partnership = n.合股纠葛(partner合股人)
party = n.集会,政党,当事人v.举办(参加)
交际集会Sir, your bird stirred my girlfriend's birthday party.师长教师,你的鸟搅了我女友的生日集会.
pass = v.经/通/穿/渡过;通报n.通行证;查验合格The police had blocked the road and would not let the cars pass.差人关闭了门道,不让轿车经由进程.
pass away = v.归西His grandpa passed away last week.他爷爷上星期归西了.
pass by = v.始末,擦过A taxi passed by just a moment ago.一辆的车刚开以前.
pass off = v.中止,遏止,发生The pain will soon pass off.很快就会不痛的.
pass on = v.归西,通报Let us pass on to the next subject.如今咱们来看下一个标题.
pass out = v.昏倒,死
pass through = v.始末,经由进程He is ready to pass through terrible ordeals.他预备要承受可骇的训练.
pass up = v.回绝I think I'll pass the movie up tonight;I'm too tired to go.今晚我不想去看片子,因为我太累了.
passage = n.经由进程,始末;通路,走廊;(一)
节In the passage the passenger passed a cassette of message to messenger.在过道里,搭客给信差通报了一盒带信息.n.经由进程,通行(pass+age)
[pass=pass through,暗示"经由进程"]
passenger = n.搭客,搭客In the passage the passenger passed a cassette of message to messenger.在过道里,搭客给信差通报了一盒带信息.n.搭客,搭客(pass+enger人→经由进程的人→搭客)
[pass=pass through,暗示"经由进程"]
passerby = n.过路人,行人A passerby told me the time.一个过路人奉告了我时分.
passion = n.热忱,豪情,高兴喜爱;激愤;激烈豪情In the past the compass could pass passion to the passive man having pastime on the pasture.在以前,攻略针可以将豪情通报给在草场上消遣的被逼之人n.豪情(pass+ion)
passion for = 对…高兴喜爱
passive = a.被逼的,低沉的In the past the compass could pass passion to the passive man having pastime on the pasture.在以前,攻略针可以将豪情通报给在草场上消遣的被逼之人a.低沉的,被逼的(pass+ive→豪情用事→被逼的)
passport = n.护照,抵达某种方针的手腕On the porter's passport a portion of the portrait isn't proportional.在转移工的护照上,部分肖像不可以比例.n.护照(pass+port口岸→经由进程口岸的凭证→护照)
[pass=pass through,暗示"经由进程"]
past = a.以前的ad.过n.以前,往日prep.(经)
过In the past the compass could pass passion to the passive man having pastime on the pasture.在以前,攻略针可以将豪情通报给在草场上消遣的被逼之人
past question = v.毫无疑问
paste = n.糊,浆糊v.粘,贴I tasted the paste in haste and cast it on the waste plaster.我匆忙品尝了浆糊然后将其丢在废泥灰上.
pastime = n.消遣,文娱In the past the compass could pass passion to the passive man having pastime on the pasture.在以前,攻略针可以将豪情通报给在草场上消遣的被逼之人
pastor = n.牧师(正本是拉丁文"牧羊人"的意思)
pastoral = a.田园糊口的(pastor牧人;牧师)
pasture = n.牧草地,草场In the past the compass could pass passion to the passive man having pastime on the pasture.在以前,攻略针可以将豪情通报给在草场上消遣的被逼之人
pat = v./n.轻拍,轻打,抚摩On the flat platform the bat will pat whatever hat it likes.在平展的站台上,蝙蝠会击打它喜爱的任何帽子.
pat sb. on the back = 对或人暗示赞许
patch = n.补钉,黑点,碎片小块v.补,修补,点缀I scratched a match and saw my watch catching a patch.我划了一根磷寸创造我的腕表钩着了一块补钉.
patenal = patenal(pater父,-n-,-al…的)
父亲的,父系的di-① 暗示”两个,双”dichromatic两色的(di+chrom颜色+atic=两色的)
② 暗示”使…变成,分隔,分隔”dilate胀大,拓宽(di+late放=分隔放=拓宽)
; part(o)
; paterpatriarch[patri父,祖arch领袖,长]家长,族长patriarchal[见上,-al…的]家长的,族长的,家长似的patriot[patri祖=故国,-ot名词字尾,暗示人]爱故国者,爱国主义者patriotic(见上,-otic描述词字尾,…的)
父亲的,父系的paternalism[见上,-ism暗示行为,征象]家长式控制,家长个性 母-matr(i)
; mater; metromatriarch[matri母=女人,arch领袖,长]女族长,女家长matrimony[matri母=婚姻,-mony名词字尾]婚姻,成婚matrimonial(见上,-al…的)
妇女,老妇matronage[见上,-age名词字尾]妇女的身份或责任maternal[matr母,-n-,-al…的]母亲的,母性的maternity[见上,-ity名词字尾]母性的,母性的metropolis[metro母,polis都会,”母城” =首城,最大的城]大都会,重要都会,大城市,首府
patent = a.专利的,特许的n.专利(权,品)
v.核准专利I'm intent on tentative retention of potential patents.我热中于匿伏专利权的暂时保存.
paternal = (pater父,-n-,-al...的)
paternalism = [见上,-ism暗示行为,征象]家长式控制,家长个性[patr(i)
path = n.巷子,小径;线路,轨迹There is a small rugged path through the fields.郊野里有条高卑巷子.
pathetic = a.不幸的,悲惨的It was pathetic to watch her condition deteriorate.看着她的健康状况恶化真是不幸.a.不幸的;动情的(path+etic→动豪情的)
pathogeny = n.病原学(patho病+geny→发患病→病原学)
pathology = n.病理学(path+o+logy学科→病的学科→病理学)
pathos = n.沉痛(path痛楚+os表名词)
patience = n.耐心,忍耐Have patience!要忍耐!n.耐心;忍耐(pat[=pass]+ience→豪情,有豪情就有耐心→耐心)
patient = a.有耐心的,能忍耐的n.患者,患者The mental patient thinks the cement is the elementary element of the ornament.精力患者认为水泥是装饰品的根基成份.
patio = n.天井;平台(pat平展的)
patriarch = [patri父,祖arch领袖,长]家长;族长[patr(i)
patriarchal = [见上,-al…的]家长的;族长的;家长似的[patr(i)
patriarchy = n.父权政治(patri+archy)
patrimony = n.祖传,遗产(patri+mony@状%43wxB%况或物%5z9ei%资@→父亲留下的物品→遗产)
patriot = [patri祖→故国,-ot名词字尾,暗示人]爱故国者,爱国主义者[patr(i)
patriotic = (见上,-otic描述词字尾,...的)
;pater]a.爱国的The song is full of patriotic sentiments.这首歌布满了爱国豪情.
patriotism = [patri祖→故国,-ism主义]爱国主义;爱国心[patr(i)
patrol = v.巡查,放哨n.巡查,放哨;巡查队The policeman was on patrol.差人在巡查.
patron = n.协助人;协助人;老顾主,老顾客St. George is the Patron Saint of England.圣乔治是英格兰的关照神.n.协助人;恩人(像父亲相同的人)
patronage = n.协助,惠客(patron协助人)
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