
??Ⅱ. Gra小妹ar and Vocabulary(30分) SectionA(10分) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 1._______ caused the accident has not been found out yet. A. What B. Which C. The thing D. That 【谜底】A 【详解】查核主语从句。句意:构成紊乱的缘由没有查明。此处为主语从句,从句中短少主语,应当用what辅导,故A项精确。 2. She found her calculator _____ she lost it. A. where B. when C. in which D. that 【谜底】A 略 3.I have no doubt _______ he’ll come to our help if we call him. A. whether B. if C. that D. when 【谜底】C 【详解】查核同位语从句。句意:如果咱们打电+话给他,我信赖他必定会来协助咱们的。分析语句规划可知此处为同位语从句,从句规划齐备,用that只起辅导感染,不作任何成份,抵偿阐明doubt的内容,故C项精确。 4.Boys, please don’t talk about such things _______ you don’t understand at all. A. that B. as C. which D. what 【谜底】B 【详解】查核定语从句。句意:孩子们,请不要谈论争辩你们根柢不理解的事端。分析语句规划可知本句为定语从句,先行词things前有such润饰,用纠葛代词as辅导这个定语从句,故B项精确。 【点睛】本题很简略误选A项,构成such…that…句型,但that辅导的是作用状语从句,显着逻辑不通畅,实际上本题查核的是定语中的一个特别用法:抢先行词前面有such, so, as many, as much等润饰的时辰,后边的纠葛代词使用as,本题中先行词前有such润饰,纠葛代词as指代先行词在从句中作understand的宾语。 5.He was about to tell me the secret _______ someone patted me on the shoulder. A. that B. which C. when D. until 【谜底】C 【详解】查核固定句式。句意:他正要奉告我这个秘要,这时分有人拍了我的肩膀。be about to do when…暗示“正要做……这时分(遽然)发生某事”,故C项精确。 6. He made another wonderful discovery, ______ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think is 【谜底】A 7.A farmer claimed _______ a rare South China tiger in the wild with a digital camera last year, but it turned out to be a dishonest trick. A. to photograph B. photographing C. to have photographed D. having photographed 【谜底】C 【详解】查核非谓语动词。句意:一名农民声称旧年曾用数码相机拍照过一只罕有的野生华南虎,但究竟证明这是一个不诚笃的狡计。claim to do暗示“声称做某事”,photograph这一动作发生在claimed早年,所以用不定式的结束式作宾语,故C项精确。 8.My father thinks I am not capable _______ my own living, but I mean _______ him that he is wrong. A. to earn, to show B. of earning, showing C. of earning, to show D. in earning, to show 【谜底】C 【详解】查核固定分配。句意:我父亲认为我没有才能奉养本身,但我想让他晓得他错了。be capable of doing暗示“有才能做某事”,mean to do暗示“打当作”,故C项精确。 9.Mr. Smith arrived at the office every morning at precisely ten o’clock, _______ his bat on a peg near the door and went his way to his desk. A. hanging B. hanged C. hung D. and hanged 【谜底】C 【详解】查核时态。句意:史姑娘师长教师每天上午10点准时抵达单位,把他的球拍挂在门边的钉子上,然后走向他的作业桌。and毗连三个并排的动作,此处与arrived和went共同用一般以前时,hang暗示“吊挂”时,以前式为hung,故C项精确。 【点睛】hang这个词的以前式和以前分词有两种,注重区别:当用来暗示“吊挂”的时辰,以前式和以前分词是hung,hung;当用来暗示“绞死”的时辰,以前式和以前分词是hanged, hanged。 10.By the time we _______, a waiter had come over to our table with a smile. A. seated B. sitting C. sat ourselves D. were seated 【谜底】D 【详解】查核固定分配。句意:当咱们坐下来的时辰,一个就事员浅笑着走到咱们的桌旁。此处为语句的谓语,seat是不及物动词,be seated=seat oneself,暗示“坐下”,故D项精确。 SectionB(10分) Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and gra小妹atically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Happiness Is an Attitude The 92-year-old confident and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock, with her hair fashionably combed and makeup perfectly applied, moved to a____11____(nurse) home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, ____12____ (make) the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the hall of the nursing home, she ____13____ (smile) sweetly when told her room was ready. As she got into the elevator ____14____ her wheelchair, I provided a description of her tiny room. “I love