
??中考英语听力查验重要考覆按生对英语白话的了解、决断和分析才能,也就是考覆按生对特定情境中的对话或独白所表述信息的信息输入、分析、了解,对有用信息和无效信息的输入断定和选择。 最终作出正确的了解和决断,一起也考覆按生对对话或独白所表述信息的了解存储和加工才能。#中考英语# 中考英语听力查验出题恪守以下三原则 1. 故步自封原则。即查验次序但凡是听语句、听短对话、听长对话或独白、听短文。语句在前,短对话、长对话或独白在中,短文在后,恪守由易到难、由短到长的原则。 2. 问长问短性原则。即安身英语的学科特征,听力查验充分体现问长问短性和人文性原则。 3. 实习性原则。即中考英语听力查验体裁来历于实践糊口,试题内容切近考生糊口实际,所查验的对话景象根基上是《责任教训英语查验纲要》后边所列的30项往常问长问短用语的领域。 即问好、介绍、离别、打电话、感谢和应对、祝福、@庆%HR1q5%祝和应%2XX72%对@、自愿、报歉和应对、怅惘和怜惜、聘请与应对、供给(协助)和应对、恳求容许和应对、暗示撑持和不合意、暗示必定和不必定、喜爱和厌烦、谈论争辩气候、购物、问路和应对、问时分或日期和应对、恳求、奉劝和主张、阻止和劝诫、暗示豪情、就餐、约会、通报信息、看病、乞助、处置问长问短中的阻滞、常见的符号和阐明等等。 中考英语听力查验的题型常见有四种 01 听语句或对话选图像 解题技能: 精确辨认这些图像的重要意思,尽量找出类似图像之间的不合的当地,听懂语句的意思,要长于捉住听力材猜中与图像契合的关头词语。 例1: What will the weather be like tomorrow? 听力原稿: M: Hi, Betty! It's rainy today, I don't know what the weather will be like tomorrow? W: Hi, Mike! It's reported that it will be sunny tomorrow. 解析: 这是一段谈论争辩气候的听力材料。考生应灵敏断定与图像契合的关头词语rainy与sunny。因为扣问的是往日诰日的气候,故依照谜底应选B。若考生不注重存贮了解对话的全体信息,简略误选A。 谜底:B 02 听对话或独白?岢龅囊晌剩〕鼍返拿盏? 考生应听清楚对话或独白?岢龅囊晌剩阶《曰盎蚨腊字泄赝沸缘拇视铮纾骸懊省⒍省⑵刀雀贝省⑹帧⑷掌凇钡取R黄穑忌褂ψ⒅厍泊嗜说目谄樾鳌⒓傩畔⒆倘拧⑹旨平弦晌省⒁畔⒌姆⒕颍匾侔炻呒Ф鹊鹊龋翘Σ檠橹屑蚵允Х值囊焕嗵庑停忌谕F胀ㄌΣ倭分幸⒙愕钠髦兀? 例2: What would Cathy like to do to help the kids? A. To teach the kids Chinese. B. To teach the kids English. C. To teach the kids singing. 听力原稿: W1: I'd like to help the kids after school, but I don't know what to do. Can you help me, Mrs Smith? W2: Well, Cathy, you are good at singing. Why not teach the kids singing? W1: But I'd like to help them with their study. W2: Then you can help them with their English. Don't forget you do very well in English. Q: What would Cathy like to do to help the kids? 这是一段收罗定见和主张的听力材料,依照对话内容,Cathy想鄙人学后协助孩子们,收罗Mrs.Smith的定见,Mrs. Smith给了她两次主张,初度是主张teach the kids singing,第次是主张Don't forget you do very well in English.故依照答语应选B。 易失误考点提示 1. 注重遣词人的口气和感神态绪 比方: What did he think of his exam? A. Very good. B. Not bad. C. Terrible. W: Are you happy after you finished your exam? M: Happy? You should see my marks before you said that. Q: What did he think of his exam? 依照顾对者的口气可知,他对他的查验感触不满足、不当当爽性!故选C。 谜底:C 2. 注重假信息滋扰 比方: How's the weather now? A. It's sunny. B. It's cloudy. C. It's rainy. W: Look at the sun. It's so hot! It makes me feel terrible. M: Yeah.But the radio say sit will be cloudy and rainy soon. Q: How's the weather now? 答语是滋扰信息,本题的精确选项包括在问话中。故选A。 谜底:A 3. 必要计较(注重:half, total, quarter, double) What day is it today? A. It's Monday. B. It's Wednesday. C. It's Sunday. W: I'm glad that my father will come back from London this Friday. M: Oh, you'll have to wait for another two day. Q: What day is it today? 依照对话,她父亲将在这周五从伦敦回来,但她还将等待两天,计较得知今日是礼拜三。故选B。 4. 隐含信息,必要揣度 What's the weather like now? A. It's rainy. B. It's sunny and hot. C. It's fine. 听力原稿: W: What's the weather like? M: According to the weather report, the rain will stop in two days, It will be sunny and hot. Q: What's the weather like now? 这是一段谈论争辩气候的听力材料。考生应依照答语the rain will stop in two days, It will be sunny and hot.两天后雨将停,气候将变得阳亮光媚和炽热,推知如今不才雨。故依照答语揣度应选A。 03 听短文,选出精确的谜底 这个题型在遵循前,要预先把疑问和举办选择的选项顺次序通读一遍,先大体大白人物、事务、时分、地址等一系列信息。在听的进程中,只需按标题次序逐个举办决断选择便可。如果一时有一句没有听懂,要学会量体裁衣,把听懂的先做,第次听的时辰,再补上早年漏掉的标题。还有,不克不及片面臆断,如果所听材猜中没有说起的内容,不克不及毫无来由的猜测。出格注重标题中如果呈现一些词,如:always, never, all, only, sometimes…,在遵循前就划出来,听的时辰必要与文章内容举办比较后再思虑、决断、举办选择。 例3: 听短文,选谜底:本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每一个小题的三个选项中,选出最稳当的一项。 