英语中考高考要点词汇说明 第三讲More than,Majority,Mean

??1. More than + 数词: 翻译成“跨过,多于”,至关于over; There are more than seventy students in our class . 咱们班有七十多个学生。 2. More than + 名词: 翻译成“不但仅是” They are more than schoolmates, they are close friends. 他们不可是同窗,而且是亲近的朋友。 3. More than + 描述词/副词/动词: 寄义“很,很是,及其” They are more than glad to help. 他们很是甘心容许辅佐。 He spoke English more than smoothly. 他英语说得很是流通。 The test result more than disappointed his parents. 查验作用使他的依靠很是绝望。 4. More than + 语句 The road conditions there turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expected. 那的千米状况很是好,这跨越了咱们的预期。 Majority : 大都,大半 1. The majority of + 可数名词复数: 谓语动词使用复数; The majority of doctors think that smoking is harmful to health. 大大都大夫认为抽烟有害健康。 2. The majority of + 不成数名词: 谓语动词使用奇数; The majority of the water was polluted. 大大都水被污染了。 3. Be in (the) majority : @具%1zj39%有大大%zd6o8%都@; People who want to stay are in majority. 想留下来的人占大大都。 4. Major in : 主修(动词) I major in computer. 我主修计较机。 Mean 用法 1. Mean to do something: 打当作某事 I mean to wash clothes. 我打算去洗衣裳。 2. Mean doing something: 标志着 Wasting time means co小妹itting suicide. 浪费时分标志着自杀。 3. Means : 法子, 手腕 (1)By no means: 决不;丝绝不;一点儿也不; He is by no means an unfriendly person. 他决不是个不友善的人。 (2)By all means: 必定,有必要,当然可以; You shall believe that you can succeed by all means. 你应当信赖你不管若何都能乐成。 (3)By means of : 凭仗于;用,寄予;寄予,凭仗于 You can finish the task by means of specific tools. 你可以用特定的东西来结束这项使命。 Loyal 忠诚的 名词形式: loyalty ,和介词to 连用 1. Be loyal to : 忠诚于… 2. have loyalty to: 忠诚于… He is loyal to his nation. 他忠于本身的国度。 We all have loyalty to our country. 咱们都对国度赤胆忠心。
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