读外刊学英语 美国黑人的日子和医疗窘境

??种族小看一贯是美国社会的痼疾。在新冠病毒疫情的冲击下,黑人的弱势职位当地特别较着:相抵挡白人,黑人赋闲率更高,新冠肺炎病死率更高。乔治·弗洛伊德惨遭“跪杀”变成了积存已久的社会不满情感的迸发点,引发了美国否决种族主义的新海潮。Black Lives Matter的标语关于的是差人的暴力法令,也合用于黑人集体接收医疗就事的深挚壁垒。 今日咱们看看《经济学人》文章 Black America in Peril 若何分析美国黑人的糊口和医疗窘境。 THE MOST difficult social problem in the matter of Negro health, wrote the sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois in 1899, was to understand why so few white Americans were bothered by it. The poor black lives Du Bois described in his pioneering study, The Philadelphia Negro, were spent in the most unhealthy parts of the city and in the worst houses, with minimal medical attention. They tended to be sickly and short. Yet he could think of “few other cases in the history of civilised peoples where human suffering has been viewed with such peculiar indifference. 1899年社会学家杜波依斯(W.E.B. Du Bois)写到“在黑人健康方面(in the matter of…)最坚苦的社会疑问”是了解为甚么几近没有白人在乎这件事。杜波依斯在他的前驱性的研究中描绘的不幸黑人,“费城黑人”,“在城里最不健康的场所,在最糟的屋子里”筋疲力尽(spent),极少获得医疗关注(medical attention)。他们简略(tend to)疾病缠身,寿数时刻短。可是他想到“人类文明史上(the history of civilized peoples),几近没有相同的事例,即人类的痛楚(human suffering)被如斯异常冷酷(indifference)地看待。” 威廉·爱德华·伯格哈特·杜波依斯(W.E.B Du Bois),泛非活动的创始人,也是美国有色人种协会的树立者之一,终其一辈子全力敌对不一样待遇及种族小看。 1. spent /spent/ adj. 用过已废的;失效的;筋疲力尽的After the gruelling test, he felt totally spent. 严峻的查验过后,他感触筋疲力尽了。 2. minimal /mnml/ adj. 极小的;极少的;最小的The chances of losing money are minimal. 赔钱的机缘微缺乏道。 3. suffering /sfr/ n. 苦楚哀痛;痛楚;熬煎;磨难;忧?Death finally brought an end to her suffering. 消亡究竟竣事了她的痛楚。 4. view /vju/ n.(小我的)见地,定见,观点;情绪v. 把…视为;以…对待;看;傍观A reporter asked the minister how he viewed recent events. 记者扣问部长若何对待迩来的事务。 5. indifference /ndfrns/ n. 无视置之;冷漠;不感快乐喜爱;无动于中Their father treated them with indifference. 他们的父亲对他们无视置之。 Modern medicine has since transformed the life expectancy of all Americans. But many of the disparities Du Bois observed remain. African-Americans are still the country's poorest, poorest-housed and unhealthiest large group, with high incidences of asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and obesity. In 1899 infant mortality was almost twice as high among blacks as among whites; now it is 2.2 times higher. If anything. African-American diets are unhealthier now than the rations of milk, bread and fried pork Du Bois described. So-called food deserts are a modern phenomenon. The 160,000 people who live in the District of Columbia's two poorest and overwhelmingly black wards, 7 and 8, east of the polluted Anacostia river, have only three supermarkets. They also have the sparsest health care in the city, with no major hospital. 现代医学自那今后已改变(transform)了一切美国人的均匀预期寿数(life expectancy)。可是,杜波依斯调查到的不少不一样(disparity)仍然存在。