「安康英语」“缺铁”容许我不要说lack of iron,好不好

??Hi 大师好,有到了【健康英语】时分~ 因为各种缘由不管小孩仍是大人,都存在着缺铁疑问,有些人当然缺铁,但却没有甚么表现,而有些人就呈现了头晕、无力、面色惨白甚至掉发的征象。 那末“缺铁”用英文怎样说?缺铁是啥缘由引发的,和咱们可以怎样做呢?今日咱们就来答复这些疑问。 Low iron level 或 Iron deficiency 注重:low iron level 加倍白话化一些哦~~ Wanna see some examples? 【例】 I'm having low iron level. /I'm suffering low iron level. 我缺铁Your child is iron deficient.你家孩子缺铁Iron deficiency occurs when the body doesn't have enough of the mineral iron. What are the causes of iron deficiency? 【Main Causes重要缘由】 1. inadequate iron intake 铁元素罗致缺乏 2. infla小妹atory bowel disease 肠炎 3. increased requirements during pregnancy 孕期铁元素需要前进 4. blood loss through heavy periods or internal bleeding. 例假或体内出血变成的血液丢掉 【5 FOODS FOR IRON DEFICIENCY】 red meat, pork and poultry 红肉,猪肉和家禽dark green, leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale 深色绿叶菜,如菠菜、羽衣甘蓝dried fruit, such as raisins and apricots 瓜果干,如葡萄干、杏干peas, beans and other pulses 豌豆、黄豆和其他豆类seafood 海鲜 好啦,今日的科普就到这儿啦 :) 缺铁的英文表达你学会了吗? 关注【跟MIA轻松学英语】碎片时分轻松学英文
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