
??大师好,今日咱们共享一个很是有用且地道的表达——别闹了, 这个短语的英文表达是: cut it out 别说了!停下!别闹了! Just cut it out! I've had enough of your time wasting. 停下!你那些无聊的东西我受够了。 Come on, man, cut it out! We'll totally get in trouble if you keep throwing the ball in the house! 患了吧,别闹了,老兄!如果你在屋子里不断地扔球,咱们会堕入贫穷的。 If they don't cut it out soon, I'm going to go up there and give them a piece of my mind. 如果他们还不很快遏止,我将会去狠狠地痛斥他们一顿。 Sue: Why, I think you have a crush on Mary! 为甚么,我感触你喜爱马丽。 Tom: Cut it out! 别闹了! Cut it out! yelled To小妹y as Billy hit him again! “别闹了”,当比利再次打他的时辰,汤姆喊道! 和“cut it out”相相同的表达还有: that's enough 不要那样!够了,别闹了(用于阻止不好的行为), That's enough, Peter. Give those toys back, please. 别闹了,彼得。把那些玩具还归去,听话。 All right, that's enough! Open the door. 好了,别闹了,快开门! A: Mo小妹y! Sam is pulling my hair again! 母亲,山姆在拽我的头发! B: That's enough, you two! If I hear a peep out of either of you again, I will turn this car around and drive right back home! 别闹了,你们两个,如果我再听到唧唧声,我会开车掉头回家
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