
??lay = v.放,搁;下(蛋)

;铺设,敷设;设置,安设Lay a layer of clay on the displayed layout before the relay race.接力赛之前在展示的铺排上铺一层黏土.

lay aside = v.放置,积储The people's commune laid aside some money for welfare funds.公民公社积累了一有些钱作为福利基金.

lay down = v.放下,扔掉Then he made a fire,ate his meal and lay down to sleep.然后他生了火,吃了饭,就躺下睡觉.

lay hold of = v.捉住,控制

lay in = v.贮藏"The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay," he says in dismay.他沮丧地说:"快活的市长大约躺在婴儿湾边上的干草中.

lay off = v.辞退,中止作业,歇息,划出The doctor told him to lay off a couple of days.医生叫他歇息几天.

lay out = v.摆开,展示,安设,组织,出资The work for tomorrow is all laid out.明日的作业都组织好了.

lay over = v.掩盖,胜过,使延期We laid over for a day at Hangzhou.咱们中途在杭州停留了一天.

lay to = v.把...归(功、罪)

于,尽力干,打The attribution of the play to that famous poet was shown to be wrong.如今现已证明该剧本并非那位闻名诗人所作.

lay up = v.储存,放置,卧床He has laid up some money.他已积下了一些钱.

lay waste = v.损毁

layer = n.层,层次;铺设者Lay a layer of clay on the displayed layout before the relay race.接力赛之前在展示的铺排上铺一层黏土.

layman = n.外行He is a layman in politics.他对政治是个外行人.

layoff = n.暂时辞退,操作中止,活动中止时刻,赋闲期

layout = n.组织,规划,方案;方案图,规划图Lay a layer of clay on the displayed layout before the relay race.接力赛之前在展示的铺排上铺一层黏土.

lazy = a.懒散的,懒散的He's a lazy fellow.他是个懒汉.

lead = v.领导;抢先;通向,致使n.带领,引导;铅She was in the lead during the race.她在赛跑中抢先.

lead off = v.初步Who's going to lead off?谁先初步?

lead the way = v.带路,演示Lead the way please.请带路.

lead to = v.致使,通向This road leads to the center of the town.这条路通向小镇的中心.

lead up to = v.(向上)


He led up to the question of money.他把论题引到钱的疑问上去.

leader = leader n 领袖(lead领导)

-er (1)

表名词,”…人” singer n 歌唱家(sing歌唱)

leader n 领袖(lead领导)

writer n 作家(write写)

insider n 局内助(inside内部)

banker n 银行家(bank银行)

teenager n 青少年(teenage十一到十九岁)

southerner n 南边人(southern南边的)

villager n 乡民(village村庄)


表名词,”物品,机器” washer n 洗衣机(wash洗)

lighter n 打火机(light焚烧)

heater n 加热器(heat加热)

boiler n 锅炉(boil煮)


表名词,”重复做” mutter v 喃喃自语chatter v 滔滔舶(chat谈天+ter)

stutter v 口吃waver v 摇晃(wave不坚决)

batter v 连打,不断打(bat打+ter)

leadership = n.领导John has taken the leadership of the football team.约翰承担了足球队的领导作业.

leading = a.领导的,辅导的;第一位的;最首要的Who's leading in the race?谁在赛跑中抢先?

leaf = n.叶子;(书刊的)

一页,一张;金属薄片The lean man leans on the clean bean plant to read a leaf leaflet.瘦人斜靠在洁净的豆科植物上读叶片传单.

leaflet = leaflet n “小叶,传单(leaf树叶,一页纸)

“-et表名词,”小东西” floweret n 小花(flower花)

lionet n 小狮(lion狮子)

circlet n 小圈(circle圆圈)

packet n 小包,小捆(pack包捆)

注:-let=-et标明”小” booklet n 小册子(book书)

piglet n 小猪(pig猪)

leaflet n “小叶,传单(leaf树叶,一页纸)

“starlet n 小明星,小老婆星(star星星)

league = n.同盟,联盟;联合会,社团Long Tongue League's colleagues are fatigued with cataloguing.长舌联合会的同僚们编目录编累了.

leak = v.漏,泄露n.缝隙,漏隙;泄露,漏出At the breakfast, the steak leaked from the break.早餐时,肉片从缺口处漏出来.

lean = v.倾斜,屈身;倚,靠,依靠a.瘦的,无脂肪的The lean man leans on the clean bean plant to read a leaf leaflet.瘦人斜靠在洁净的豆科植物上读叶片传单.

