


A:This is vessel ABC, at position 35°06'N 139°20'E. We are steering a course of 050°, speed 20 knots. Over.
B:Vessel ABC, this is vessel XYZ. I am at position 34°56'N 139°26'E. I am steering a course of 180°, speed 18 knots. Please alter your course to starboard to avoid collision. Over.
A:Vessel XYZ, this is vessel ABC. Roger that. Altering course to starboard. Over.

A:Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is vessel ABC. We are taking on water and need immediate assistance. Over.
B:Vessel ABC, vessel XYZ here. We are nearby and are coming to your aid. Please provide us with your exact location. Over.
A:Vessel XYZ, this is vessel ABC. Thank you for your assistance. Our exact location is 35°12'N 138°58'E. Over.

A:This is vessel ABC. We are altering our course to starboard to avoid collision. Over.
B:Vessel ABC, vessel XYZ here. Roger that. We will maintain our course and speed. Over.
A:Vessel XYZ, this is vessel ABC. Thank you for your cooperation. Over.

A:This is vessel ABC. Our destination is port XYZ. We are planning to enter the port at 0800. Over.
B:Vessel ABC, vessel XYZ here. Roger that. We will make way for you upon your arrival. Over.
A:Vessel XYZ, this is vessel ABC. Thank you for your cooperation. Over.

A:Attention, attention. This is vessel ABC. There is a large iceberg ahead. All vessels in the vicinity, please be aware and take necessary precautions. Over.
B:Vessel ABC, vessel XYZ here. Roger that. We will alter our course to avoid the iceberg. Over.
A:Vessel XYZ, this is vessel ABC. Thank you for your attention. Out.

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