非裔美国人(African-American)仍然是这个国度最贫穷,栖息情况最差,也是最不健康的集体;哮喘、糖尿病、高血压(hypertension)、癌症和肥胖(obesity)的病发率(incidence)很高。1899年,黑人儿童消亡率(infant mortality)几近是白人的2倍;如今2.2倍。甚至正相反(if anything),非裔美国人如今的饮食还不如杜波依斯描绘的由牛奶、面包和煎猪肉构成的定量口粮(rations)健康。所谓“食物荒芜”是一个现代征象(phenomenon)。哥伦比亚区两个最贫穷而且绝大大都为黑人的选区(ward),第7和第8选区,位于受污染的(polluted)阿纳科斯蒂亚河东边;那儿栖息着160,000人,却只需三个超市。这些居民也是城中获得医疗就事(health care)最希少(sparse)的,没有大型病院(major hospital)。 食物荒芜:短少健康食物零售点,居民食物来历但凡为便当店或加油站的社区,甚至社区居民必需到最少一英里之外的场所才干买到新颖的肉类、奶制品和蔬菜。 1. disparity /dsprti/ n. (尤指因不公正看待引发的)不合,不等,不一样,悬殊the wide disparity between rich and poor 贫富悬殊 2. incidence /n·s·dns/ n. 发生领域;影响水平;发生率;入射(角)an area with a high incidence of crime 犯法率高的地域 3. ration /rn/ n. (食物、燃料等短少时的) 配给量,定量;定量口粮;正常量;公正的量Once these latest rations run out, the country will again face hunger and starvation. 最终这批口粮一旦用完,国度又要面临饥馑。 4. phenomenon /fnmnn/ n. 征象;精采的人;特别的人(或事物)Globalization is a phenomenon of the 21st century. 全世界化是21世纪的征象。 5. sparse /spɑs/ adj. 希少的;希罕的;幽静的The information available on the subject is sparse. 这个标题材料短少。 Little wonder blacks have been so stricken by covid-19. The disease kills in tandem with the ailments they suffer from the most. The latest data suggest one in 2,000 African-Americans has died of it, even though the southern states, where over half live, have been relatively spared. Partly for that reason, black Americans are not unusually likely to catch the virus. Yet those who do are 2.4 times likelier to die than whites and 2.2 times likelier than Asians and Latinos. In Washington, DC, blacks are less than 47% of the population, but account for 80% of its 445 coronavirus deaths. 难怪(little wonder)黑人遭到新冠病毒剧烈侵略。病毒和其他疾病一块儿(in tandem with)造变成了大多数的消亡。最新数据表达(suggest)每两千个非裔美国人中就有一个死于(die of)新冠病毒,即便南边诸州疫情相关于弛缓(relatively spared),而有一半以上的黑人糊口在南边。部分因为这个缘由,美国黑人非常(unusually)不成能感患病毒(catch the virus)。可是那些被感染的黑人患者消亡的可以性是白人患者的2.4倍,是亚裔和拉丁裔的2.2倍。在首都华盛顿,黑人不到人丁总数的47%,但却占(account for)了445个新冠消亡人数中的80%。 1. strike (struck, stricken) /strak/ v. 突击;侵略; 侵袭;迸发Police fear that the killer may strike again. 警方担忧杀人犯可以再次下手。 2. tandem /tndm/ n. 双座自行车;双人自行车in tandem 并行;平起平坐;一起实施 This director and composer have worked in tandem on several films. 导演和创造者合作了几部片子。 3. ailment /elmnt/ n. 轻病;小恙The pharmacist can assist you with the treatment of co小妹on ailments. 配药师能帮你医治一般的病痛。 4. spare /spe(r)/ v. 抽出;拨出;留出;匀出;以免;清除;宽恕;赦宥;放过;使逃走During the bombing only one house was spared. 在轰炸中,只需一座屋子逃过。 Though there are many causes of black ill-health, the solution probably starts with improving blacks' access to health care. There have been three significant efforts to do so since slavery, which all to varying degrees spluttered in the face of a backlash from whites. 