leap = v.跳,跳动n.跳动,腾跃The reaper leaped over a heap of cheap weapons.收割者跃过成堆贱卖的武器.

learining = learining n 学问(learn学习)

-ing (1)

表名词,”状况” feeling n 豪情(feel感触)

ageing n 老化(age年纪)

learining n 学问(learn学习)

gloaming n 傍晚(gloam逐渐暗下)

mooring n 停靠(moor停船)

clothing n 衣裳(cloth布)

flooring n 地板材料(floor地板)

building n 建筑物(build缔造)

filling n 填料(fill填)

legging n 绑腿(leg腿)

footing n 安身点(foot足)


表名词,”作业” fishing n 渔业(fish鱼)

banking n 银作业(bank银行)

abvertising n 广告业(advertise做广告)

accounting n 会计学(account核算)

shoemaking n 制鞋业(shoe鞋+make制造+ing)

dancing n 舞蹈(dance跳舞)

表描述词,”正 …的”,”令人…的” envoreaging a 煽悦耳心的(encourage鼓舞)

changing a 正在改变的(change改变)

outgoing a 友善的(out出+go走…走出去和别人交游…友善的)

assuming a 自傲的(assume自认为是,认为+ing)

engrossing a 引人入胜的(engross招引)

fascinating a 诱人的(fascinate使…入神)

ingratiating a 凑趣的(ingratiate凑趣,grat感谢)

discriminating a 有区分力的(discriminate分辩)

exhilarating a 使人振奋的(exhilarate振奋,高兴,参阅:hilarious非常高兴的)

riceting a 非常精彩的(rivet柳钉,如柳钉相同牢牢招引住)

inviting a 诱人的(inviet聘请)

learn = v.学习,学,学会;(of,about)

听到,得悉I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning.我得知有学问而细心的人靠学问挣许多钱.

learn by heart = v.记住Try to learn by heart these English words and phrases.尽利巴这些英语单词和词组记住.

learn from = v.向...学习Beginners have to learn from the alphabet.初专家要从字母学起.

learn of = 听到;得悉...的事

learn off = 记熟,背下来

learned = a.博学的,有学问的I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning.我得知有学问而细心的人靠学问挣许多钱.

learning = n.常识,学问;学习I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning.我得知有学问而细心的人靠学问挣许多钱.n.学问(learn学习)


lease = vt.租借,租借n.租借,租期,租借物My lease will expire on September 30th, this year.我的租约本年九月三十日到期.

least = a.最小的;最少的ad.最小;最少I'm busy unless I'm blessed with less lesson.我很忙,除非我很走运只需少量功课.

leather = n.皮革,皮革制品Furthermore, we gathered leather and feather for the future colder weather.而且,咱们搜集了皮革和茸毛以唐塞将来更冷的气候.

leave = v.脱离;留下,忘带;让,听任;交给n.答应;假期The news left me cold.我听了那消息并没觉得怎样 [无动于衷]

leave alone = v.不管

leave behind = v.留下,留传,跨越I'm sorry to have left my notes behind.糟糕,我忘了带笔记.

leave in the air = v.使悬而不决

leave off = v.中止,不再穿Has the rain left off yet?雨停了吗?

leave out = v.省去,遗失,不思考Don't leave the interpreters out in our invitation.在咱们的聘请中,别把舌人漏掉.

lectern = lectern n 诵经台(lect说话+ern)

-ern (1)

表描述词,”…方向的” eatern a 东方的westem a 西方的southern a 南边的northeastren a 东北方的(2)

表名词,”…场所” cavern n 窟窿(cave洞)

satern n 盐场(salt盐)

lectern n 诵经台(lect说话+ern)

cistern n 蓄水泄(cist箱子+ern)

lecture = lecture n 讲课,讲座(lect+ure)

lect,leg=speak,read,标明”讲,读” lecture n 讲课,讲座(lect+ure)

dialect n 方言(dia在…之间+lect=在一有些人之间说=方言)

idiolect n 自个习语(idio自个+lect=一自个说的话)

acrolect n 上层方言(acro高=lect=高层说的话)

legible a 可读的,易读的(leg+ible=可以读的)

illegible a 难读的(il不+legible不能读的)

allege v 主张,声称(al再三+lege=再三讲=声称)

legend n 传奇,图例(leg+end=讲出的东西=传奇故事,引申为地图的图例)

legendary a 传奇的,像传奇相同的(legend+ary)

lecture on = 有关…的讲演(讲课)

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