
??大师好,今日咱们共享一个很是有用且地道的表达——都会老狡徒, 这个短语的英文表达是: city slicker 圆滑的城里人;油腔滑调的城里人 Look at that fool city slicker—he has no idea how to get that horse to listen to him. 看阿谁圆滑的城里人,他根柢不晓得若何让马听他的话。 Don't let that city slicker con you out of all your hard-earned money! 不要让阿谁都会老狡徒骗光你辛劳赚来的钱。 Them city slickers think we're stupid just because we talk different. 那些个都会老狡徒们认为咱们很愚笨,因为咱们遣词的办法纷歧样。 The city slicker didn't know the first thing about fishing for trout. 那一个都会老狡徒对补鳟鱼一点也不领会。 A city slicker looks smart as long as he stays in a place like New York. But you put him down on a farm and he won't do much better than a newborn baby! 一个城里人的老狡徒在像纽约这类场所看起来都很耀眼。可是,你假定把他送到屯子去,他必定甚么也不会干,比一个复生婴儿好不了许多。
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