it,” she started with the enthusiasm of ____15____ eight-year-old child having just been presented with a new dog. “Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room….just wait.” “That has ____16____ to do with it,” she replied. “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. ____17____ I like my room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged…it’s ____18____ I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it. It’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed ____19____ (recount) the difficulty I have with the parts of my body ______20______ no longer work or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones working. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away… just for this time in my life.” 【谜底】11. nursing 12. making 13. smiled 14. in 15. an 16. nothing 17. Whether 18. how 19. recounting 20. which/that 这篇文章是一篇记叙文,叙说了一个92岁的老太太搬进养老院的故事和她对糊口的情绪。 【11题详解】 查核固定分配。句意:这位92岁老太太自傲而骄傲,每天早上8点就穿戴规整,梳着时兴的发型,化着完善的妆容,今日她搬进了养老院。nursing home暗示“养老院”,故填nursing。 【12题详解】 查核非谓语动词。句意:与她一同走过70个年月的丈夫新近归西,使搬到养老院变成必定之举。此处用如今分词作作用状语,暗示一种自可是然的作用,故填making。 【13题详解】 查核时态。句意:在疗养院的大厅里耐心地等了好几个小时今后,当被告诉她的房间已预备好时,她甜甜地笑了。事端发生在以前,应当用一般以前时,故填smiled。 【14题详解】 查核介词。句意:当她坐着轮椅进入电梯时,我描绘了她的斗室间。暗示“坐在轮椅上”用介词in,故填in。 【15题详解】 查核冠词。句意:“我喜爱它,”她像一个8岁孩子刚获得一条狗相同布满了热忱。此处泛指一个8岁的孩子,eight-year-old以元音音素开首,故填an。 【16题详解】 查核固定分配。句意:那与此事无关。have nothing to do with暗示“与……无关”,故填nothing。 【17题详解】 查核主语从句。句意:我是不是喜爱我的房间其实不取决于家私若何摆放。此处为主语从句,依照句意可知此处暗示“是不是”,故填Whether。 【18题详解】 查核表语从句。句意:而是取决于我怎样想。此处为表语从句,句中短少办法状语,故填how。 【19题详解】 查核非谓语动词。句意:我可以花一成天的时分躺在床上再三计较我身体不听使唤变成的坚苦。spend time doing暗示“花时分做某事”,故填recounting。 【20题详解】 查核定语从句。句意参阅上题解+析,先行词为the parts of my body,指物,纠葛词在从句中作主语,故填which/that。 SectionC(10分) Directions; Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave in the movement that fought to end slavery in the United States. He became a____21____ voice in the year before the Civil War. A few weeks ago, the National Park Service (NPS) ____22____Douglass’s birth and Black History Month with reopening of his home at Cedar Hill, a____23____ site in Washington. D.C. The two-story house, which contains many of Douglass’s personal possessions, had undergone a three-year ____24____. (Thanks to the NTS website, however, you don’t have to live in the nation’s capital to visit it. Take a tour online.) He was born in Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey to a slave mother and a white father who never knew Douglass grew uo to become the first black ____25____ to hold a government office--- as US minister and consul general (总领事)to Haiti. As a youth, he never went to school. Educating slaves was illegal in the South, so he ____26____ taught himself to read and write. At 21 years old, he escaped from his slave owner to Massachusetts and changed his last name to Douglass, to hide his identity. In the 1850s, Douglass was involved with the Underground Railroad, the system ____27____ up by antislavery groups to bring runaway slaves to the North and Canada. His home in Rochester, N.Y. was near the Canadian border. It became an important station on the ____28____, housing as many as 11 runaway slaves at a time. He died in 1895. In his lifetime, Douglass ____29____ the end of slavery in 1865 and the adoption of the 15th Amendment to the US Constitution (美国宪法批改案), which _____30_____ African-Americans the right to vote. 