微阅览:今日总算会用英语说“有用期”了:Best by date?

  微阅览:今日总算会用英语说“有用期”了:Best by date?1) 中文“有用期”是一个单词,因而,咱们在?怠庇⒂锸币蚕捌缘亍叭フ夷歉鲇⒂锏ゴ?是啥)”,这是咱们英语一向学不好的本源之一。2) 中文“有用期”其实是个语义迷糊又广泛的表达,因为没阐明“是啥”的有用期:护照有用期?合同有用期?稳妥有用期?在这方面,英语就纷歧样了:英语要“具体得多”,或许“窄”得多,例如,中文说“山”,很广泛,英语就要问你:a mountain,or a hill? 你得说具体喽。咱们这儿的“有用期”就说“食物有用期”吧!3) 信息输入:What does it mean?1. Best by/before date,what is it?What does best before mean?“Best before” is there to describe the food quality.If the food has just passed this expiration date then it will be safe for you to eat – keep it.2.After a Date Expires – Stores are not asked by law to remove food from the food shelf once the expiration date has passed. The “Best Before Date” is the last date when a food product's flavor and/or quality is best,like bread,or fruits. A best-by date means the best period of time during which the producers feel that their product will keep its best original quality. As a matter of fact, the product may still be enjoyed,or safe to eat after the “best before date”.可见,英语“(食物)有用期”要学会?怠绷街钟⒂铮?.?怠彼淖置妫簿褪窃勖且话慊帷岸缘取钡街形睦锏牡ゴ蔅est by,or best before (a date).2.?怠彼囊馑肌U饩褪窃勖切枰抟祷帷坝糜⒂镅в⒂铩钡牡钡亓恕6恋缴衔牡挠⒂飔he food quality, expiration date=a date expires=the expiration date has passed=when a food product's flavor and/or quality is best,like bread,or fruits. A best-by date means the best period of time等英语了吗?咱们可以练习咱们?怠庇⒂铮泊试炀涞牟拍芰恕?) ?怠庇⒂铮篛kay.I got you.1.Okay.I got you.We can say foods like bread,or fruits can be eaten Best by,or before a date.2.We can say Best by or best before (a date for food) is about the food quality.3.Best by or best before means the food expiration date(这才是说明英语best before的英语意思,而不是死记它跟中辞意思的对应。下同),or means when a food fate expires,or when a food expiration date will pass.一般人这么“学说”英语长句感到很费劲。4.Best by ,or best before only means a food's taste is the best before a date,but it is still safe to eat it after the best before date,after the date expires,after the expiration date.如今你跟人攀谈英语,就不再是“蹦”单词了,而是可以跟对方聊聊a topic了。也唯有如此用英语学习英语之后,你才有可以跟老外“谈天”,三五句,五六句。

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