英语时文阅览初二篇 金贵犬在弗吉尼亚湖中抢救溺水的小鹿



A 6-year-old Goldendoodle named Harley jumped into a lake outside his Virginia home to save a baby deer from drowning. “Not sure how the deer got out there but Harley obviously didn’t ask why, he just jumped into action,” said Ralph Dorn, 62, of Culpeper, Virginia.

一只名叫哈雷的6岁的金贵犬跳进他在弗吉尼亚州的家外面的湖里,救了一只溺水的小鹿。来自弗吉尼亚州卡普佩尔市62岁的拉尔夫·多恩(Ralph Dorn)说:“不晓得小鹿是怎么跑出来的,但哈雷显着没有问为啥,他只是匆促采纳行为。”

Dorn said he was looking for Harley when he saw him about 200 feet from shore herding(牧放) the little deer back to the shoreline. Harley then helped the deer up a rock before placing her onto the grass. “Harley didn’t want to leave the deer,” Dorn said. “He just kept interacting with it, licking it, caring for it.” The pair finally separated after the deer’s mother came. Dorn said that is when he took Harley inside.



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