【谜底】21. J 22. A 23. C 24. I 25. E 26. D 27. B 28. G 29. K 30. F 这篇文章是一篇人物列传,介绍了黑人魁首弗雷德里克道格拉斯的生安靖恬静进献。 【21题详解】 查核描述词。句意:他在内战前一年景了一个重要的声响。润饰名词voice用描述词,暗示“重要的”,故填J 【22题详解】 查核动词。句意:几周前,国度公园处置局为了怀念道格拉斯的诞生和黑人汗青月,从头翻开了他位于华盛顿雪松山的家,这是一处华盛顿地域的汗青遗址。此处短少及物动词作谓语,暗示“怀念”,故填A。 【23题详解】 查核描述词。句意同上,a historic site暗示“汗青遗址”,故填C。 【24题详解】 查核名词。句意:这栋两层楼高的屋子里存放着道格拉斯的许多私家物品,经历了三年的修葺。作动词undergone的宾语用名词,暗示“修葺、回复复兴”,故填I。 【25题详解】 查核名词。句意:他从不晓得道格拉斯长大后变成第一名担任当局公职的黑人公民。此处短少名词作表语,暗示“公民”,故填E。 【26题详解】 查核副词。句意:在南边,教训奴隶是不法的,所以他悄然地自学读写。润饰动词taught用副词,暗示“悄然地”,故填D。 【27题详解】 查核非谓语动词。句意:19世纪50年月,道格拉斯介入了“地下铁路”活动,该活动由反奴隶制集团建议,方针是将出逃的奴隶带到北方和加拿大。set up 暗示 “创建、建议”,the system 与set up之间是动宾纠葛,暗示被逼,用以前分词做后置定语,故填B。 【28题详解】 查核名词。句意:它变成了这条线路上的一个首要站点,一次可以包容多达11名出逃的奴隶。on the route暗示“在路上、在某一线路”,故填G。 【29题详解】 查核动词。句意:在道格拉斯的一辈子中,他见证了1865年奴隶制的闭幕和美国宪法第15条批改案的经由进程,该批改案授予非裔美国人投票权。此处用动词作谓语,暗示“见证”,故填K。 【30题详解】 查核动词。句意同上,此处用动词作谓语,暗示“合理地(授与)”,故填F。 Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension(30分) SectionA(15分) Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. President Obama’s second Inaugural Address used soaring language to stress America’s co小妹itment to the dream of equality of opportunity: ‘We are true to our belief that a little girl born into ___31___ knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an American’. The gap between ideal and reality could hardly be ___32___ . Today, the United States has less equality of opportunity than almost any other advanced industrial country. Study after study has ___33___ the myth that America is a land of opportunity. A way of looking at equality of opportunity is to as to what extent the life chances of a child are ___34___ the education and income of his parents. Is it just as likely that a child of poor or poorly educated parents gets a good education and rises to the middle class as someone born to middle-class parents with college degrees? Even in a more democratic society. the answer would be no. How do we explain this? Some of it has to do with discrimination (小看). Latinos and African-Americans still get paid less than whites, and women still get paid less than men, ___35___ they recently surpassed (超出)men in the number of advanced degrees they obtain. Discrimination, however, is only a small part of the ___36___. Probably the most important reason for ___37___ of equality of opportunity is education. After World WarⅡ, we made a major effort to ___38___ higher education to Americans across the country. But then we changed, in several ways. While racial segregation(种族阻隔)decreased, economic segregation increased. After 1980, the poor grew poorer, the middle stagnated(故步自封), and the top did better and better. A result was a widening gap in educational performance – the ___39___ gap between rich and poor kids born in 2001 was 30 to 40 percent larger than it was for those born 25 years earlier, a Stanford sociologist found. Of course, there are other forces ___40___ . Children in rich families get more exposure to reading. Their families can afford enriching experiences like music lessons and su小妹er camp. They get better nutrition