16. Who went for a holiday with Zhang Yuan last su小妹er?  A. His friends. B. His parents. C. His classmates. 17. Most of the time, the town was very ______. A. popular B. peaceful C. noisy 18. How old was the lady in the town?  A. She was 97. B. She was 76. C. She was 79. 19. The lady had a ______ in the town.  A. shop B. hotel C. restaurant 20. In this passage, she was content with her life there means she was ______ with her life there. A. happy B. sad C. surprised Zhang Yuan is a middle school student. Last su小妹er, his parents took him to America for a holiday. One day, they visited a special town. It was very small. Most of the time, the town was very quiet and peaceful. There was only a 79-year-old lady living there. Her husband died in 2004 and her children all worked in the big cities. She had a small shop in the town. Sometimes, when a few visitors came here or passed by, the lady was glad to see and help them. She felt happy when helping others. Although she was alone, the lady enjoyed living in the town and being with her dead husband. She was content with her life there. Zhang Yuan thought the town was lonely, but full of love. 这篇短文以作者暑假到美国一乡镇旅行的所见所闻为体裁,内容简略、俭朴,切近考生糊口,出题布景公允。考生只需听懂短文内容,即可直接选择精确谜底,是听力查验难度不大的一类题型。 谜底:16.B 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.A 04 听对话或短文,结束语句 这个题型既查核听的才能,又查核单词的拼写才能,是听力查验中最难的一类题型。考生应注重在遵循前了解语句的内容,由此揣度文章的大旨;要研究语句中有哪些项目,各短少甚么内容。在听灌音时,便可以带着理解的使命去捕获所必要的信息。在做的时辰必定要细心,注重单词的拼写与巨细写。 做完今后必定要从下面三方面举办检查: 1) 格局同一:动词不定式,动名词,动词以前式。 2) 语法切确:名词单复数,动词第三人称奇数。描述词和副词的等第使用等。 3) 同音和近音:如see / sea; forty / fourteen等等。 例4: 听短文,结束以下内容。(每空格限填一词) 21. Although Aunt Emily is in her _______, she is still young. 22. Wendy thinks Aunt Emily's face is fat but she is still _______. 23. Aunt Emily can change the _______ into happy time. 24. While Aunt Emily stays alone, she likes ______ and gardening. 25. If you don't _______ _______ her, Aunt Emily will be angry easily. 谜底: 21. late fifties 22. rather attractive 23. dull lives 24. reading novels 25. agree with 听力原稿及在原稿上的答复: Hi, I'm Wendy. I'd like to introduce my Aunt Emily.Of all my relatives, I like Emily the best. She's my mother's youngest sister. She is still single and she lives alone in a small village near Bath. 21She's in her late fifties,but she's still quite young. She has thick brown hair and dark brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her lovely, warm smile. Her face is a little fat, 22but I think she is still rather attractive.She is friendly and helpful.I have to say she is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem. I love her because whenever Aunt Emily comes for a stay with us for a few days, 23the dull lives were suddenly changed into happy time. While she stays alone, 24she likes reading novels and gardening,and she goes for long walks over the hills with her dog. She's a very active person. Either she's making something, or mending something, or doing something to help others. She does the shopping for some of the old people in the village. She's extremely generous. 25But she is easy to be angry if you don't agree with her.I hope that I am as happy as she is when I'm her age. 总之,考生应先纯熟掌控《责任教训英语查验纲要》后边所罗列的30项往常问长问短用语,再举办有关于性的听力查验操练,注重存储听力材料所输出的全体信息,举办的确了解和决断,避免滋扰信息,找出精确谜底,获得好作用。
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