??sky-high remuneration of stars
Three major online movie and television platforms Youku, iQIYI and Tencent along with six major movie and television production companies including Huace Media have issued a statement on curbing the sky-high remuneration of stars.
天价片酬(sky-high remuneration of stars)之所以饱尝责怪,主假定演员的收入与影视剧质量不可以正比。重要演员的不合理片酬(unreasonable payment of lead actors and actresses)揉捏了影视剧的其他缔造费用(squeeze the money spent on other production costs),花费巨资拍照的影视剧终极变成了口碑差劲的烂片(flop)。缔造方习气寄予流量明星来得到好的票房酬谢,而不是将时刻花在影视剧质量上。
9家公司的这则联系声明再次将明星天价片酬推上文娱风口。声明为演员片酬设定了上限(stipulate the maximum paychecks actors and actresses can receive)。将来一切演员总片酬不得跨过各公司缔造的影视剧总核算(overall budget)的40%,重要演员(starring actors and actress)片酬不得跨过演员总片酬的70%。这些公司还对单个演员的片酬设限(set salary caps on the remuneration of a single actor or actress),恳求其电视剧总片酬(含税)最高不得跨过5000万元,单集片酬不得跨过100万元。
演员 entertainer
逃税 tax evasion
金钱尊敬 money worship
缔造本钱 production costs
在线流媒体平台 online media streaming platform