and health care, which enhance their learning, directly and indirectly. Now Americans are coming to realize that without extensive policy changes, their long cherished belief is only a myth. It is unreasonable that a rich country like the United States has made ___41___ to higher education so difficult for those at the bottom and middle. There are many ___42___ ways of providing chances for more to receive higher education, from Australia’s income-contingent loan program to the near-free system of universities in Europe. A more educated population produces greater innovation, and a booming economy. Those benefits are why we’ve long been ___43___ to free public education through 12th grade. But while a 12th-grade education might have been enough a century ago, it isn’t today. Yet we haven’t ___44___ our system to contemporary realities. The steps I’ve outlined are not just affordable but necessary. Even more important, though, is that we cannot afford to let our country drift farther from ___45___ that the vast majority of Americans share. We will never fully succeed in achieving Mr. Obama’s vision of a poor girl’s having exactly the same opportunities as a wealthy girl. But we could do much, much better, and must not rest until we do. 31. A. prejudice B. inferior C. poverty D. minority 32. A. narrower B. wider C. severer D. closer 33. A. conducted B. concluded C. excluded D. exposed 34. A. distinct from B. feasible by C. superior to D. dependent on 35. A. even though B. as though C. only if D. as if 36. A. photograph B. picture C. atmosphere D. condition 37. A. lack B. leak C. explosion D. extinction 38. A. exhibit B. explore C. extend D. exploit 39. A. contribution B. satisfaction C. achievement D. ambition 40. A. at play B. under control C. in use D. on show 41. A. devotion B. familiarity C. application D. access 42. A. imaginative B. alternative C. sensitive D. productive 43. A. admitted B. permitted C. devoted D. limited 44. A. abandoned B. adjusted C. altered D. applied 45. A. memories B. glory C. reality D. ideals 【谜底】31. C 32. A 33. D 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. A 38. C 39. C 40. A 41. D 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. D 【分析】 这篇文章是一篇论说文,由前美国总统奥巴马在第次就任讲演中夸大美国对机缘平等的志向的承诺下手,指出了美国机缘不服等的征象很严峻,并分析了构成这一环境的缘由。 【31题详解】 查核名词词义分析。句意:咱们深信,一个诞生在贫穷家庭小女生晓得她和其别人相同有乐成的机缘。A. prejudice成见;B. inferior下级;C. poverty 贫穷;D. minority少量。奥巴马在第次就任讲演中夸大美国对机缘平等的志向的承诺,也就是说身世贫穷的人也和别人相同有乐成的机缘,故C项精确。 【32题详解】 查核描述词词义分析。句意:志向与实践之间的间隔的确无法减小。A. narrower更窄的;B. wider更宽的;C. severer更严峻的;D. closer更近的。依照本空后的“Today, the United States has less equality of opportunity than almost any other advanced industrial country.”可知,今日,美国的机缘平等水平几近低于任何其他发财工业国度,这阐明志向与实践之间的间隔没有减小,故A项精确。 【33题详解】 查核动词词义分析。句意:一项又一项研究戳穿了美国务一片布满机缘的地皮是不真实的。A. conducted施行;B. concluded 揣度;C. excluded 清除;D. exposed戳穿、使闪现。依照本空后的“the myth that America is a land of opportunity.”可知,一项又一项研究戳穿了原形,故D项精确。 【34题详解】 查核描述词短语分析。句意:对待机缘平等的一种法子是看一个孩子的糊口在多洪流平上依托于他依靠的教训和收入。A. distinct from与……不合;B. feasible by可行的;C. superior to优于;D. dependent on依托于。依照本空后介绍的依靠的教训和收入对孩子的糊口的影响可知,要看一个孩子的糊口在多洪流平上依托于他依靠的教训和收入,故D项精确。 35题详解】 查核连词词义分析。句意:当然女人得到的高档学历数目跨过了男性,但她们的薪酬仍然低于男性。A. even though即便、当然;B. as though似乎;C. only if只需;D. as if似乎。