尽管黑人健康状况欠佳(ill-health)有不少缘由(cause),处置方案(solution)可以从改进黑人获得医疗就事(access to health care)起头。自从奴隶制(slavery)竣事今后,已有三次首要的极力(significant effort),可是在白人的集体否决(backlash)下,这些极力都不合水平地(to varying degrees)消声匿迹(splutter)。 期间中说到的三次企图改进美国黑人医疗状况的极力: 1. 美国重修年代(Reconstruction),即1863到1877年,南边联邦与奴隶轨制同时被摧毁时,企图处置南北战争留传疑问的查验考试; 2. 1964-65年美国经由进程了《民权法》,并为穷户树立的医疗补助轨制(Medicaid),使非裔美国人第一可以或许享受常规的医疗就事; 3. 奥巴马执政年代推广的“平价医疗法案”(Affordable Care Act),使包括黑人在内的两万万美国人享遭到医疗稳妥。 1. access /kses/ n. 通道;通路;入径;(使用或见到的)机缘,权力Students must have access to good resources. 学生必需有机缘使用好的本钱。 2. significant / sɡnfknt/ adj. 有严峻意义的;显着的;有某种意义的;别有寄义的;标志深远的Marriage is a significant co小妹itment. 婚姻是一个首要的承诺。 3. splutter /splt.r/ v. 气急废弛地说;张皇地说;发噗噗声;发噼啪声Her father spluttered with indignation. 她父亲气得遣词都语无伦次了。 4. backlash /bkl/ n. (对社会改动等的)激烈反抗,集体否决the backlash against feminism 对女权主义的激烈否决 Covid-19 has also made clear that such an intervention should not be considered ideological. Perhaps government action is not the best way to raise blacks economically, as conservatives argue; but their poor health cannot be improved otherwise. The virus afflicts the industrious and work-shy alike — a point made by Mr Trump's trim African-American surgeon-general, Jerome Adams, when he acknowledged his own asthma, high blood pressure and heart disease. Indeed the most industrious blacks are likeliest to expose themselves and succumb to the virus. Poor black health is a disincentive to work that work alone cannot fix. 新冠病毒已使多么一个事理理解可见,即此种干与干与(intervention)不该和知道形状扯上纠葛。或许当局行为(government action)不是前进黑人经济职位当地的最佳办法,正如保守派认为的;可是除此以外黑人鄙俗的健康状况无从改进。病毒感染(afflict)勤勉的(industrious)人,也相同感染怠懈的(work-shy)——这一点特朗普健康的(trim)非裔清洁局局长(surgeon-general)杰罗姆·亚当斯(Jerome Adams)在认可(acknowledge)本身得了哮喘、高血压和心脏病的时辰已讲清楚了。切当,最勤勉的黑人最有可以将本身披露于(expose oneself to…)病毒,甚至死于(succumb to)病毒。黑人健康状况差是作业的阻滞(disincentive),光靠作业是处置不了的。 1. intervention /ntvenn/ n. 干与;干与干与Repeated interventions on the currency markets failed to prevent the currency's value falling. 对货泉商场的不竭干与干与也没能阻挡货泉价值降低。 2. ideological /adildkl/ adj. 思惟体系的;知道形状的;观念形状的Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors. 有些人淡化了知道形状身分的首要性。 3. afflict /flkt/ v. 熬煎;使痛楚He was afflicted with severe asthma. 他得了严峻的哮喘。 4. trim /trm/ adj. 细长的;细长的;健康典雅的;规整的;精心看守的;井井有理的You're looking very trim - have you lost weight? 你看上去很细长,瘦身了吗? 5. succumb /skm/ v. 屈就;遵守;招架不住(侵略、疾病、引诱等)His career was cut short when he succumbed to cancer. 他的奇迹跟着他死于癌症而接连。 6. disincentive /dsnsentv/ n. 起抑制感染的事物;中止身分High taxes are a disincentive to business. 高税收中止生意生长。 读完选刊,你是不是是和修改相同,对美国黑人的境况有了更深化的了解呢?美国黑人的医疗窘境只是种族疑问的一个旁边面,绝非一朝一夕可以完全治愈。可是咱们斗胆期望这次疫情会鞭挞美国黑人得到非常好的医疗就事,也期望21世纪能见证非裔美国人获得愈来愈多的公允。
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