原版英语英译英高档阅览:Let's hope against hope

  原版英语英译英微阅览:Let's hope against hope咱们“学习”英语多年,“难的”不是记不住中文(意思),中文是咱们的母语,不必故意“记”也会“记住”。“难的”是咱们记不住中辞意思“对应”的英语原句原话,“更难的”是记不住那句英语原句原话的“英语意思”。这本身就是一种需要重复强化练习才干获得的英语才能。咱们之所以要“学并学好”英语,本质讲就是为了要练习并获得这个如同骑单车相同,学会就不会忘掉的才能,而非另外“意图”:学英语口语是为了跟人交流,为了“用”等等虚无缥缈的东西。咱们倒好,因为用英语记英语这个才能“难”,也没有因为“难”而尽力去战胜它,打败它,反而转向用中文学英语,用中文记英语,让用英语学英语,用英语记英语这个正本就没有的才能持续“空缺”。如今你理解,你用中文学英语许多年,也很尽力,成果却是仍然一场空的道理是啥了吧?那个你故意躲避的英语记英语才能没有就是没有,不会因为你用中文学英语记英语而有任何改动。1) 面临下面的英语,你用来练习的,是“记住”它的英语,仍是“晓得并记住”它的中文“啥意思”?1.Three days have gone bye.But they're just hoping against hope that she's still alive.2. She glanced about the hall, hoping against hope that Richard would be waiting for her.3. I know she said that she wasn't going to come home for Christmas, but I'm hoping against hope she'll change her mind.4. We hope against all hope that she'll see the right thing to do and do it. 5. There is little point in hoping against hope, except that it makes you feel better.2) 这是咱们需要练习的才能,也是需要记住的英语:1.Okay.I got you.When we say We hope against hope we mean we hope very strongly that something will happen, although we know it is not likely.说真话,高中以上英语水平记住这样的英语不是啥很难的才能才干做到,疑问是你做了没有?2. Okay.I got you.If you hope against hope that something will happen, you hope that it will happen, although it seems impossible.It seems impossible就是It is not likely=It seems unlikely呀!不必英语记英语,咱们如何能做到丰厚自个“一义多词”的英语表达才能?3 To hope against hope means To continue having hope though it seems baseless=impossible=unlikely=not likely=hopeless to happen.莫非咱们经过学习一句英语能“学并记住”一大堆英语不比只记住一句对应的中文要好吗?所以,大约“滚出我国教室的”不是英语本身,是你多年来学习英语的理念和办法!

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