2021英语阅览 我国打响了一场肥胖战争

??With an increasing urban population, rising disposable incomes and a growing taste for international dishes, it’s no wonder that China is facing a new problem-obesity. 跟着不断增加的城市人员、不断上升的可分配收入以及对全球各国美食的日益喜爱,我国人正面临着一个新的疑问––肥胖。 To help bolster the battle of the bulge, government issued a guideline recently to implement the Healthy China initiative, which encourages people to adopt healthier lifestyles and diets. 为晓得决肥胖疑问,政府迩来发布了“安康我国建议”的攻略,鼓舞我们养成更为安康的日子方法和饮食习气。 The guideline sets specific targets for reducing daily salt intake to less than five grams, cooking oil intake to between 25 and 30 grams and sugar intake to 25 grams by 2030. 该攻略设定了清楚的方针,即到2030年,每人每日盐摄入量削减到5克以下,食用油摄入量削减到25至30克,糖摄入量削减到25克。 The daily intake of fat for adults should be reduced to less than 32 percent of their total daily energy intake by 2022 and to no more than 30 percent by 2030, the guideline said. 根据该攻略,到2022年,成人每日脂肪摄入量应削减到其每日总能量摄入量的32%以下,到2030年应降至30%以下。 People are encouraged to eat more than 500 grams of vegetables and 500 grams of fruits every day, and are advised to eat at least 12 different types of food daily and 25 types of food weekly, it said. 该攻略主张我们每天吃跨越500克的蔬菜和跨越500克的生果,每天至少吃12种不一样的食物,每周至少吃25种不一样的食物。 Ding Gangqiang, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Institute of Nutrition and Health, said the government will limit the production and sale of high-sugar foods, encourage food manufacturers to produce reduced-sugar and sugar-free foods and help consumers learn how to identify added sugar on nutrition fact labels. 我国疾病控制和避免中心养分和安康研讨所主任丁刚烈标明,政府将捆绑高糖食物的出产和出售,鼓舞食物出产商出产低糖、无糖食物,协助花费者学习如何辨认添加了糖的养分成分标签。 The daily salt intake for Chinese people is around 10 grams, double the 5 grams recommended by the World Health Organization, Ding said at a news conference on Wednesday. 丁主任在周三的新闻发布会上说,我国人每天的盐摄入量约为10克,是世界清洁组织主张的5克的两倍。 The National Health Commission said 30.1 percent of Chinese adults were overweight in 2012, up by almost a third from 2002, and 11.9 percent were obese, up by just over two-thirds. 国家卫健委标明,2012年,我国成年人中超重的比例达30.1%,比较2002年添加了近三分之一,肥胖的比例达11.9%,比较2002年添加了跨越三分之二。 Among young people between the ages of 6 and 17, 9.6 percent were overweight, double the ratio in 2002, and 6.4 percent were obese, triple the ratio in 2002. 6至17岁的青少年中,超重者的比例为9.6%,是2002年的两倍肥胖者的比例为6.4%,是2002年的三倍。 China has the largest overweight population in the world-43.2 million men and 46.4 million women-with the United States in second place, according to a study published in The Lancet in 2016. 根据2016年宣告在《柳叶刀》杂志上的一项研讨标明,我国男性超重人员和女人超重人员别离达4320万和4640万,是仅次于美国的全球超重人员多的国家。 Mao Qun’an, director of the National Health Commission’s department of planning and information, said changing dietary habits is an extremely difficult task and takes years of effort. 国家卫健委方案与信息司司长毛群安标明,改动饮食习气是一项极端艰巨的使命,需要多年的尽力。 "We hope that as more people start to realize the importance of a healthy diet, they will start to cut intakes of salt, oil and sugar," Mao said. 毛群安说:“咱们期望,跟着越来越多的人初步知道到安康饮食的重要性,我们可以削减盐、油和糖的摄入量。” (全文共401个词,China Daily) 重难点词汇: bulge n. 胀胀大凸出有些 vt. 使胀大使凸起 vi. 胀大凸出 disposable adj. 可任意处置的可安适运用的用完即可丢掉的 recommend vt. 举荐,介绍?凳故艿却懈?vi. 举荐主张
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