
??07 #英语# ‘I was very surprised to hear about the child,’ she told Marilla. “听到这孩子的事我很受惊,”她对玛丽拉说。 ‘So you and Matthew have adopted her!’ “那末你和马修已收养她了!” ‘I’m surprised myself ’answered Marilla with a smile. “我本身也很受惊”玛丽拉笑着答复。 ‘But she’s a clever little thing, you know. ?歉鲂』婀恚阆谩? And she’s always dancing, or singing, or laughing.’ 她老是跳啊、唱啊、笑啊。” Mrs. Lynda shook her head sadly. ‘What a mistake, Marilla! 林德太太惆怅的摇了摇头。“你犯了个大的缺陷,玛丽拉! You’ve never had any children yourself, so how can you look after her?’ 你本身历来没有有过孩子,你怎样能参谋她呢?” Just then Anne ran in from the garden. 这是安妮从花圃里跑来。 She stopped suddenly when she saw a strange in the kitchen. 当她看到厨房里有个目生人她遽然停了下来。 Mrs. Lynda looked at the thin little girl in the short dress, 林德太太看着穿短裙子的瘦弱的密斯, With her freckled face and red hair. 有班驳的脸和红头发。 ‘Isn’t she thin, Marilla?’ She said. ?嗍莅。昀隼俊彼怠? ‘Just look at those freckles! And hair as red as carrots!’ “看她那些班驳,还有像胡萝卜相同红的头发~” Anne’s face want red. She run up to Mrs. Lynda. 安妮的酡颜了。她跑向林德太太眼前。 ‘I hate you!’ she shouted angrily. ‘I hate you! You’re a horrible, fat old woman!’ And she ran upstairs. “我厌烦你!”她发奋向上的喊道。“我厌烦你!你是个可骇的胖老女人!”她说完就跑上了楼去了。 ‘Oh dear, oh dear!’ said Mrs. Lynda. “天哪,天哪!”德林太太说。 ‘What a terrible child! You’ll not have an easy time with her, Marilla.’ “多糟的孩子!你就甭想省心了,玛丽拉。” ‘You were rude to her, Rachel,’ Marilla replied, before she could stop herself. “你对她太粗暴了,林德,”玛丽拉答复,话没说完,她就后悔了。 悠扬待续~
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