尽管女人比男性的学历高,但她们的薪酬仍然低于男性,先后是让步纠葛,故A项精确。 【36题详解】 查核名词词义分析。句意:可是,小看只是这类环境的一小部分缘由。A. photograph相片;B. picture丹青;C. atmosphere 空气;D. condition环境。此处指前面说到的女人的薪酬低于男性这一环境,故D项精确。 【37题详解】 查核名词词义分析。句意:短少机缘平等最首要的缘由多是教训。A. lack短少;B. leak泄露;C. explosion爆破;D. extinction灭尽。上文谈判的是美国短少机缘平等这一疑问,故A项精确。 【38题详解】 查核动词词义分析。句意:第次世界大战后,咱们做出严峻极力,把高档教训推广到全国各地。A. exhibit 展览;B. explore探究;C. extend拓宽、推广;D. exploit发掘。依照本空后的“higher education to Americans across the country.”可知,咱们努利巴高档教训推广到全国各地,故C项精确。 【39题详解】 查核名词词义分析。句意:其作用是教训作用的间隔愈来愈大——2001年诞生的丰饶家庭和贫穷家庭的孩子之间的成果间隔比25年前诞生的孩子要大30%到40%。A. contribution进献;B. satisfaction满足;C. achievement成果;D. ambition抱负。作用是教训作用的间隔愈来愈大,所以孩子获得的成果间隔也愈来愈大,故C项精确。 【40题详解】 查核介词短语分析。句意:当然,还有其他力量(身分)在起感染。A. at play 起感染;B. under control 在控制之下;C. in use在使用中;D. on show展出。空后说丰饶家庭的孩子更多地触摸到阅读,他们的家庭可以包袱得起丰盛的领会,他们还能获得非常好的养分和保健,这些都是起感染的身分,故A项精确。 【41题详解】 查核名词词义分析。句意:像美国多么的丰饶国度让底层和中层的人很难接收高档教训,这是不合理的。A. devotion奉献;B. familiarity精晓;C. application使用;D. access进入、使用权。上文说美国的教训存在机缘不服等征象,底层和中层的人很难接收高档教训,have access to暗示“使用、接近”,故D项精确。 【42题详解】 查核描述词词义分析。句意:有许多其他的路子为更多的人供给接收高档教训的机缘。A. imaginative虚拟的;B. alternative供选择的、替换的; C. sensitive活络的;D. productive多产的。依照本空后的“from Australia’s income-contingent loan program to the near-free system of universities in Europe.”可知,从澳大利亚的收入挂钩告贷方案到欧洲近乎免费的大学体系,有不少此外路子可觉得更多的人供给接收高档教训的机缘,故B项精确。 【43题详解】 查核动词词义分析。句意:这些优点就是为甚么咱们一贯尽力于1到12年级的免费群众教训。A. admitted认可; B. permitted答应;C. devoted牺牲; D. limited限制。依照本空后的“to free public education through 12th grade.”可知,咱们一贯尽力于1到12年级的免费群众教训,be devoted to暗示“尽力于”,故C项精确。 【44题详解】 查核动词词义分析。句意:可是,咱们没有做出调解使咱们的轨制适理应时实际。A. abandoned抛却;B. adjusted调解;C. altered改变;D. applied使用。空??到12年级的免费群众教训如今已远远不足了,但咱们没有做出调解使咱们的轨制适理应时实际,故B项精确。 【45题详解】 查核名词词义分析。句意:可是,更首要的是,咱们不克不及让咱们的国度离大大都美国人所共有的志向愈来愈远。A. memories回想;B. glory 名誉;C. reality实践; D. ideals志向。依照文章开首的“the dream of equality of opportunity”可知此处指机缘平等的志向,第二段第一句中的“ideal”也是提示,故D项精确。 【点睛】论说文完形填空最终一空的难度较大,这种体裁但凡城市首尾照顾,是以捉住文章第一句话是关头,比方本篇第15空,依照文章第一句话“President Obama’s second Inaugural Address used soaring language to stress America’s co小妹itment to the dream of equality of opportunity”可知,文章由前美国总统奥巴马在第次就任讲演中夸大美国对机缘平等的志向的承诺下手,指出了美国机缘不服等的征象很严峻,并分析了构成这一环境的缘由,是以本空要对应前面的dream。 SectionB(11分) Directions: Read the following four passage. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual --- the sort of environment in which he is raised. If an individual is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never get to the level of intelligence of which he is capable. The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster homes. Peter was brought up by parents of low intelligence in an isolated co小妹unity with poor educational opportunities. Mark was brought up in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. Mark’s I.Q. was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level. 