语,而不是它的中文。 2)查Collins: to make someone give or tell you something, when it is extremely difficult because of the character or mood of the person or organization you are dealing with. 你“不必要”完全读懂这句英语诠释,但此中的it is extremely difficult总该可以不必要中文便可以直接了解。一个字典?怠?is very hard to accomplish,一个字典?怠眎t is extremely difficult,真实还不是一个意思?而咱们却从中丰盛了本身将来的英语表达。 这就是耐久使用英英字典能收到的用中文学英语耐久收不到的成果。 3)操练用英语学英语:“读”英语时?怠庇⒂铮坝谩庇⒂? Okay.I got you.If someone says It's like ,or doing something is like getting blood from stone,they mean it is very hard to accomplish, something=get something done,or it is extremely difficult to get it done=to accomplish it. 如果咱们学英语getting blood from a stone时,连多么的简略英语都“不会说”,“不会用”,也“懒得去练”,而只会?怠敝形模偌又F胀ň透苊挥腥魏斡⒂锼祷扒榭觯愀写ツ途枚嗝从弥形摹岸庇⒂铮嚎煽柯穑? Example: Persuading Chris to buy a round of drinks is like getting blood from a stone.
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