


A: Hey, do you know about the Dragon Boat Festival in China?

B: Yeah, isn't that the holiday where they eat sticky rice dumplings and race dragon boats?

A: That's right! It's a traditional Chinese festival that takes place on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar.

B: Sounds interesting. What's the significance of this festival?

A: Well, there are a few legends associated with it. One of the most famous ones is about Qu Yuan, a poet and statesman from ancient China.

B: Oh, I think I've heard about him. Wasn't he exiled and drowned himself in a river?

A: Yes, that's correct. Qu Yuan was a loyal and patriotic poet who was exiled due to political reasons. When he heard that his hometown was captured, he drowned himself in the Miluo River on the 5th day of the 5th month.

B: That's really sad. So how did the tradition of dragon boat racing and eating sticky rice dumplings start?

A: Legend has it that the locals tried to save Qu Yuan by throwing sticky rice balls into the river, hoping that the fish would eat the rice instead of Qu Yuan's body. They also rowed their boats in search of him. Eventually, these traditions became a way to honor his memory.

B: That's quite a story. So, how do people celebrate this festival nowadays?

A: People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in various ways. One of the main activities is the dragon boat races, where teams row their boats to the beat of drums. It's a thrilling and competitive experience.

B: That sounds like a lot of fun. What about the sticky rice dumplings? I'm curious to try them.

A: You should! They're called zongzi in Chinese. They are made of sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves, filled with different ingredients like meats or beans. They're delicious and have different flavors depending on the region.

B: I'll definitely give them a try. Are there any other customs or traditions during this festival?

A: Yes, another common practice is hanging up pouches of herbs, called xiongzhui, on doors or windows to ward off evil spirits and prevent diseases. Drinking realgar wine is also believed to repel evil spirits and purify the body.

B: Wow, there's so much to learn about this festival. I'm glad I got to know more about it. Thanks for sharing!

A: You're welcome! It's always interesting to learn about different cultures and their traditions. The Dragon Boat Festival is a special and vibrant celebration in China.

B: Definitely! I'll make sure to remember the Dragon Boat Festival and try some zongzi next year.

A: That's a great plan! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

B: Happy Dragon Boat Festival to you too!
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