46. This selection can best be titled_______. A. Measuring Your Intelligence B. Intelligence and Environment C. The Case of Peter and Mark D. How the brain Influences Intelligence 47. The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that _______. A. human brains differ considerably B. the brain a person is born with is important in determining his intelligence C. environment is crucial in determining a person’s intelligence D. person having identical brains will have roughly the same intelligence 48. The case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that _______. A. individual with identical brains seldom test at same level B. an individual’s intelligence is determined only by his environment C. lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligence D. changes of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain 49. This passage suggests that an individual’s I.Q._______. A. can be predicted at birth B. stays the same throughout his life C. can be increased by education D. is determined by his childhood 【谜底】46. B 47. C 48. C 49. C 【分析】 这篇文章是一篇阐明文,介绍了智力和情况的纠葛,相同智力程度的人,情况和教训纷歧样,智商也会有很大的不合。 【46题详解】 大旨粗心题。依照第一段中的“So the second factor is what happens to the individual --- the sort of environment in which he is raised.”可知,这篇文章重要介绍了智力和情况的纠葛,故B项精确。 【47题详解】 细节了解题。依照第二段第一句“The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark.”可知,双胞胎Peter 和Mark受不合的情况的影响,最终智力程度也不合是@情%3XNVK%况对决%1it24%议@一小我智力的首要性的最佳证明,由此可知,@情%3XNVK%况对决%1it24%议@一小我的智力恰当首要是对文章概念的最佳表述,故C项精确。 【48题详解】 推理决断题。依照最终一段中的“Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level”可知,如果机缘对等,这对具有不异智力程度的双胞胎,查验作用将大致不异,由此可知,短少机缘阻止智力的生长,故C项精确。 【49题详解】 推理决断题。依照第二段中的“Mark was brought up in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually.”可知,马克在上过大学的丰饶家庭长大,小常常常听故事,被送到好的黉舍念书,并被给以各类机缘去激起他的智力,最终的智商查验表达马克的智商远高于他的孪生兄弟彼得,由此可知,一小我的智商可以经由进程教训前进,故C项精确。 【点睛】大旨粗心题的难度较大,捉住文章主题是关头。比方本篇第1题,依照第一段中的“So the second factor is what happens to the individual --- the sort of environment in which he is raised.”可知影响智力的第二个身分是他打开的情况,再连系第二段第一句“The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark.”可知,双胞胎Peter 和Mark受不合的情况的影响,最终智力程度也不合是@情%3XNVK%况对决%1it24%议@一小我智力的首要性的最佳证明,由此可知,这篇文章重要介绍的是智力和情况的纠葛。 (B) If you’re looking for travel or holiday shop or online travel agent, look no further. Book a flight, holiday, city break, hotel or car rental from our excellent travel section. Hotelopia w+w=w.hotelpoia.co.uk Hotelopia offers both business and leisure travelers acco小妹odation from budget to five star at reduced rates at over 9,000 properties in more than 500 destinations in Europe, North America, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia. Haven Holidays w+w=w.havenholidays. com Haven Holidays offer a range of UK fun-filled family holidays and have 34 great Parks in some of your favorite locations throughout England, Scotland and Wales. Direct Holidays w+w=w.directholidays.co.uk If you’re looking for late holiday deals or cheap holidays, then Direct Holidays is an ideal choice. Discount deals direct from the tour operator, meaning there’s no middleman, so you get the right holiday for less money. Responsible Travel w+w=w.responsibletravel.c-o/m Responsible Travel handpicks inspiring holidays from all over the globe. It helps local people to earn a fairer income from tourism, supports local conservation and ensures that any negative environmental impacts are reduced. Virgin Holidays w+w=w.virginholidays.co.uk Virgin Holidays offer holidays to mainland USA, Canada, the Caribbean, the Far East, South Africa, the Middle East, Indian Ocean, Mauritius, New Zealand and Australia. They also have a well-established ski progra小妹e. 