2021英语长难句根柢句型 改动语序

??改变语序 改变语序,一般指倒装。倒装分为语法倒装和修辞倒装。考研难点一般在修辞倒装。修辞倒装主假定为了夸大,一种是夸大语句的表达重心,一种是夸大一种表达口气,比如号令口气,假定口气(虚拟口气的倒装归于此类)疑问口气和否定口气。这些倒装常和一些连词或副词(如nor/so/only/never/until等)紧密亲近相干。下文所举比方根基是从这个视点启航选择出来的。 背诵例句: 1.So involved with the book do the boy become that his mother often have to force him to break. 译文:那男孩对这本书如斯沉浸,致使于他的母亲不能不总强逼他停下。 2.Only after studies provided evidence of the harmful effects of this program, has it been possible to modify TV progra小妹ing policies. 译文:除非研究供给根据表达这个节目有不良影响,否则电视节方针播映方针不会改变。 3.Lonely was seeing his son only once a month since the divorce. 译文:离婚后,他每个月只能看儿子一次。这使他感触孤僻。 4.Scientists do not know exactly how the virus damages the i小妹une system, nor do they understand why the natural antibodies developed to destroy the virus are ineffective. 译文:科学家们迄今未能必定这类病毒损坏免疫体系的机理,他们也不大白旨在损坏这类病毒的天然抗体为甚么无效。 5.And never before has it been so undeniable that mutually beneficial international institutions of cooperation are a vital global necessity. 译文:以前我们历来没有这么深信列国互利的世界合作机构是全世界不成或缺的要素。 6.The material destruction of the war was not so great but that it could by this time have been repaired, had a good peace been made without delay. 译文:假若那时当即光复了平缓,战争在物资方面的损坏不管怎么大,到一也可以或许获得批改了。 7.He wrote a novel, and no sooner did he have the synopsis of a story ,but he would invite a crowd of his friends outdoors and read it aloud to them. 译文:他写小说时方才想象出剧情归纳就从速聘请一群朋友到户外,然后把剧情梗概大声地念给他们听。
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