

对话一:Making Introductions(介绍自己)
A:Hi! I don't think we've met before. My name is Anna. What's your name?
B:Nice to meet you, Anna. I'm John. Where are you from?
A:I'm from China. How about you?
B:I'm from the United States. Are you visiting or studying here?
A:I'm studying. I'm an exchange student. What about you?
B:I'm working here as an English teacher. It's nice to meet you, Anna.

对话二:Talking about Hobbies(谈论爱好)
A:What do you like to do in your free time, John?
B:I enjoy playing sports, especially basketball. How about you, Anna?
A:I like reading and painting. Reading helps me relax after a busy day.
B:That's great. Do you have any favorite books or artists?
A:I enjoy reading classic novels, and I admire the works of Picasso. How about you?

对话三:Discussing Travel Plans(讨论旅行计划)
A:Do you like traveling, John? Any plans for the upcoming vacation?
B:I love traveling. I'm actually planning a trip to Europe. How about you, Anna?
A:I also enjoy traveling. I'm thinking about exploring Southeast Asia.
B:That sounds amazing. Any specific countries you want to visit?
A:I want to visit Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. How about you?

对话四:Ordering Food in a Restaurant(在餐厅点餐)
A:The menu looks delicious. What are you going to have, John?
B:I think I'll go for a steak with mashed potatoes. How about you, Anna?
A:I'll have the seafood pasta. It looks really tasty.
B:Good choice! Let's also order a side of garlic bread to share.

对话五:Talking about Future Plans(谈论未来计划)
A:What are your future plans, John?
B:I plan to continue teaching English and maybe pursue a master's degree in education.
A:That's impressive. As for me, I want to start my own business someday.
B:That sounds exciting. What kind of business do you want to start?

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