50. According to the text, what is special about Hotelopia? A. It provides both online and offline service. B. It offers both economy and first-class hotel. C. Its discount is mainly from the middleman. D. Its destinations spread all over the world. 51. On which website can you most probably find cheap holidays? A. Virgin Holidays B. Direct Holidays C. Responsible Travel D. Hotelopia 52. Which of the following statements is true? A. Haven Holidays is your best choice for a visit to the great parks across the world. B. Responsible is your best choice for a luxurious(奢华的)trip. C. Virgin Holidays is your best choice if you like winter sports. D. Direct Holidays is your best choice if you are a tour operator. 【谜底】50. B 51. B 52. A 这篇文章是一篇使用文,介绍了几个旅行网站供给的假期旅行的相干信息。 【50题详解】 细节了解题。依照Hotelopia部分中的“Hotelopia offers both business and leisure travelers acco小妹odation from budget to five star”可知,Hotelopia供给从普通到五星级的过夜,也就是说它既供给经济又供给一流的过夜,故B项精确。 【51题详解】 细节了解题。依照Direct Holidays部分中的“If you’re looking for late holiday deals or cheap holidays, then Direct Holidays is an ideal choice.”可知,如果你在找假期优惠或贱卖的假期,Direct Holidays是一个不错的选择,由此可知,在Direct Holidays网站上你最有可以找到贱卖的假期(旅行),故B项精确。 【52题详解】 细节了解题。依照Haven Holidays部分中的“Haven Holidays offer a range of UK fun-filled family holidays and have 34 great parks”可知, Haven Holidays包括旅行34个至公园,由此可知,Haven Holidays是旅行世界各地至公园的最佳选择,故A项精确。 (C) Teachers are conditioned to tolerate a lot of bad treatment—it’s a professional suffering—but what teachers at Sir G.E. Cartier Elementary School in London went through last spring seems beyond the call of duty: a few of them agreed to be tied to a rail in the gym while students hit them in the face with cream pies. Why on earth would they do that? To raise $3,000 – enough cash for an interactive whiteboard, the most desirable piece of educational technology on the market right now. These Internet-age boards are essentially giant computer touchscreens, and they are all the fashion in schools. But with little room for them in school budgets, many educators are doing whatever it takes to raise the money themselves. “We are a desperate breed, aren’t we?” says Sharon Zinn, one of three teachers who volunteered for Cartier Elementary’s whipped- cream-flavored activity. At schools fortunate enough to have them, interactive-white boards are a blessing for educators struggling to attract a generation of students who got accustomed to using the Web from the early age. In the UK—where 70 percent of all primary and secondary classrooms have interactive whiteboards, compared with just 16 percent in the United States – students in those classrooms made the equivalent of five mouths’ additional progress in math. So far, the data on the efficacy (有用性)of touchscreens in US classrooms is inconclusive, but promising. Multiple recent studies suggest that the devices advance attendance rates and classroom participation. Ever since Dorchester School District 2 in Su小妹erville installed 1,200 interactive boards in its classrooms, disciplinary incidents are cut down. “Students were bored” before the touchscreens arrived, says Superintendent Joe Pye.” Trips to the principal’s office are almost nonexistent now.”
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