
??场景一 Mom:Time to eat,Dinner’s ready.用饭了,晚餐预备好了。Baby:I’m coming.我来了。Mom: Wash you hands before dinner.饭前要洗手。Baby: Ok,Mom.好的,母亲。Baby:It smells good.闻起来好香。Mom,what’s for dinner tonight.母亲,今日有甚么好吃的?Mom :We have Meat,potatoes and rice for supper.晚上吃肉,马铃薯和米饭。Baby: Great,They are all my favorite foods.太好了,都是我爱吃的菜。Mom: Can you call your dad and your sister,too.你能叫一下你父亲和mm吗。Baby: Sure,Mom. 好的,母亲.Mom: How is it?Isn't it good?味道若何?好吃吗?Baby: Yes, it’s yu小妹y.Thank you for the nice meal.是的,极好吃,感谢你这么好吃的一餐。 场景二 Baby: Mom,can you feed me? 母亲,你能喂我吗?Mom: You should eat by yourself.你要本身吃。Baby: Mom,I don’t like it.母亲,我不喜爱这个。Mom: Don’t be so picky. It’s good for your health.不成以挑食,这个对你的身体极好。Baby: Mom,the soup is too hot.母亲,汤太烫了。Mom: Let’s blow on it.来吹一吹。Baby: I’m thirsty. I want some water. 我口盼望要喝水。Mom: Just a moment.I'll get it for you right away. 请稍后,我登时给你拿过来。Mom: Don't walk around while eating.Sit properly at the table.用饭的时辰不要走来走去,坐好。Baby: yes ,Mom. 好的,母亲。Mom: This dishes is really yu小妹y, would you like to take some.这个菜极好吃,想吃一点吗?Baby:No,thanks.I’m full.不用了,谢谢,我吃饱了。 场景三 Baby: When will breakfast be ready? 何时可以吃早餐?Baby: I’m hungry./ I’m starving. 我饿了。Mom: It will be ready in Five minutes. 五分钟就行了Baby: What’s to eat today? 今日吃甚么?Mom: Noodles. 吃面条。Baby: I don’t like noodles.我不喜爱吃面条Mom: Don’t be a picky eater.不要这么挑嘴。Mom: This is for you ,here you go.这是你的,可以吃了。Mom: Would you like some more?再来一点好吗?Baby: No more.不要了Mom: Honey, you should eat it up.亲爱的,你应当吃清洗。Baby: I’m full,I can’t eat any more.我吃饱了,吃不下了。Mom: one more bite.再吃一口。Mom: Don’t eat so many snacks before dinner.饭前不要吃太多零食。Baby: OK,mu小妹y.好的母亲。 常常运用语句 Stop horsing around. 别再混闹了。 Don’t drum on your bowl with chopsticks,it’s nosiy. 别用筷子敲碗,太吵了。 Be quiet and eat your food. 恬静点用饭。 Don't talk with your mouth full. 嘴巴里有东西时,不要遣词。 Eat more vegetables. 多吃青菜。 Eating breakfast makes you strong. 吃早饭,会让你更健康。 Just try and see if it's good. 先吃一口看看好不好吃. You’ll be late. Hurry up and eat. 要迟到了,快吃。 Don't be picky with your food. 不要挑食。 Don't leave your food uneaten. 食物不成以剩下哦。 You should eat by yourself. 你要本身吃。 Be careful not to drop your food. 稳重食物不要弄掉。 Don't spill the milk. 不要让牛奶洒出来。 Eat slowly and don't rush. 逐渐吃,不要急。 Chew well. 好好嚼。 Use your chopsticks right. 精确使用筷子。 Don't spit out the food. 不要把食物吐出来。 Sit down and eat at the table. 要坐在餐桌用饭。 Sit properly at the table. 好好坐在餐桌旁。 Open your mouth. 嘴巴张大。 What a mess. 良莠不齐的。 It's okay. I'll clean it. 没关系,我来收拾。 Stop eating now. 不要再吃了。 Blow on your food to cool it off. 吹一下,让它冷一点。 Oops!You dropped your food. 哎呀,你弄掉食物了。 Is it okay if I don't finish it all? 可以不要全数吃完吗? I'm almost done eating. 我几近都吃了。 Are you finished? 都吃完了吗? Don't you like it? 你不喜爱吗? Don't you feel like eating? 没食欲吗? Why aren't you eating? 你为甚么不吃? I don't feel like eating much. 我不怎样想吃。 I can't eat in the morning. 我在早上不要吃东西。 I can't reach that dish. 我夹不到菜。 Could you pass me the chopstick? 你能递一下筷子给我吗? 一、手把手教你免费注册美区账号,举荐美区app store好用的儿童软件 二、跟萱宝一块儿学英语,亲子英语起床篇 三、拾掇了这些英语常常运用句型,再也不用担忧亲子英语对话开不了口 四、萱宝上幼儿园的第一天 五、在家怎样英语发蒙?我给萱宝拟定的英语发蒙线路
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