
??illegal ghostwriting services 请看例句: As the end of the su小妹er holiday approaches, Chinese elementary and junior high school students increasingly find themselves bogged down with too many school assignments. However, emerging illegal ghostwriting services offered on different online platforms seem like a great "help" to them. 跟着暑假接近结束,我国中小学生愈来愈感触本身深陷在聚积如山的黉舍功课中。可是,各大搜集平台供给的新式不法代写就事对他们来讲彷佛"大有协助"。 连年来,我国教训相干有些相应国度"减负(burden alleviation)"号令,极力削减学生的家庭功课(try to cut back on homework for students),但愈来愈多的家长却常常操作假期等课余时分放置孩子上课外教训班(parents tend to arrange their children's spare time, including vacations, for extracurricular classes)。学生显着无法负荷黉舍和补习班两方面的功课(cannot bear the homework form by both the school and the cram school),因而为犯警写手和商贩供给了商机(business opportunity)。 有报导称,代写作业的就事链(the chain of the ghostwriting industry)是"接洽客服(contact customer service)––告诉恳求(tell the requirements)––必定价值(set the price)––邮递功课(mail the notebook)––付出议价(pay the agreed fee)––收到制品(get the returned manuscript)"。国内最大电商平台(e-co小妹erce platform)淘宝网上有许多供给代写就事的网店。微博等交际媒体平台上也能看到代写表白。据报导,大学生是代写主力军(the main force of the ghostwriters)。他们暑期时分充盈,加之期望挣零费钱(desire to earn pocket money),所以乐于"辅佐"。 相干辞汇: 剽窃 plagiarism 敲诈行为 an act of fraud 写作软件 writing software 课业包袱 homework loads 教训更始 education reform
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