



  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I want to be a volunteer

  Looking forward to your early reply!


  Li Hua


  【分析】这是一篇使用文作文。标题给了2个项目,写作时只需要选择一个项目进行写作,首要介绍自个应聘的项目及理由。根据材料内容可知,文章要用一般如今时,可以恰当运用一些神态动词。写作中留心上下文的过渡,要契合逻辑联络,契合英语的表达习气。写此类作文,大约通读提纲,掌控要害,断定正确的时态。另外,在写作时要表达理解,信息无缺,言语通畅,语意联接。充分使用好提示言语,使作文规划无缺。写作时,可以运用好词好句,如the reason why…is,such as,for example,so on,等,使文章联接天然,添加文章亮点。



  六、书面表达( 本题有1 小题, 算计15 分)

  10.(15分)假定你是李华.上星期六,你伴随来自美国结对学校的中学生 Peter领会我国文明.请根据以下信息,用英语写一篇短文向校刊 English journey投稿,介绍本次活动内容并共享感触.




  短文首句: Last Saturday, I took peter, a student from America, to experience some Chinese

  六、书面表达( 本题有1 小题, 算计15 分)

  10.(15分)假定你是李华.上星期六,你伴随来自美国结对学校的中学生 Peter领会我国文明.请根据以下信息,用英语写一篇短文向校刊 English journey投稿,介绍本次活动内容并共享感触.




  短文首句: Last Saturday, I took peter, a student from America, to experience some Chinese


  Everything he experienced that day is a great attraction to him.那天他所阅历的悉数对他都是极大的招引力.这儿he experienced that day 作定语润饰everything.

  After that, I took him home and taught him to make zongzi.之后,我带他回家,教他做粽子.这儿teach sb to do sth标明教或人做啥.

  【答复】Last Saturday, I took Peter, a student from America, to experience some Chinese cultures. Everything he experienced that day is a great attraction to him(高分句型).(引出论题)

  In the morning, Peter and I went to visit a tea museum, where he learnt a lot about Chinese tea. After that, I took him home and taught him to make zongzi(高分句型). Although it was a bit difficult, he still enjoyed it. In the afternoon, we had a Chinese class, learning the history of Chinese characters.(介绍本次活动的内容) He also tried to write some characters with a Chinese brush. and even lost himself in it.Peter kept saying "Amazing all the way, which makes me really proud of our rich cultures.(感触)



  七、书面表达(共 1 小题;满分 20 分)

  76. 学校将举办"A Summer for Better English"活动。请你从下面的举荐书单中选择 2 本想阅 读的书刊,然后用英语写一篇短文阐明你的选择意向及理由,在学校的 English Corner 共享。

  A list of books for English skills and fun

  · Basic English Writing

  · Secrets of English Words

  · A Guide to English Listening

  · 20 Topics for English Speaking

  □ Treasure Island

  □ Robinson Crusoe

  □ Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  □ Time for Kids (a magazine)

  留心:(1)有必要从书单中选择 2 本书刊,并论说理由。



  短文首句:To improve our English, the school has given a list of books for us to read this summer.


  To improve our English, the school has given a list of books for us to read this summer. Of all the suggested books, I have decided to choose Secrets of English Words and Time for Kids.

  The first one is a book which may help use English words better. By reading this book, I will surely learn more new words. This will make my future study much easier. Time for Kids is a popular magazine specially written for students, in which I will read interesting stories and have a taste of teen life abroad. So it must be great fun reading it.

  By being part of this activity, I am expecting a big step forward in my English.

  ( 100 words )





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